Boe Bot Servo Motors Gone Wrong:-(
I have a Parallax Boe Bot (USB) and the motors are weird. The right servo is going counterclockwise and the left is going clockwise. What does it mean and how to fix it? I tried centering the servos, testing them, but NONE of them even worked. I also tried reassembling it. My Parallax Boe Bot (USB) has a ping))) and is mounted on. When I do the programming or testing, it goes in circles because the motors are going different directions. If you have a reason or explanation please post!

Thank you! :-)

Thank you! :-)
Are you using the BoeBot book? It's all in there. Don't cheat yourself, read every word of Andy Lindsay's genius.
From what you say your Boe-Bot is going backwards.
Either you have your servo wired backwards or your PULSOUT commands are backwards.
Note that the PULSOUT for P13 (Left Servo) always comes first.