"The Better Mousetrap" Servo Tester
Bill Henning
Posts: 6,445
Hi guys,
I've decided that my new servo tester (based on RoboPi) deserved a page of its own on my site... as it is taking a life of its own, beyond its original mandate (helping me calibrate HexPi)
Here is its build log page:
I'd love feedback from y'all! (and answer any questions you may have)
I've decided that my new servo tester (based on RoboPi) deserved a page of its own on my site... as it is taking a life of its own, beyond its original mandate (helping me calibrate HexPi)
Here is its build log page:
I'd love feedback from y'all! (and answer any questions you may have)
I hope to get enough "Real Work" (tm) done today to start wiggling HexPi's legs later today
1) I was including the PWM object from the wrong directory, it was configured for a 80MHz prop, instead of a 100MHz prop
2) I needed to add a lot of capacitance to the MG-995's to calm them down, I suspect they drive the microcontroller in the servo off the servo power without filtering or regulating it! I'll need to order some bigger electrolytic caps for the lab.
More pics with scope captures at
Right now I am packaging up the new RoboPi firmware / object / Pi libraries, will upload them to my site in an hour or two.
After that, it will be time to connect TBMST to HexPi and wiggle some legs!
Internal or external filter caps?
I'll be doing more experiments, I think I could fit maybe a 47uF + 100nF cap internally. I'll report my findings.
I am going to tear down one of the servos - starting with the kentucky fried one - and see if they really left off filter caps!
The only real difference I noticed is that it provides a 5V servo control signal, where TBMST provides 3.3V servo control signal, current limited by a 2k4 resistor.
I'm going to try TBMST with less current limiting, and perhaps with conversion to 5V signal. (pics @ http://www.mikronauts.com/2014/06/06/more-tbmst-testing/)
I went to a local electronics supplier today and got some larger electrolytic caps to play with.
4x 3300uf
4x 4700uf
4x 6800uf
I'm like a dog with a bone - I will not let the cheap servos defeat me!
The answer is NO!
It is the the servo power supply!
Now I just have to come up with a clean enough power source, and I can resume my HexPi build!
More details at: