Basic Stamp and Colorpal Sensor
Posts: 4
Hello. Our colorpal can detect the colors we need it to. However, we want to have one color represent a high and the other to represent a low and these signals would go to an output pin on the microcontroller. How do we assign the variables and ranges so the sensor can detect the color and either send a high or a low. Any help appreciated. Thanks.
There is sample code available from the website.
' \{$PBASIC 2.5\}\par
' =========================================================================\par
[ Program Description ]
' This program drives the Parallax ColorPAL color sensor and provides\par
' serial RGB data to the PC-hosted TCS230_ColorPAL_match.exe color\par
' matching program.\par
[ I/O Definitions ]
sio PIN 15 ' Serial I/O com pin for ColorPAL.\par
[ Constants ]
' Baudrate definitions. Serial I/O must be open-drain. The ColorPAL includes\par
' a pullup internally.\par
#CASE BS2, BS2E, BS2PE\par
baud CON 119 + 32768\par
baud CON 327 + 32768\par
baud CON 536 + 32768\par
[ Variables ]
red VAR Word ' Received RGB values from ColorPAL.\par
grn VAR Word\par
blu VAR Word\par
[ Initialization ]
GOSUB Reset ' Reset the ColorPAL and enter direct command mode.\par
[ Program Code ]
SEROUT sio, baud, ["= (00 $ m) !"] 'Program ColorPAL to send $ then color data.\par
SERIN sio, baud, [WAIT("$"), HEX3 red, HEX3 grn, HEX3 blu] ' Receive RGB data back.\par
DEBUG "R", DEC4 red, " G", DEC4 grn, " B", DEC4 blu, CR ' Output it.\par
'Changes Made\par
OUTPUT 13\par
IF "R" > $0010 THEN OUT13=1\par
[ Subroutines ]
' Reset: Sends a long break to reset ColorPAL and enter direct command mode.\par
LOW sio 'Pull sio low to eliminate any residual charge.\par
INPUT sio 'Return pin to input.\par
DO UNTIL sio : LOOP 'Wait for pin to be pulled high by ColorPAL.\par
LOW sio 'Pull pin low.\par
PAUSE 50 'Keep low for 50ms to enter Direct mode.\par
INPUT sio 'Return pin to input.\par
PAUSE 10 'Pause another 10ms\par
We want the sensor to detect the color red and send a high pulse to an output when the color red is put in front of it. When red is not infront of the sensor, we want the output to be low, or 0. This needs to continuously loop as well.