Make: Drawbot
Just saw this 2-servo drawing bot in Make magazine (volume 39, inside cover). No electronics, driven by a stereo audio signal. Very creative thinking, plus they used Parallax servos:
Mechanically, somewhat similar to my 3-servo BS2 printer:
Mechanically, somewhat similar to my 3-servo BS2 printer:
I think that should be "using a stereo jack as a connector". The signal is still just normal servo pulses. One servo has the signal coming in over the right line and the other is using the left line.
It uses a separate power line.
IMO, the changed connectors just make the project harder than it needs to be. They're using two connections anyway why not just use the normal servo connections and not have to change the connector on the servos?
IMO (again) your 3-servo BS2 printer is a huge step up from the Make arm. You didn't even have to change the servo connectors.
Maybe they couldn't find any panel mount servo connectors and that's why they went through the trouble of adding unneeded connectors?
Edit: I likely didn't understand the article (I just skimmed it.) I'll make sure and read it carefully before I offer another opinion about it. Thanks Rich.
Edit again: Wow! I was way off. Sorry erco and other readers of my off base ramblings. I should read things more carefully before criticizing them.
One man's faulty interpretation can still be a great idea!
FCC approved R/C kind of works like that no?
Did you read this part?
No I didn't. I better reread the article.
Thanks for the correction Rich. Thanks for posting the interesting article erco.
There were a couple of things that happened today to make me wonder about my cognitive abilities. Spring fever? I like that excuse better than senility.
For the DrawBot it's all about the "right kind" of audio signal that makes the difference. Electronics still control the servos, in this case a smart phone or other computer running software that generates the tones.
In days long ago, a homebrew laser light show technique used R/C servos and a 556 timer. An audio signal is fed into the voltage pin of one half of the 556. The chip is wired to produce reasonably good 1-2 ms pulses at the desired 50 Hz frame rate, and the servo turns back and forth to the music. On a robot, music is too random to produce anything but a drunky bot, but it creates interesting effects when using mirrors mounted on X/Y servos and a laser. I included this project in an book I did back in the late 80s, and the idea was old even then. Not that old is bad, right Erco?
The SVG-reading software used by the Drawbot is a super-duper cool thing. That ought to win a medal right there!
Most of these simple circuits can't possibly deliver a fixed pulse rate independent of the pulsewidth. They produce a 1-2 ms pulse but frankly my dear they don't give a damn about the 20 ms pause (ie 50 hz refresh rate) and somehow the servos survive. I assume they work. Here's one which says the off time is 40 ms. Hopefully old (!) analog servos don't mind the wait.
I always heard that the rule was it was OK to send more pulses (faster than 50 hz) but not less.
The single-555 circuits can work okay as long as the pulse train is inverted, usually done with a diode, as is the case with the first circuit you pointed to. I've build a couple of these, and they work okay. The dual 555 or 556 offers a little more control.