Looking for Schematic for Propellerpowered Quick Proto Lite board

I've got a few of OBC's Quick Proto Lite boards; he was shipping them when you bought a Quick Start from him for a while. I've got a project that I think would use the board to its full advantage, but I can't find a schematic for the board. Yes, I checked over at Propellerpowered. Someone else was looking for a schematic about a year ago, but I never found where one was posted. I left a query over there, but his site has gone rather quiet over the last several months.
Anyway, has anyone else ever developed a schematic for this board? If not, I guess I'll reverse-engineer one, but being the lazy guy that I am, thought I'd check and see if someone else has already done the work.
Anyway, has anyone else ever developed a schematic for this board? If not, I guess I'll reverse-engineer one, but being the lazy guy that I am, thought I'd check and see if someone else has already done the work.
if so, it's a trivial reverse engineering job.
Here's the board layout (from Propellerpowered)