I just learned about the existence of RoboLinux from an Elektor email...
Posts: 2,719
but research seems to suggest that it's a scam. Anyone have experience/opinion?
that are done in any generic install of xp in a vm.
This is the direction I am going with all new hardware, Ubuntu, virtual box,and my existing xp pro. No more $ to u$oft.
Surely there must be some penalty to pay when there are two OS's running (?)
Think of it this way . I am LIke dell and I bake and roll my own install of a OS . and casue a VMs HW is static you can make it Once and its gonna run fine on any VM host that can * fake * 2 GB ram and a single core of CPU ..
as fast as I can drag a VDI off a 8 GB SD card in to the Dir of where I keep my VMs on my main HDD I can get a OS to its base state . programs included .
By the way, have you tried XP lately? The virtual version is a delight on Robolinux and is free from all of the usual annoyances that haunt Windows Internet Explorer.
Sounds great. As long as they have not taken Debian an broken it like Ubuntu does. Sounds like it's worth a try.
Which aspect of Ubuntu are you referring to, the unity interface/desktop?
Well no. It's just that I have often had trouble building software on Ubuntu because of the way they break dependent packages. I've had whatever I type into a window not going into window because it does not get focus some how. I've had my graphics go all rainbow coloured at random because, well who knows why.
Life is to short for all that so I just use Debian now.