There is a "New" button. Press that (so that it looks pressed) and it will cause "Debug" to break on any coginit ... including the first one that loads the spin interpreter. Press it again to not stop on any coginit while "Debug" is running.
Debug performance should be better now. You can set delay to 1 and the program will still respond.
I'm no longer trying to track instruction cycles in debug mode. That is rdlong will not "stutter" anymore.
Hopefully you guys can't break this version. If it looks good, I'll cut it in as an option for running on PropellerIDE.
I'd still like to add a logic analyzer and device options at some point.
There is a "New" button. Press that (so that it looks pressed) and it will cause "Debug" to break on any coginit ... including the first one that loads the spin interpreter. Press it again to not stop on any coginit while "Debug" is running.
What a neat idea!!
I'll hit the ground testing tomorrow morning! (There's probably some work stuff people want me to do...but I'll adjust!)
I thought we were supposed to try and break it?
Launching from PropellerIDE into a debugger will be pretty cool. It's like a complete IDE!
Thanks, Steve (and Dave),,,,,another great creation!
I was leaning towards a program to test all of the previous things that were talked about, but ... The program below is the best that I could come up with, maybe the experts can add to this to cover the missing items.
I am still not sure about that clock thing, I liked that hypnotic spiraling doodad :-), other than that it seems to working as expected.
_clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x
_xinfreq = 5_000_000
PUB Main
coginit(0,@Tasker, 0)
{Tasker P16 & P17}
org 0
Tasker mov Task2, #P17_led
P16_led ' Task for P16
mov dira, Pin
mov Time, cnt
add Time, Delay
jmpret Task1, Task2
waitcnt Time, Delay
xor outa, Pin
waitcnt Time, Delay
xor outa, Pin
jmpret Task1, Task2
jmp #P16_led
P17_led ' Task for P17
jmpret Task2, Task1
mov dira, Pin1
mov Time1, cnt
add Time1, Delay1
waitcnt Time1, Delay1
xor outa, Pin1
waitcnt Time1, Delay1
xor outa, Pin1
jmpret Task2, Task1
jmp #P17_led
' Just in case
jmp #$
Pin long |< 16
Delay long 80_000_000
Pin1 long |< 17
Delay1 long 80_000_000/2
Time res 1
Time1 res 1
Task1 res 1
Task2 res 1
{Toggle P18}
org 0
ToggleP18 mov dira, Pin2
mov Time2, cnt
add Time2, Delay2
:loop waitcnt Time2, Delay2
xor outa, Pin2
waitcnt Time2, Delay2
xor outa, Pin2
jmp #:loop
' Just in case
jmp #$
Pin2 long |< 18
Delay2 long 80_000_000/4
Time2 res 1
The program below works as expected on the QS board, but on the Simulator it works differently. The P16 is flashing very quickly and not the desired delay rate.
_clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x
_xinfreq = 5_000_000
PUB Main
org 0
mov dira, Pin ' make pin an output
mov Time, cnt ' Calculate delay time
add Time, Delay
waitcnt Time, Delay ' Wait
call #flashon
waitcnt Time, Delay ' Wait
call #flashoff
jmp :Main
flashon xor outa, Pin ' set output pin high
flashon_ret ret
flashoff xor outa, Pin ' make pin low?
flashoff_ret ret
' Just in case
jmp #$ ' end processor loop
' jmp #$+1 ' end Simulator loop
' jmp #$-1
Pin long |< 16
Delay long 80_000_000
Time res 1
temp res 1
The program below works as expected on the QS board, but on the Simulator it works differently. The P16 is flashing very quickly and not the desired delay rate.
The jump to :Main must be "immediate": jmp #:Main
Using # in #:Main says jump to that location.
Omitting the # means jump to the contents of that location.
The program below works as expected in the Simulator, but does not work very well on the QS board. In the Simulator checking and unchecking P0 turns the P16 on or off. On the QS board I was expecting to see the LED turn on, on the first press, and then turn off on the next press. Not sure as to how that could be solved.
Since the PropellerIDE provides a way to do terminal IO programs, will the Simulator be a able to simulate also?
_clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x
_xinfreq = 5_000_000
PUB Main
org 0
mov dira, Pin ' set pin direction
mov outa, #0 ' make all outputs low
mov temp, ina ' grab the input
and temp, #1 ' mask out all but P#0
tjz temp, #:flashoff
mov outa, Pin ' else set output pin high
jmp #:loop ' and then loop
mov outa, #0
' xor outa, Pin ' make pin low
jmp #:loop
'flashoff_ret ret
' Just in case
jmp #$
Pin long |< 16
temp res 1
The QS touch pads aren't simple switches. They need special treatment to read as shown in the Whack-a-mole program. I haven't found the PASM version of this code.
Hook up a push button or switch (with a resistor) to the input pin on the QS and it will work like the simulator.
I don't play on demand, I certainly don't expect you to push on demand!!
Also, the use of ret requires a call (or jmpret).
There is a "New" button. Press that (so that it looks pressed) and it will cause "Debug" to break on any coginit ... including the first one that loads the spin interpreter. Press it again to not stop on any coginit while "Debug" is running.
Debug performance should be better now. You can set delay to 1 and the program will still respond.
I'm no longer trying to track instruction cycles in debug mode. That is rdlong will not "stutter" anymore.
Hopefully you guys can't break this version. If it looks good, I'll cut it in as an option for running on PropellerIDE.
I'd still like to add a logic analyzer and device options at some point.
What a neat idea!!
I'll hit the ground testing tomorrow morning! (There's probably some work stuff people want me to do...but I'll adjust!)
I thought we were supposed to try and break it?
Launching from PropellerIDE into a debugger will be pretty cool. It's like a complete IDE!
Thanks, Steve (and Dave),,,,,another great creation!
I am still not sure about that clock thing, I liked that hypnotic spiraling doodad :-), other than that it seems to working as expected.
Using # in #:Main says jump to that location.
Omitting the # means jump to the contents of that location.
Hi Marko!
It does the right thing in that case as far as I can tell. The posted code was just wrong.
Any help flushing out problems in the simulator is certainly appreciated.
Since the PropellerIDE provides a way to do terminal IO programs, will the Simulator be a able to simulate also?
Hook up a push button or switch (with a resistor) to the input pin on the QS and it will work like the simulator.