Help with IR and whiskers
Posts: 2
Long time guest, first time member. I bought a used and completely assembled BoeBot from a friend several months back and now just figuring out how to operate it. I stumble across this video of someone else's BoeBot tracking and following IR. How would I combine this(IR chasing) with a dodging mechanism like whiskers. Also, is there a copy of the BoeBot book online? Thank you
Long time guest, first time member. I bought a used and completely assembled BoeBot from a friend several months back and now just figuring out how to operate it. I stumble across this video of someone else's BoeBot tracking and following IR. How would I combine this(IR chasing) with a dodging mechanism like whiskers. Also, is there a copy of the BoeBot book online? Thank you
The answer to both of your questions is yes. In fact the Boe-Bot text has example programs for both following a light, or another Boe-Bot, and avoiding obstacles such as walls.
Here is a link to the text:
Chapter 4 - Navigation (Basic)
Chapter 5 - Whiskers
Chapter 6 - Phototransistor (Many of the programs can be downloaded)
Chapter 7 - IR Sensors
Chapter 8 - Distance detection using IR Sensors
Here is the code for Chapter 6:
You should see if your friend still has the Boe-Bot text and any of he remaining sensors from the parts kit.
Here is the replacement parts kit, which has everything you need:
This is a link to many other examples of what can be done with a Boe-Bot:
Enjoy your Boe-Bot and if have any more questions feel free to ask.