Craziest government decision ever?

Just go to Google and search:
drain 38 million gallons
Then pick the link of your choice.
Absolutely nuts.
drain 38 million gallons
Then pick the link of your choice.
Absolutely nuts.
People tell me it's because I'm an old guy and I don't understand anything in the modern world.
Which might well be true.
On the other hand the evidence supporting my observation is overwhelming. Like this story.
Such stories keep coming everyday.
this shows it again . The world has gone nuts.
I'm sure no birds fly over it, no critters come to drink from it, etc......
Assuming an average bladder capacity of 16 ounces (and he had good aim), it's like .003mg/l which is below the levels for many of the carcinogenic contaminants the EPA monitors.
Arsenic - 0.010
Cadmium - 0.005
Carbon Tetrachloride - 0.005
Cyanide - 0.2
I was also surprised when I read that.
There was at least one report that small animals had fallen in and drowned there without them deciding to drain it. Birds can obviously fly overhead and do what birds like to do. I would imagine that duck and geese actually land on the water at times. Apparently they just pump it directly into the pipes with no further treatment.
Kinda makes you think doesn't it?
The artesian well that supplies the subdivision where we live (in the summer) supplies more water than we could ever use. The overflow runs continuously into a nearby creek, then a river, then the Columbia river, then the Pacific ocean. The paltry amount we use makes no difference. Besides, after natural bioremediation it ends up in the same place, anyway.
Nothing is worse than San Diego county's "water treatment" facility: the Pacific Ocean. Every day they pump 180 million gallons of barely-treated sewage 4.5 miles offshore and hope the ocean currents carry it all away. Yuck! And yes, every so often the "poop pipe" breaks somewhere and they have to close beaches as the sewage washes ashore. They don't show THAT in the travel brochures!
Ut oh. Now you've done it. You've thrown down the gauntlet to each and every AARP member who's got something to prove.
Yeah, but that's Oklahoma for ya. It's wall-to-wall oil people there.
There they do what that Oregon teen did into their own water supply but in Oklahoma they are happy to drink it. They just call it fracking, not p--ing.