Transporter Boe - Bot signaling question
Situatiion: I have a Boe-Bot that we are using as a transporter with a trailer attached and we are using the Ping kit and sensor to autotomically travel through a maze course. We are wanting the Boe Bot to send a signal to the left turn signal when the left servo is activated and another signal when the right servo is activated. It needs to send a signal to pin 12 or pin 13 . When right servo turns, pin 13 needs a high. When the left servo turns we need a high on pin 12. How would we write this in our code?
and on leaving the subroutine, just before the RETURN you add
LOW 13.
In the ´turn left´ subroutine you add a first line
and on leaving that subroutine you add
LOW 12.