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Test Parallax Mouse vs. PS/2 Spec — Parallax Forums

Test Parallax Mouse vs. PS/2 Spec

coryco2coryco2 Posts: 107
edited 2014-04-24 08:49 in Propeller 1
I was experimenting with the Test Parallax Mouse object, and wanted to have it return the mouse x/y values for any given moment, instead of incrementing/decrementing the value for each. I thought this could be done by simply changing the add operators to variable assignment operators:
PUB MouseDisplay | mousex, mousey, mousez, mousebtns

  mouse.start(24, 25)                            ' Start mouse
  debug.start(31, 30, 0, 57600)                  ' Start serial connection

  waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt)                         ' Wait 1 s before starting

  ' Display static text.
  debug.str(String(CLS, "Mouse", CR, "x = ", CR, "y = ", CR, "scroll = ", CR, "CRL", HOME))

    mousex += mouse.delta_x                      ' Get mouse data   (original) 
    mousey += mouse.delta_y
    mousez += mouse.delta_z
    mousebtns := mouse.buttons      

    mousexread := mouse.delta_x                      ' Get mouse data (altered)
    mousex := mouse.delta_x                     
    mousey := mouse.delta_y
    mousez += mouse.delta_z
    mousebtns := mouse.buttons      
    debug.str(string(CRSRXY, 4, 1))              ' Display mouse data    
    debug.str(string(CLREOL, CRSRXY, 4, 2))
    debug.str(string(CLREOL, CRSRXY, 9, 3))
    debug.str(string(CLREOL, CR, CR))
    debug.bin(mouse.buttons, 5)
    waitcnt(clkfreq/20 + cnt)

The PS/2 mouse spec indicates an x/y movement range from -255 to 255 utilizing a byte for each and a third byte containing a sign and overflow bit for each. But I am seeing returns values well outside that range however. Does anyone know why this is? Is Test Mouse not using the PS/2 spec, and if not, how are the data packets from the mouse being interpreted?


  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2014-04-15 14:21
    Have you tried the "abs_x" and "abs_y" methods? It looks like they return absolute locations.
  • coryco2coryco2 Posts: 107
    edited 2014-04-15 15:28
    I tried using the abs methods, but the returned values are not what I'm looking for. I need the most recent x byte and y byte values returned from the mouse. To my mind, that's what the delta return values should be, but they exceed the -255 to 255 range in the PS/2 spec, so they must be processed somehow by the driver or Test Parallax Mouse demo?

    I adapted the code (adding a couple of local variables for the mousereads) to capture the max delta values returned to test it for sure; they do exceed 255:
    mousexread := mouse.delta_x                      ' Get mouse data 
        IF mousexread > mousex
        mouseyread := mouse.delta_y
        IF mouseyread > mousey
        mousez += mouse.delta_z
        mousebtns := mouse.buttons     

    Any thoughts?
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2014-04-15 15:52
    I saw Mouse.spin in the Propeller Tool Library but I didn't see Test Parallax Mouse. Do you have a link?
  • Mike GMike G Posts: 2,702
    edited 2014-04-15 16:01
    Briefly, opening and reading the Mouse.spin source code reveled the mouse.delta_x returns the difference between an old sample value and a new sampled value. Adding the delta to mousex results in the current x position given some starting X position. I believe you already have the X and Y positions in the original example.

    There is also a bound_limits method which appears to set the max/min x,y, and z.
  • coryco2coryco2 Posts: 107
    edited 2014-04-15 16:02
    It is an example from the PS/2 adapter documentation here:
    '' Test Parallax Mouse.spin
    '' Displays Parallax mouse X, Y, and Scroll button coordinates along with the scroll wheel,
    '' right and left button states in the Parallax Serial Terminal.
    '' See 28060-PS2Adapter.pdf for schematics and instructions. 
      _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x                      ' System clock settings
      _xinfreq = 5_000_000
      HOME   = 1                                     ' Parallax Serial Terminal constants 
      CRSRXY = 2
      CR     = 13
      CLREOL = 11
      CLS    = 16
      mouse : "Mouse"                                ' Declare Mouse object
      debug : "FullDuplexSerial"                     ' Declare FullDuplexSerial object
    PUB MouseDisplay | mousex, mousey, mousez, mousebtns
      mouse.start(24, 25)                            ' Start mouse
      debug.start(31, 30, 0, 57600)                  ' Start serial connection
      waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt)                         ' Wait 1 s before starting
      ' Display static text.
      debug.str(String(CLS, "Mouse", CR, "x = ", CR, "y = ", CR, "scroll = ", CR, "CRL", HOME))
        mousex += mouse.delta_x                      ' Get mouse data    
        mousey += mouse.delta_y
        mousez += mouse.delta_z
        mousebtns := mouse.buttons  
        debug.str(string(CRSRXY, 4, 1))              ' Display mouse data    
        debug.str(string(CLREOL, CRSRXY, 4, 2))
        debug.str(string(CLREOL, CRSRXY, 9, 3))
        debug.str(string(CLREOL, CR, CR))
        debug.bin(mouse.buttons, 5)
        waitcnt(clkfreq/20 + cnt)
  • coryco2coryco2 Posts: 107
    edited 2014-04-15 17:17
    @Mike G.:
    So the delta_x and delta_y methods are giving the change in the values between calls of those methods then; and not the x and y movement bytes the mouse is reporting?

    I'm not proficient in assembly, but it looks like the x and y received movement bytes are being immediately added to their previous values. How could I retrieve just the raw bytes received from the mouse?
  • Mike GMike G Posts: 2,702
    edited 2014-04-15 18:15
    I'm not proficient in assembly, but it looks like the x and y received movement bytes are being immediately added to their previous values.
    You got it! The delta is added to the previous value which results in a new (x,y) position.
    How could I retrieve just the raw bytes received from the mouse?
    That would be the absolute values suggested by Duane Degn in post #4.

    You could roll up your sleeves and study mouse.spin. I guarantee it will help your assembly proficiency.
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2014-04-15 19:58
    coryco2 wrote: »
    I'm not proficient in assembly, but it looks like the x and y received movement bytes are being immediately added to their previous values. How could I retrieve just the raw bytes received from the mouse?

    If you told us more about what you're trying to do, we might be able to help you better.

    I agree with your assessment of the PASM code.

    As Mike G. suggests, this could be a good time to try a bit of PASM yourself.

    To catch the raw values and write them to the hub. I added a few lines to the PASM indicating where I think you'd want to write data to the hub.

    Besides the delta x and y values, I also included a "readCount" variable so the parent object could know when new information was read and how many reads had occurred.
    test    _buttons,#$10   wc      'adjust _x
                            muxc    data,signext
                            add     _x,data
                            wrlong  data, deltaXPtr         '' added by DWD
                            call    #receive                'receive third byte
                            test    _buttons,#$20   wc      'adjust _y
                            muxc    data,signext
                            add     _y,data
                            wrlong  data, deltaYPtr         '' added by DWD
                            add     readCount, #1           '' added by DWD
                            and     _buttons,#1          'trim buttons
                            wrlong  readCount, readCountPtr '' added by DWD
                            cmp     _present,#2     wc      'if not scrollwheel mouse, update parameters

    There's a big problem doing it this way though. Your Spin loop is going to miss a bunch of these delta values.

    If you were to monitor the readCount value, this would be jumping in by large amounts. There would be many delta values you'd miss.

    Here's what the output looks like:
    x = 50
    y = 116
    scroll = 0
    delta x = 4
    delta y = 1
    readCount = 1424

    When I tried this modified version I noticed the readCount amount only changed when the mouse was moved. Apparently the code only writes to the hub when there's new data to write. When the mouse data does change, it changes too fast for Spin to keep up with. I think this is one reason the raw delta information isn't normally written to the hub. The information changes too fast to be useful to code running in Spin.
  • coryco2coryco2 Posts: 107
    edited 2014-04-16 17:33
    Ok, thanks for the suggestions. I think I will try to wade into the driver assembly a bit and see what I can do. My initial thought was to just change the "add" to "mov" in this line

    add _y,data

    and likewise for _x and just use the existing delta method calls to get the values. Does that seem reasonable?
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2014-04-16 18:04
    coryco2 wrote: »
    Does that seem reasonable?

    It depends on what you are trying to do.

    The code attached to post #9 lets you access the raw delta amounts but these amounts change so fast they don't do you much good in Spin.
  • Mike GMike G Posts: 2,702
    edited 2014-04-17 03:57
    Why do you want the the raw offset data from the mouse? Is this project for your own educational enjoyment?
    I was experimenting with the Test Parallax Mouse object, and wanted to have it return the mouse x/y values for any given moment, instead of incrementing/decrementing the value for each.
    This is exactly what the demo application does.
    The PS/2 mouse spec indicates an x/y movement range from -255 to 255 utilizing a byte for each and a third byte containing a sign and overflow bit for each
    The PS2 movement data packet returns the relative offset in position from the previous packet. It does NOT return an absolute X/Y values alluded to in your original post. The mouse has no idea if it is on your forehead or mouse pad.
  • coryco2coryco2 Posts: 107
    edited 2014-04-24 08:49
    Both; I'm trying to understand how the PASM driver acquires and manipulates the data packets from the mouse.

    Is there any more verbose annotation or just a written explanation available for how the Mouse object works? It's pretty slow going for me trying to decode what's going on. So far, this is what I think is happening:
    '* Assembly language PS/2 mouse driver *
    ' Entry
    entry                   mov     p,par                   'load input parameters:
                                                            'par value here is the par_x address passed from Spin in the Start method
                            add     p,#5*4                  '_dpin/_cpin
                                                            'Increase p by 20 (i.e to equal the address five 4-byte longs ahead of par_x)
                            rdlong  _dpin,p                 'Read main memory at the address of p (i.e. par_dpin) and store in _dpin 
                            add     p,#4                    'Increase p by 4 (i.e. the address one 4-byte long ahead of par_dpin) 
                            rdlong  _cpin,p                 'Read main memory at the address of p (i.e. par_cpin) and store in _cpin
                                                            'set pin masks
                            mov     dmask,#1                'Set dmask to 000000_00000000_00000000_00000001                                                     
                            shl     dmask,_dpin             'shift dmask left by _dpin number of bits
                            mov     cmask,#1                '(do the same as above for cmask)
                            shl     cmask,_cpin
                                                            'modify port registers within code  ***PURPOSE?***
                            test    _dpin,#$20      wc      'bitwise AND _dpin and 20, set C flag if result contains an odd number of high bits.
                            muxc    _d1,dlsb                'set each bit in _d1 corresponding to dlsb's high bits to the C state       
                            muxc    _d2,dlsb                'set each bit in _d2 corresponding to dlsb's high bits to the C state
                            muxc    _d3,#1                  'set least significant bit in _d3 to the C state
                            muxc    _d4,#1                  'set least significant bit in _d4 to the C state 
                            test    _cpin,#$20      wc      '(Do as above for cpin registers)
                            muxc    _c1,dlsb                
                            muxc    _c2,dlsb
                            muxc    _c3,#1
                                                            'reset output parameters:
                            movd    :par,#_x                'set the destination register with the address of :par to the value of _x
                            mov     p,#5                    '_x/_y/_z/_buttons/_present   ''set p to 5
    :par                    mov     0,#0                    'Set register 0 to 0
                            add     :par,dlsb               'Add the address of dlsb to :par
                            djnz    p,#:par                 'Decrement p and jump to the register number :par if p is not zero
    ' Reset mouse
    reset                   mov     dira,#0                 'reset directions   'Set all pins to inputs
                            mov     dirb,#0                   '(same as above, though DIRB is n/a, being reserved for future use)
                            mov     stat,#1                 'set reset flag     'Set stat to 1
    ' Update parameters
    '                                                        'update output parameters:
    update                  movd    :par,#_x                 'set the destination register with the address of :par to the value of _x 
                            mov     p,par                    '_x/_y/_z/_buttons/_present ''set p to "par_x" address passed from Spin in Start
                            mov     q,#5                     'set q to 5
    :par                    wrlong  0,p                      'Write "0" to main memory at address of p
                            add     :par,dlsb                'Add the address of dlsb to :par 
                            add     p,#4                     'set p to 4
                            djnz    q,#:par                  'Decrement q and jump to the register numbered value of :par 
                            test    stat,#1         wc      'if reset flag, transmit reset command  'AND stat and 1, set C flag if result has odd number of high bits
            if_c            mov     data,#$FF               'if C flag is set, set data to $FF
            if_c            call    #transmit                'if C flag is set jump to transmit, execute and return here
    ' Get data packet
                            mov     stat,#0                 'reset state
                            call    #receive                'receive first byte
                            cmp     data,#$AA       wz      'powerup/reset?
            if_z            jmp     #init
                            mov     _buttons,data           'data packet, save buttons
                            call    #receive                'receive second byte
                            test    _buttons,#$10   wc      'adjust _x
                            muxc    data,signext
                            add     _x,data
                            call    #receive                'receive third byte
                            test    _buttons,#$20   wc      'adjust _y
                            muxc    data,signext
                            add     _y,data
                            and     _buttons,#1          'trim buttons
                            cmp     _present,#2     wc      'if not scrollwheel mouse, update parameters
            if_c            jmp     #update
                            call    #receive                'scrollwheel mouse, receive fourth byte
                            cmp     _present,#3     wz      'if 5-button mouse, handle two extra buttons
            if_z            test    data,#$10       wc
            if_z_and_c      or      _buttons,#000
            if_z            test    data,#$20       wc
            if_z_and_c      or      _buttons,#000
                            shl     data,#28                'adjust _z
                            sar     data,#28
                            sub     _z,data
                            jmp     #update                 'update parameters
    ' Initialize mouse
    init                    call    #receive                '$AA received, receive id
                            movs    crate,#100              'try to enable 3-button scrollwheel type
                            call    #checktype
                            movs    crate,#200              'try to enable 5-button scrollwheel type
                            call    #checktype
                            shr     data,#1                 'if neither, 3-button type
                            add     data,#1
                            mov     _present,#3             '*********replaced "data" with "#3"
                            movs    srate,#200              'set 200 samples per second
                            call    #setrate
                            mov     data,#$F4               'enable data reporting
                            call    #transmit
                            jmp     #update
    ' Check mouse type
    checktype               movs    srate,#200              'perform "knock" sequence to enable
                            call    #setrate                '..scrollwheel and extra buttons
    crate                   movs    srate,#200/100
                            call    #setrate
                            movs    srate,#80
                            call    #setrate
                            mov     data,#$F2               'read type
                            call    #transmit
                            call    #receive
    checktype_ret           ret
    ' Set sample rate
    setrate                 mov     data,#$F3
                            call    #transmit
    srate                   mov     data,#0
                            call    #transmit
    setrate_ret             ret
    ' Transmit byte to mouse
    _c1                     or      dira,cmask              'pull clock low
                            movs    napshr,#13              'hold clock for ~128us (must be >100us)
                            call    #nap
    _d1                     or      dira,dmask              'pull data low
                            movs    napshr,#18              'hold data for ~4us
                            call    #nap
    _c2                     xor     dira,cmask              'release clock
                            test    data,#$0FF      wc      'append parity and stop bits to byte
                            muxnc   data,#$100
                            or      data,dlsb
                            mov     p,#10                   'ready 10 bits
    transmit_bit            call    #wait_c0                'wait until clock low
                            shr     data,#1         wc      'output data bit
    _d2                     muxnc   dira,dmask
                            mov     wcond,c1                'wait until clock high
                            call    #wait
                            djnz    p,#transmit_bit         'another bit?
                            mov     wcond,c0d0              'wait until clock and data low
                            call    #wait
                            mov     wcond,c1d1              'wait until clock and data high
                            call    #wait
                            call    #receive_ack            'receive ack byte with timed wait
                            cmp     data,#$FA       wz      'if ack error, reset mouse
            if_nz           jmp     #reset
    transmit_ret            ret
    ' Receive byte from mouse
    receive                 test    _cpin,#$20      wc      'wait indefinitely for initial clock low
                            waitpne cmask,cmask
                            mov     p,#11                   'ready 11 bits
    receive_bit             call    #wait_c0                'wait until clock low
                            movs    napshr,#16              'pause ~16us
                            call    #nap
    _d3                     test    dmask,ina       wc      'input data bit
                            rcr     data,#1
                            mov     wcond,c1                'wait until clock high
                            call    #wait
                            djnz    p,#receive_bit          'another bit?
                            shr     data,#22                'align byte
                            test    data,#$1FF      wc      'if parity error, reset mouse
            if_nc           jmp     #reset
                            and     data,#$FF               'isolate byte
    receive_ret             ret
    ' Wait for clock/data to be in required state(s)
    wait_c0                 mov     wcond,c0                '(wait until clock low)
    wait                    mov     q,tenms                 'set timeout to 10ms
    wloop                   movs    napshr,#18              'nap ~4us
                            call    #nap
    _c3                     test    cmask,ina       wc      'check required state(s)
    _d4                     test    dmask,ina       wz      'loop until got state(s) or timeout
    wcond   if_never        djnz    q,#wloop                '(replaced with c0/c1/c0d0/c1d1)
                            tjz     q,#reset                'if timeout, reset mouse
    wait_c0_ret             ret
    c0      if_c            djnz    q,#wloop                '(if_never replacements)
    c1      if_nc           djnz    q,#wloop
    c0d0    if_c_or_nz      djnz    q,#wloop
    c1d1    if_nc_or_z      djnz    q,#wloop
    ' Nap
    nap                     rdlong  t,#0                    'get clkfreq
    napshr                  shr     t,#18/16/13             'shr scales time
                            min     t,#3                    'ensure waitcnt won't snag
                            add     t,cnt                   'add cnt to time
                            waitcnt t,#0                    'wait until time elapses (nap)
    nap_ret                 ret
    ' Initialized data
    dlsb                    long    1 << 9
    tenms                   long    10_000 / 4
    signext                 long    $FFFFFF00
    ' Uninitialized data
    dmask                   res     1
    cmask                   res     1
    stat                    res     1
    data                    res     1
    p                       res     1
    q                       res     1
    t                       res     1
    _x                      res     1       'write-only
    _y                      res     1       'write-only
    _z                      res     1       'write-only
    _buttons                res     1       'write-only
    _present                res     1       'write-only
    _dpin                   res     1       'read-only
    _cpin                   res     1       'read-only
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    I kind of see how "entry" is setting up a port to coincide with the dpin and cpin values passed from Start, but from there are steps where I can decode what the PASM is doing, I just can't quite grasp why. Could anyone please shed a little light for me overall on what is going on in this driver? Thanks.
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