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Programmer's Calculator for Non-programmer — Parallax Forums

Programmer's Calculator for Non-programmer

infoinfo Posts: 31
edited 2014-05-24 19:42 in General Discussion
I was looking online for some calculator or unit converter, but I couldn't find one that has functions for programmers.

The obvious would be Dec. Hex. Bin. convertion, Boolean algebra truth tables, etc. The part I was looking for is converting MHz to nanoseconds, microseconds, etc. Many of you can do that in your head without even writing it down. I'm not the one. My school years ended decades ago and I forgot all we learned and I have no idea what's 1E6 or some weird scientific expressions.

When dealing with memory access time, flash and eeprom delays, i2c, spi, rs232, rs485 baud rates and the many other timing issues, I'm banging my head.

I think, calculator or unit converter that says in plain English 80MHz=12.5 nanoseconds or so, would help me.

Then I could use the defined clock
_clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x
_xinfreq = 5_000_000

and write calculation routine which would always get the access timing right, based on that given clock frequency and instruction execution time.

OR... I can just blindly copy the code in OBEX.
Naah. I would rather learn how thing work.

Anybody wanna write and sell online some good calculator program for Windows and some other common operating systems or browsers? Anything that can be sold to pay for your time.


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