Parallax Propeller With Simple IDE
I've just started my first project with a propeller. I want to use C programming so I downloaded the Simple IDE as instructed. The test file provided, Welcome.c, is simply supposed to print "Hello" to the terminal. I cannot seem to get it to do so. The file builds properly and get's sent to the board, the terminal window opens, but remains blank. I've tried the other Tutorials which come with the IDE including Hello Message.c
I have set my COM port as instructed and I believe correctly based on the instructions.
The Code is:
#include "simpletools.h" // Include simpletools header
int main() // main function
print("Hello!!!"); // Display a message
I'm just looking to get this simple program to work in order to prove the terminal and the board are functioning properly before I try using it to do more complicated things.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
I've just started my first project with a propeller. I want to use C programming so I downloaded the Simple IDE as instructed. The test file provided, Welcome.c, is simply supposed to print "Hello" to the terminal. I cannot seem to get it to do so. The file builds properly and get's sent to the board, the terminal window opens, but remains blank. I've tried the other Tutorials which come with the IDE including Hello Message.c
I have set my COM port as instructed and I believe correctly based on the instructions.
The Code is:
#include "simpletools.h" // Include simpletools header
int main() // main function
print("Hello!!!"); // Display a message
I'm just looking to get this simple program to work in order to prove the terminal and the board are functioning properly before I try using it to do more complicated things.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
Sorry to hear you are having trouble.
Try adding a pause before print. Sometimes (rarely) there is a delay reading the terminal after loading the program.
Disable is an action that will disable the terminal, once disabled the button will show Enable.
The baud rate "115200" is the normal serial speed for the terminal.
What board do you have? Does it have an LED on it?
A blinker program would look like this.
We built our own breakout board, so we grabbed a different pin to correspond with one of our outputs, and nothing will turn on. Tried the print statement with the delay, still didn't work. I'm working on finding another prop. chip to throw in the socket to check if the chip is bad.
What else can we try? Thanks for the help so far.
If the blinker test works then you will should see output on the terminal. If it doesn't work, then your crystal is not 5MHz, is not connected properly, or the propeller is bad.
The most common propeller hardware connection error which will damage the chip is in not connecting both VDD pins and ground (VSS) pins properly. Applying more than VDD level (often 5V) to a IO pin that does not have some kind of a series resistor (3.3KOhm) can also damage a pin, but rarely the entire chip.
The Propeller Chip was faulty.
We have replaced it and it is working fantastically.
Thank you for your help