Motorcycle Collision Avoidance System
Posts: 34
I am finally starting this project now that i have the means to develop it. I am working on a computerized safety monitoring system designed for motorcycles to help
Riders avoid accidents. This project was inspired a combination of love for motorcycles and robotics plus some unfortunate personal experience in motorcycle accidents.
Back in 2004 I wrecked going off a turn because i was not paying attention to road like i should of been. Now before i go into the details of my plan for development i need to hit a few disclaimers.
1. I had to modify some things to get some of this to work so i wouldn't suggest this kind of project for everyone.
2. Sensors like the Ping sensor i'll be using weren't exactly designed for this kind of operation so risk of damage is going to be an issue.
3. I am developing and testing this on a motorcycle.....the Mythbusters "Dont try this at home, we are experts" comes to mind here.
Ok, now that is out of the way, So first step is to find out what form of object detection is best suited for a motorcycle platform, i did some initial testing between the IR and Ping sensors and found the Ping has a farther more reliable range (about 10 to 12 feet). So i will start with the ping as Ultrasonic sensors are pretty common on cars now and days making them easy to get my hands on them. Today i will be setting up a wiring system on my motorcycle to allow me to plug in my boe - bot board. I salvaged a retired alarm system from my 89 camaro so i have an inline fuse that i will use for protecting the board. Once i have that installed i will add a red led light to my gauge cluster that will blink when objects are to close. I can't mount the ping sensor yet as i need to build a small box to put it in first for protection. After i do that i will mount it on the front of the bike. The Test i want to perform is to see how accurate the Ultrasonic sensor is at different speeds, any loss in echo pick up means the sensor is not a reliable detector.
For actual interaction with the bike this is where things get tricky, For those who are new to robotics, more cars today have setups like this installed. Problem is these setups use the brake system as a primary means of object avoidance. Telling the computer to just start applying the brakes on a motorcycle is a really bad idea, luckily most bikes today are still manual transmission and have a clutch the rider operates to help shift gears smoothly. My plan involves dis-engaging the clutch if an object breaks a Safe zone limit in distance, this disconnects power to the drive train causing the engine to rev up a bit.....hopefully grabbing the riders attention and causing them to slow down and increase distance or come to a stop if they need to. Third phase then would be potentially slow application of the rear brake (most of a vehicles stopping power is in the front brake and we don't want that one going solo). Not sure how i feel yet about even applying the rear brake with out rider knowledge, ill have to sleep on it a bit. Anyway, I think the clutch control is a good idea cause it also give the computer the ability to keep clutch disengaged when at a stop until vehicle in front gets to a safe distance, also helps detour accidentally dropping the clutch(happens to the best of us).
That is what i have planned so far, Post with your opinion, please be informative....if i'm over looking something i don't want to wait till i'm on the bike to find out lols.
Riders avoid accidents. This project was inspired a combination of love for motorcycles and robotics plus some unfortunate personal experience in motorcycle accidents.
Back in 2004 I wrecked going off a turn because i was not paying attention to road like i should of been. Now before i go into the details of my plan for development i need to hit a few disclaimers.
1. I had to modify some things to get some of this to work so i wouldn't suggest this kind of project for everyone.
2. Sensors like the Ping sensor i'll be using weren't exactly designed for this kind of operation so risk of damage is going to be an issue.
3. I am developing and testing this on a motorcycle.....the Mythbusters "Dont try this at home, we are experts" comes to mind here.
Ok, now that is out of the way, So first step is to find out what form of object detection is best suited for a motorcycle platform, i did some initial testing between the IR and Ping sensors and found the Ping has a farther more reliable range (about 10 to 12 feet). So i will start with the ping as Ultrasonic sensors are pretty common on cars now and days making them easy to get my hands on them. Today i will be setting up a wiring system on my motorcycle to allow me to plug in my boe - bot board. I salvaged a retired alarm system from my 89 camaro so i have an inline fuse that i will use for protecting the board. Once i have that installed i will add a red led light to my gauge cluster that will blink when objects are to close. I can't mount the ping sensor yet as i need to build a small box to put it in first for protection. After i do that i will mount it on the front of the bike. The Test i want to perform is to see how accurate the Ultrasonic sensor is at different speeds, any loss in echo pick up means the sensor is not a reliable detector.
For actual interaction with the bike this is where things get tricky, For those who are new to robotics, more cars today have setups like this installed. Problem is these setups use the brake system as a primary means of object avoidance. Telling the computer to just start applying the brakes on a motorcycle is a really bad idea, luckily most bikes today are still manual transmission and have a clutch the rider operates to help shift gears smoothly. My plan involves dis-engaging the clutch if an object breaks a Safe zone limit in distance, this disconnects power to the drive train causing the engine to rev up a bit.....hopefully grabbing the riders attention and causing them to slow down and increase distance or come to a stop if they need to. Third phase then would be potentially slow application of the rear brake (most of a vehicles stopping power is in the front brake and we don't want that one going solo). Not sure how i feel yet about even applying the rear brake with out rider knowledge, ill have to sleep on it a bit. Anyway, I think the clutch control is a good idea cause it also give the computer the ability to keep clutch disengaged when at a stop until vehicle in front gets to a safe distance, also helps detour accidentally dropping the clutch(happens to the best of us).
That is what i have planned so far, Post with your opinion, please be informative....if i'm over looking something i don't want to wait till i'm on the bike to find out lols.
So i got the power wire on the bike, right now i have a 10 amp fuse on there but kinda wondering if that should be lower, the second image is the mod i did to get the board to plug in properly. i used bullet connectors so i can still use the board plug for the battery case it came with.
I think I remember a post awhile back about this. I'm interested to know if the sensor will work when the bike is leaned over or just when upright and cruising?
You'd really need a 2 axis gimbal, you can make one with a Propeller and an additional gyro. Anyway I suggest you continue what you're doing because it's fun and quite a learning experience. Once you mess around with the PING you'll find its weak spots. Ideally you'd want some kind of weather proof radar for it to be reliable.
3-30v input, 4-35 output.
@abecedarian: USB charging adapter will only give you 5V. Are there "cigarette lighter" adapters available that gives you a regulated 12V? My impression is that most of them are just cables.
The USB spec power supply depends on where you're going to inject its +5v. If you plan on using it to power the 5v regulator it's not enough, if you use it to power the 3.3v regulator it is enough. Most of them have very little noise suppression, which should be an important factor in choosing a power supply to deal with a harsh supply such as an alternator as a source of power.
You're going to need something IP67 rated either way.
I used to race motocross and road bikes until I lost my 900 on a manhole cover - walked away and never went back!
We've done lots of tests using lasers for vehicle safety systems. Several motor manufacturers are looking to offer them as standard from 2016. They are much more difficult to integrate into a bike than a car of course, but I can confirm that the road test data from lasers with 40-100m range capability shows good reliability. How to use the data is still not totally clear but in fairly slow speed environments (not 100mph on the highway) where following distance, tailgating and lane hopping problems occur, the laser can provide useful warning information to the driver/rider.
The real advantage of using laser light rather than sound is that the readings are totally unaffected by noise and wind. There is a visibility limit - rain, fog etc., but cautious driving is required under those conditions anyway. One of the most interesting results we've seen is that following distances are badly misjudged at night or at dusk/dawn. It's something to do with the way that the brain processes the reduced information available. Apparently, this is a problem for aircraft as well, with crop sprayers having more accidents at dusk. With the laser acting as a guide, more appropriate following distances are easy to maintain, especially on straight roads where there are fewer visual cues to work with.