Does anyone know how to disconnect from Putty serial terminal without quitting?
I've looked and can't figure out how to "disable" (like PST does) from a serial connection without shutting down Putty.
Does anyone know how?
Does anyone know how?
No way to disconnect, apparently. puTTY starts fast enough, it's not a real bother, I guess, if you have to close it and restart it.
You cat set up defined sessions for each of your props which makes it a little less painful.
Terra Term lets you disconnect and reconnect a serial connection.
However, its not real clean about it.
It causes a Prop reset upon reconnection.
I suppose PuTTY does the same thing upon a restart.
Clearly we need to disconnect when using the "Propeller Tool" to program the Prop.
The internal serial program in Propeller Tool seamlessly works OK.
But the full fledged terminals work so much better.
When PuTTY is restarted does it "Remember" the condition it was in before shutting down?
Duane J
I go back and forth between the two. I really like Tera Terms cut/paste bettr for forth programming.
I often use two prop plugs, and would reset the terminal. If you have that luxery, putty is great, because it just works no matter what the Prop actually does, worst case a reset is needed to establish a clear screen, known state.
...I'm too lazy for adventures like that!
While I don't know how to make EditPlus "Aware" of spin syntax I know it could be done.
Duane J
Putty is rather big and ambitious, so finding serial functionalities are a bit more of a hunt.