Programming SX-48
Posts: 3
Hello,It's been a long time since I've been into microcontrollers and I'm wanting to start up again. I have a few old SX-48 protoboards laying around and would like to use them, but I gave up on them a long while ago due to an issue... I have the SX-Key, and my programs were working when it was plugged in (I "ran" the program), but when disconnected from the SX-Key the program no longer ran. Was I missing a step i.e. flashing, or something else perhaps? Thanks!
Do you have a crystal or ceramic resonator across OSC1 and OSC2? (Pins 27 and 26)
The SX Key supplies the oscillator during programming and debugging, but during stand alone operation you need to supply a resonator or a crystal.
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You may just to have to update your USB driver, but I would suggest updating the whole tool and manuals.
The guys and Gals at Radio Shack would probably give you a blank stare when you ask for a resonator.
Best the get the real deal from Parallax.
The three at the bottom with three pins.
EDIT: the resonators are required after you take the SX-Key off because the SX-Key supplies the clocking during programming and debugging..
- you use the internal 4MHZ oscillator (gives ~4MHZ clock freq but will not be extremely accurate)
- you have an SX-Key or SX-Blitz attached (the programmers supply the clock source).
If you are using the Key or Blitz, you must "RUN" the program rather than "PROGRAM" the program. "RUN" flashes the program and uses the Key's clock to run the SX. "PROGRAM" flashes the program and uses the circuit's clock source or the internal 4mhz osc. if that's what's specified in the program directives. If you are "RUN"ning then you will want to remove the circuit's clock source (if any) or they will conflict.
Digikey also carries SX compatible resonators in lots of frequencies.
See the documentation under directives.