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Vertical Zoom - seems limited — Parallax Forums

Vertical Zoom - seems limited

trangertranger Posts: 179
edited 2014-05-01 16:08 in Accessories
I'm a recent Propscope owner and I really like it. However, I'm fumbling around with some things and am having trouble achieving the display I want. For example, in looking at noise on a 24V power supply, I found Propscope to be very useful in quantifying the noise bounds and frequency. However, I cannot figure out how to zoom in on the ripple in the signal.

For example, the signal might be 24v with 19mV peak to peak as reported by Propscope. I would like to set the vertical scale to a low value and pan to around 24V to amplify the noise. However, that doesn't seem possible. Setting the scale not only changes the display, but also changes the range for the input. A suitable display scale clips the signal.

Is there a way to accomplish what I'm looking for?



  • HannoHanno Posts: 1,130
    edited 2014-04-03 12:28
    Hi Russ!
    Three things to try:
    - AC coupling will discard the DC component of the signal and let you focus on the AC component of the signal.
    - The PropScope interface is like google maps, you can drag the signal around by dragging it with the mouse.
    -You can also select a rectangle and zoom into that
  • trangertranger Posts: 179
    edited 2014-05-01 16:08
    Hanno - thanks for the fast response. It's been a while since I used the scope, hence my silence. :smile:

    Here's what I found:

    AC coupling - got it, works at expected.
    google maps - yeah, that part was pretty intuitive from the beginning
    Zoom - found it under Cursor tab, Mode "Zoom". This is the one I really was looking for, just didn't find it before.

    Note that searching for "zoom" in the Quickstart or in the Understanding Signals text will not lead you to this feature.

    Thanks again,

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