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Remote control and Xbee — Parallax Forums

Remote control and Xbee

indyindy Posts: 13
edited 2014-04-02 20:56 in Accessories
I am just exploring xbee and know nothing. I am wanting to make a large RC vehicle (similar to Power wheels) hands free. Can xbee be coupled to an existing receiver and servos? I am assuming that xbee can somehow control larger loads (20-40 amps). I don't need speed control, or sensors at this juncture but can Xbee be programmed to command turns, change in directions etc? Also a reccomendation on a good book on using Xbee would be appreciated. From everything I have seen on the Net the Xbee has been used for lighter loads. Thanks in advance.


  • FranklinFranklin Posts: 4,747
    edited 2014-04-02 20:56
    An xbee is a radio that transmits information to another xbee they are not programmed like micro-controllers and would need additional hardware on both ends to accomplish what you are asking for.
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