Set / Clear Flags
Posts: 9,188
A long time ago there was a thread about setting and clearing the C and Z flags -- can't seem to find it. The thread may have been started by Phil, but I think it was in the old forums because a bookmark I have is broken.
Does anyone have a link or cool PASM tips for setting and clearing the C and Z flags? My immediate need is to clear the C flag; this is what I'm thinking:
Does anyone have a link or cool PASM tips for setting and clearing the C and Z flags? My immediate need is to clear the C flag; this is what I'm thinking:
xor $, $ nr, wc ' clear c flag
I believe that this code below will save both the Z & C flags and restore them.
save flags
muxnz ZC, #2
muxc ZC, #1
sar ZC, #1 wz, wc
Very slick, indeed (but don't forget to wc,wz in the sar).
I added the WZ and WC effects, I had it wrote down on my paper but forgot to include it.