Help with converting SEROUT to propeller
I am working on a min-sumo project and am converting it chip from the BS2 to the Propeller. On the BS2 powered version, I ran the motors with a simple serout command: SEROUT 1, 84, [2, 127] where the pin is 1, the baud is 84, and two data values are transmitted. I have tried to convert this with both he BS2_FUNCTIONS object and the Full_Duplex_Serial object and have not been able to run the motors with the propeller. Any help would be appreciated!
if you create an code-archive (zipfile) from within the propellertool and attach this to a posting we (the forum-members) can take a look into your code.
Just a few guessings:
- You have to start the FullDuplexSerial-object b ycalling the start-method before you can use it. Did you do that?
- the propeller-chip is a 3.3V device. What voltage does the receiver use?
- As JM mentioned 84 must be translated to 9600 for the propeller-chip FDX-method
Did you do some basic tests with your code like a closed loop Tx to Rx trying to receive data?
Did you test the propeller-chip sending some testdata to the PST.EXE?
best regards