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rudimentary SID player — Parallax Forums

rudimentary SID player

rogersydrogersyd Posts: 222
edited 2014-03-30 17:53 in Robotics
Ladies and gentlemen, what you see here is a random SID player. Nothing more, nothing less. Hit the button, a random SID dump file is retrieved and played. Hit the button during playback to select a different random SID. I have more functional versions running on other development boards, but this one is quick and dirty. No display, no amp, one button and just a few blinkies to let you know what is going on. A true hack job for sure, soldering is not something I am particularly good at. In fact, it is a miracle this thing runs at all. But for my first project that made it off the dev board stage, I am happy with her. I haven't even bothered to clean up the code which is a mish-mash of original and sourced spin and pasm from many object contributors we all know and appreciate. I built this is a gift, so I'll be throwing her in a project box with a sweet C= sticker on it... that is, if it survives the burn in period.... I guess i should also retrieve the unused display.



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