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road traffic management using rfid ... please help me to get GUI reader Software — Parallax Forums

road traffic management using rfid ... please help me to get GUI reader Software

edited 2014-03-29 13:33 in Robotics
hello every one
i have project in intelligent traffic management system using rfid
vehicle to vehicle communication rfid traffic management
but i can not get the Graphical user interface software
my project depend on passive tag rfid
please help me what to get gui software and code
and what the best rfid type mast be buy
and help me to get any information about this project
please help me

thank you


  • FranklinFranklin Posts: 4,747
    edited 2014-03-29 13:33
    help me to get any information about this project
    please help me
    If you explain your project parameters in more detail it would help. Most hobby RFID works at only a few centimeters and probably would not work on vehicles. There are options that will work but the cost is quite high for reliable systems. More info means more help.
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