I'm with C.W.: in my book, every day is Propeller day!
Just got back from the biggest Halloween trade show of the year. Almost all of our (EFX-TEK) products are Propeller powered and "hackable" -- this generated a lot of interest, especially the HC-8+ that was running a set of servo-controlled eyes via Wii nunchuk, and a strip of WS2801 "smart" LEDs. One guy from England was bummed that we don't have a distributor there; he ran out of horsepower with the Arduino a long time ago.
I saw that email come in a little while ago.
For a brief second I wondered about that, then my lip quivered a bit and I put on my evil genius grin...Every Day is Prop Day!
Just got back from the biggest Halloween trade show of the year. Almost all of our (EFX-TEK) products are Propeller powered and "hackable" -- this generated a lot of interest, especially the HC-8+ that was running a set of servo-controlled eyes via Wii nunchuk, and a strip of WS2801 "smart" LEDs. One guy from England was bummed that we don't have a distributor there; he ran out of horsepower with the Arduino a long time ago.