Azimuth angle conversion from east to west
Dear all.
I am trying to convert solar azimuth angle in +90 degree to -90 degree format to get sun Desired potion.Here i am attaching relevant images. i searched from Google.
How to convert azimuth angle from +90 degree to -90 degree fomat

sun position will be 0 @ NORTH
90@ east
180 @ south
270 @ West.
Since tracking should be from east to my azimuth angle changes from +90 to zero from East to North and 0 to -90 degree from North to West. .
Sun angle will Be zero around 12.30 of the day. i.e north point.
Question Here is how to convert Elevation angle or desired angle in +90 t0 -90 degree format.
Form East to north angle will be +ve and north to south it will be negative.
I am trying to convert solar azimuth angle in +90 degree to -90 degree format to get sun Desired potion.Here i am attaching relevant images. i searched from Google.
How to convert azimuth angle from +90 degree to -90 degree fomat

sun position will be 0 @ NORTH
90@ east
180 @ south
270 @ West.
Since tracking should be from east to my azimuth angle changes from +90 to zero from East to North and 0 to -90 degree from North to West. .
Sun angle will Be zero around 12.30 of the day. i.e north point.
Question Here is how to convert Elevation angle or desired angle in +90 t0 -90 degree format.
Form East to north angle will be +ve and north to south it will be negative.
If you want to use a -90 to +90 format, if the azimuth from the table is less than 180 deg, use the value as is. If it's greater than 180 degrees, subtract 360 from it. For example if the azimuth is 275 deg, 275 - 360 = -85 deg. Be careful though, since the azimuth of the sunrise and sunset points can go beyond +90 and -90 (in your format). If you want to see what the range is for your location, use the website calculator to generate tables for the solstices (Dec 21 and June 21). Be sure to generate both.
So, for the present, I'm not sure why you want to convert the noon azimuth to north, rather than south, unless you also need to convert the altitude to an angle greater than 90 degrees.
My tracking Period Will be Morning 7Am to Eving 18. I.e i am tracking sun from east to west . SInce my strcture will be placed in North -SOuth Direction.SInce I am getting From Top. azimuth angle (eastward from N) i.e 0 @ north and 180 @ SOuth. 90@ east and 270@ west . And my Sensor to which comparing result measure from +90degre to-90 degree format So i am converting it to +90 to -90 degree format
So the rotation axis of your tracking device is oriented north-south? Are you saying that from the east horizon to the meridian (noon) the sensor gives an angle that decreases from +90 to 0 and then after noon it goes from 0 to -90?
If that's the case, I wouldn't use alt-az coordinates for the sun's position. It sounds like what you need is the hour angle. That's the angle (it can be expressed as hours or degrees) between the object (the sun) and the meridian so the eastern horizon is -90, the meridian (~noon) is 0, and the western horizon is +90. If I understood you correctly, that means you need to multiply the hour angle (in degrees) by -1 to change the sign. Converting from hour angle in hours to degrees is just 15 degrees per hour. This site defines solar hour angle: and this one goes through the math:
Edit: I see on your attached file that you have zenith angles greater than 90 degrees. From my understanding of zenith angle, that puts the sun below the horizon so I guess I'm still clueless as to what you're trying to do.
As a first approximation:
The Earth rotates 360 degrees per day. Which is 15 degrees per hour. Or 0.25 degrees per minute or 0.00417 degrees per second.
So, just fix up you machine to rotate at that rate.
From your tables you know at what time to start at sunrise in the morning.
Job done.
Back in the day (1970's) we were doing this with clockwork mechanisms wound up with springs driving solar concentrators.
Check below link. What i am trying to do:
INPUT data:
This tracking application i am trying to implement. structure will be placed in north south direction. i will get azimuth, zenith angle from above calculator.That i can implement in C.Question is how to use the zenith and azimuth angle used to track sun position.
Here i am attaching my location snapshot which can be used in calculator for latitude and longitude
. We know the sunrise and sunset position from Table. my sensor read value from +or- 90 degree. How to convert these angle from table to sensor angle format, since I am staying in Bangalore,INDIA, How i could use above angle???
@ jones.
I am staying in Bangalore INDIA.
Below point you understand properly.
the table i have attached i got from NREL spa calculator Who details attached Above. Just put the date/time , latitude, longitude other parameter you get table.
As you only have a single axis of rotation you don't need to make it complicated. As I posted above:
As a first approximation:
The Earth rotates 360 degrees per day. Which is 15 degrees per hour. Or 0.25 degrees per minute or 0.00417 degrees per second.
So, just fix up you machine to rotate at that rate.
From your tables you know at what time to start at sunrise in the morning. Just make sure everything is turned back to that position in the morning at start the motors at the right time.
How to covert those angle to+or-90 degree fromat
main spa.h
Here Mr. Jone Understand problem properly. I have attached the youtube links. for refernce