Prop Overclock and C
Posts: 1
I have an application that requires the free running counter run at 100Mhz (6.25Mhz XTAL). Is it possible to change the initialization of the clock ratio to have C functions run at the correct frequency (serial, pwm, etc.)?
Assuming propeller-gcc install is in C:\Program Files (x86)\SimpleIDE\propeller-gcc (Windows) or /opt/parallax/ (Linux/Mac)
Save the code below to propeller-load folder as A100.cfg
C:\Program Files (x86)\SimpleIDE\propeller-gcc\propeller-load\A100.cfg
Add A100.cfg to boards.txt (or simply rename boards.txt to boards2.txt to see all .cfg boards).
C:\Program Files (x86)\SimpleIDE\propeller-gcc\propeller-load\boards.txt
Restart SimpleIDE or just click the jigsaw puzzle piece in the Project Manager.
Then select A100 from board type.
There is an alternative way of doing this in code using RCFAST board type, but I don't have the notes at the moment.