Length of Spin/C binary?
Posts: 1,532
Hi all, bytes 9 and 8 of a Spin ".binary" file indicate the length of the program data, high byte/low byte respectively as far as I am aware.
1. am I correct in thinking the above
2. does a SIDE binary use those same bytes for length
3 is downloading the number of bytes indicated by bytes 9 and 8 all that is required by the Propeller or should the entire file be downloaded
4 if there is any variation to these rules how would it be indicated in the binary file
1. am I correct in thinking the above
2. does a SIDE binary use those same bytes for length
3 is downloading the number of bytes indicated by bytes 9 and 8 all that is required by the Propeller or should the entire file be downloaded
4 if there is any variation to these rules how would it be indicated in the binary file
SimpleIDE displays the total size of a C program in the status bar.
What I need is to be able to look at the binary of a "Propeller program" and be able to determine the length of the file and also determine how many bytes get downloaded, or I should say, the minimum number of bytes to download.
I also need to know if the same rule applies for all Propeller programs.
I don't want to use a third party program to view the binary, I want to take the binary as a file and programmatically determine its size.
Yes. propeller-load -s gcc.elf
It is a long time feature of propeller-load. This is done automatically in the new, unreleased, version of SimpleIDE. Waiting for feedback from Parallax before posting that.
I am just working out the various options I need to consider, knowing the file size in advance of transferring seems like it would be a useful piece of info.
Did you try what I posted? As it turns out, the tools that I posted do exactly what you're asking for: built in tools to programmatically determine the download size.
The download size is just text + data.
But I should point out that download size is misleading, and what I consider a "mis-feature": we actually care about "dec" size, which is the actual size of our program.
ps: the .elf size is 41689 bytes.
when I look at a Prop binary with Proptool I can see its total size is 65535 bytes, I'm thinking the OS will also see a 65535 file size.
So if for example I have 10 program files of a tutorial with each of the Programs 2000 bytes in length and if all that is required to download to the Prop is the 2000 bytes then thats 20000 compared to 655350, ~3% of the original which is a considerable economy.
I would think that the above is ok but I have not had that question answered as yet.
SRLM, I appreciate your detailed explanation of "elf" , unfortunately I don't know what elf is atm. I also don't think it will be necessary if every variation of a Prop binary contains the file size.
The idea on the server side is to drag and drop the binaries into an FTP server folder and not worry about that end of things. I am using Windows OS and a IIs FTP server so in my case I am using no additional software aside from what comes with the OS. A different OS would use a different FTP server and I don't think that presents any serious issues.
Having a FTP server and folder on a local network should be fairly easy to standardize with any operating system so all that is needed at the receiving end is to grab the file and copy it to the sandbox, which is what I am already doing. I am trying to determine if I can optimize the procedure and secondly if I can handle every Prop binary using the same method.
It's not a problem to create a 64K fixed size buffer and read the entire file if that is what is recommended.
The files I have been refering to as of now have had the .binary extension and were created using the Proptool, there is an alternate option to create the same "binary" but with the .eeprom extension, do these two formats differ?
Anyway looking at the length that bytes 8 and 9 specify I can see that beyond that value there is usually 4 or 5 bytes that may be what you refer to as stack which makes me think I am misunderstanding what is required during a Prop download. Maybe I should just keep the file in its entirety and be done with it.
David I was looking at the "object info" file thinking that was the file that got saved to disk. I don't know what I was thinking it must have been a senior moment. When I looked at the file size on the PC it basically answered the questions I had, sorry you had to tell me twice.
The FTP is really cool, I think it's going to be a good app.