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P2 Test Toolbox

ozpropdevozpropdev Posts: 2,793
edited 2014-03-31 16:35 in Propeller 2
Hi All

This is a program I have been using to test P2 instructions and debug code snippets.
It runs via a serial terminal on both DE0-Nano and DE2-115 FPGA boards.
Program has logging and trace facilities and allows live modification of instruction D,S values.
Hub and Cog memory view functions and assorted functions to manipulate D,S registers.
The Z and C flags can be overridden too.

P2 Test Toolbox v1.4.spin includes a test of the logger already setup, use "M" to test.
Four additional test examples are included as well.
TEST1.spin Tests a DJNZ loop.
TEST2.spin Tests a delayed DJNZD loop.
TEST3.spin Tests a REPS loop.
TEST4.spin Tests the DJNZ loop with 2 additional hardware task running.

Once loaded use the "M" command to run the above tests.
P2 Test Toolbox V1.4
By Ozpropdev 2014

To start Toolbox press "*".

Toolbox displays the following format response.

P2 Test Toolbox V1.4

Before:  Pass #0  Log: ON=24 Dump:LONG
Instruction: 1010010_00_0_1111_000000100_000000011 $004,$003 4,3
Flags: Z=1 C=0
D=$4242_4242  %0100_0010_0100_0010_0100_0010_0100_0010  1111638594
S=$0000_0042  %0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0100_0010  66

The first line shows the pass number, logger status/index and dump output mode. 
The second line shows the instruction coding followed by the hex D/S values and decimal D/S values.
The third line show the current Z and C flag status.
The fourth line shows the D register value in hex,binary,unsigned decimal and signed decimal.
The fifth line shows the S register value in hex,binary,unsigned decimal and signed decimal.



?	HELP display


$	Hex entry mode
%	Binary entry mode
<enter>	Same as =


S	SOURCE register (s_reg)

e.g	S+	Increment s_reg
	S-	Decrement s_reg 
	S=	s_reg = 0
	S5+	s_reg += 5
	S6-	s_reg -=6
	S13=	s_reg = 13 (decimal)
	S$2f=	s_reg = $27 (hex)
	S%1011=	s_reg = %1911 (binary)


T	DEST register (d_reg)

e.g.	T+	Increment d_reg
	T-	Decrement d_reg
	T=	d_reg = 0
	T3+	d_reg += 3
	T2-	d_reg -= 2
	T100=	d_reg = 100 (decimal)
	T$fa	d_reg =$fa (hex)
	T%110	d+reg = %110 (binary)


I	Immediate

e.g.	I+	Set immmediate flag
	I-	Clears immediate flag + restores opcode to s_reg
	I23=	Immediate value = 23 (decimal) + set immediate flag
	I%ee	Immediate value = $ee (hex) + set immediate flag
	I%1010	Immediate value = %1010 (binary) + set immediate flag


Z	ZERO flag

e.g.	Z+	Set ZERO flag
	Z-	Clear ZERO flag


Y	CARRY	flag

e.g.	Y+	Set CARRU flag
	Y-	Clear carry flag


X	EXECUTE test instruction

e.g.	X=	Execite instruction and show "after" result	
	X5=	Execute instruction 5 times

	Note: Each time instruction is executed the Pass counter is incremented.


O	Execute Once wirh before/after headers.

	Same as X= but display before and after result.

Sample output:

P2 Test Toolbox V1.4

Before:  Pass #0  Log: OFF=0 Dump:LONG
Instruction: 1010010_00_0_1111_000000100_000000011 $004,$003 4,3
Flags: Z=0 C=0
D=$0000_000D  %0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_1101  13
S=$1122_4488  %0001_0001_0010_0010_0100_0100_1000_1000  287458440

After:   Pass #1  Log: OFF=0 Dump:LONG
Instruction: 1010010_00_0_1111_000000100_000000011 $004,$003 4,3
Flags: Z=1 C=0
D=$8888_8888  %1000_1000_1000_1000_1000_1000_1000_1000  2290649224  -204318072
S=$1122_4488  %0001_0001_0010_0010_0100_0100_1000_1000  287458440


N	Show before header and reset pass counter.


R	REFRESH display


J	Change dumo hub memory mode

e.g.	J+	Change to next dump mode
	J-	Change to previous dump mode
	J0=	Change to BYTE dump mode
	J1=	Change to WORD dump mode
	J2=	Change to LONG dump mode


H	Dump Hub memory in current dump mode

e.g.	H0,FF	Dump hub memory from $0 to %FF

	Note: Defaults to hex address entry mode
	Press <esc> to abort

Sample outputs:

00000: 50 72 6F 70 32 2E 30 20 80 02 7C FE 81 00 7C FE 
00010: C5 3F C0 FA FA E2 7C 40 00 BC BC FE 00 BC BC FE 
00020: 01 BC 7C 50 1F BC 7C B5 01 D2 7C 38 2C 0C 28 FE 
00030: 00 BA BC FE 26 D0 7C EE 1A 00 FD FC 75 EC 3C 40 

00000: 7250  706F  2E32  2030  0280  FE7C  0081  FE7C  
00010: 3FC5  FAC0  E2FA  407C  BC00  FEBC  BC00  FEBC  
00020: BC01  507C  BC1F  B57C  D201  387C  0C2C  FE28  
00030: BA00  FEBC  D026  EE7C  001A  FCFD  EC75  403C  

00000: 706F_7250  2030_2E32  FE7C_0280  FE7C_0081  
00010: FAC0_3FC5  407C_E2FA  FEBC_BC00  FEBC_BC00  
00020: 507C_BC01  B57C_BC1F  387C_D201  FE28_0C2C  
00030: FEBC_BA00  EE7C_D026  FCFD_001A  403C_EC75  


G	DUMP Cog memory

e.g.	G3,7	Dump cog memory from $3 to $7

	Note: Defaults to hex address entry mode


Cog Ram $004:= $4242_4242 %01_0_0_0_0_1_001000010 1111638594
Cog Ram $005:= $9CBC_120D %10_0_1_1_1_0_010111100 2629571085
Cog Ram $006:= $0000_0000 %00_0_0_0_0_0_000000000 0
Cog Ram $007:= $0000_0000 %00_0_0_0_0_0_000000000 0


M	Run macro

	Runs the preloaded "macro" command

	Note: See source code for location.

	macro	byte	"Z+"	'set z flag
		byte	"S23="	's_reg = 23 (dec)
		byte	"O"	'execute once with before/after headers
		byte	0


>	Shift register right

e.g.	S>	Shift s_reg right
	S3>	Shift s_reg right 3 times
	T>	Shift d_reg right
	T16>	Shift d_reg right 16 times

<	Shift register left

e.g.	S<	Shift s_reg left
	S7<	Shift s_reg left 7 times
	T<	Shift d_reg left
	T2<	Shift d_reg left 2 times


[	Left align register

	register is shifted left until bit 31 = 1

e.g.	S[	Left align s_reg
	T[	Left align d_reg


]	Right align register

	Register is shifted right until bit 0 = 1

e.g.	S]	Right align s_reg
	T]	Right align d_reg



	When logger is enabled each execution of the test instrucrion
	saves the Pass count,Z and C flags and d-reg's current value.

e.g.	L+	Enable logger
	L-	Disable logger
	L=	Reset logger index

	V	VIEW logger results


Pass #18  ZC=00  $0000_0000  %0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000  0
Pass #19  ZC=01  $0000_0001  %0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0001  1
Pass #20  ZC=01  $0000_0003  %0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0011  3
Pass #21  ZC=00  $0000_0006  %0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0110  6
Pass #22  ZC=00  $0000_0012  %0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_0010  18
Pass #23  ZC=00  $0000_0024  %0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0010_0100  36
Pass #24  ZC=00  $0000_0048  %0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0100_1000  72
Pass #25  ZC=00  $0000_0096  %0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_1001_0110  150
Pass #26  ZC=00  $0000_0192  %0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_1001_0010  402
Pass #27  ZC=01  $0000_0385  %0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0011_1000_0101  901
Pass #28  ZC=01  $0000_0771  %0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0111_0111_0001  1905
Pass #29  ZC=01  $0000_1543  %0000_0000_0000_0000_0001_0101_0100_0011  5443
Pass #30  ZC=00  $0000_3086  %0000_0000_0000_0000_0011_0000_1000_0110  12422
Pass #31  ZC=00  $0000_6172  %0000_0000_0000_0000_0110_0001_0111_0010  24946
Pass #32  ZC=01  $0001_2345  %0000_0000_0000_0001_0010_0011_0100_0101  74565

First column is the pass number
Second column is the Z and C flag status
Third column is the D registers value in HEX
Fifth column is D registers value in BINARY
Sixth column is D registers value in decimal.



W	View trace result
	Press <esc> to abort.

P	Wipe trace results
	Fills AUX buffer with zeroes.


R65  TASK0 --- ----- GO COND ---- $005 ---- ---- ---- 
R66  TASK0 --- ----- GO COND ---- $006 ---- ---- ---- 
R67  TASK0 --- ----- GO COND ---- $005 ---- ---- ---- 
R68  TASK0 --- ----- GO COND ---- $006 ---- ---- ---- 
R69  TASK0 --- ----- GO COND ---- $005 ---- ---- ---- 
R70  TASK0 --- ----- GO COND ---- $006 ---- ---- ---- 
R71  TASK0 --- ----- GO COND ---- $005 ---- ---- ---- 
R72  TASK2 HUB ----- GO COND ---- ---- ---- $00B ---- 
R73  TASK2 --- ----- GO COND JUMP ---- ---- $00C ---- 
R74  TASK2 --- ----- GO ---- ---- ---- ---- $00D ---- 
R75  TASK0 --- ----- GO COND ---- $006 ---- ---- ---- 
R76  TASK0 --- ----- GO COND ---- $005 ---- ---- ---- 
R77  TASK0 --- ----- GO COND ---- $006 ---- ---- ---- 
R78  TASK0 --- ----- GO COND ---- $005 ---- ---- ---- 
R79  TASK0 --- ----- GO COND ---- $006 ---- ---- ---- 
R80  TASK1 HUB ----- GO COND ---- ---- $009 ---- ---- 
R81  TASK0 --- ----- GO COND ---- $005 ---- ---- ---- 
R82  TASK0 --- ----- GO COND ---- $006 ---- ---- ---- 
R83  TASK0 --- ----- GO COND ---- $005 ---- ---- ---- 
R84  TASK0 --- ----- GO COND ---- $006 ---- ---- ---- 
R85  TASK0 --- ----- GO COND ---- $005 ---- ---- ---- 
R86  TASK0 --- ----- GO COND ---- $006 ---- ---- ---- 
R87  TASK0 --- ----- GO COND ---- $005 ---- ---- ---- 
R88  TASK2 HUB ----- GO COND ---- ---- ---- $00B ---- 
R89  TASK2 --- ----- GO COND JUMP ---- ---- $00C ---- 
R90  TASK2 --- ----- GO ---- ---- ---- ---- $00D ---- 

The first column is the record number
The second column is the task number
The third column is the HUB indicator
The fourth column is the FEETCH indicator
The foifth column is the Go indicator
The sixth column is the COND indicator
The seventh column is the JUMP indicator
The next 4 columns are the respective PC's of each task.

I have found it very useful in checking instruction operation. :)



  • mindrobotsmindrobots Posts: 6,506
    edited 2014-03-12 11:08

    This look very helpful and will be lots of fun to play with!

    Please feel free to push it up to the P2 Testing Repository on GitHub. There's a "tools" directory it would feel right at home in!

  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2014-03-12 15:52
    A very useful tool!
    BTW Don't worry about decoding the instructions back to pasm source. I have done that with my P2 Debugger and just need to update it to the new instruction set. When I have it done, you can copy that section into your code - save your time for some more useful features ;)
  • ozpropdevozpropdev Posts: 2,793
    edited 2014-03-12 20:50
    Cluso99 wrote: »
    A very useful tool!
    BTW Don't worry about decoding the instructions back to pasm source. I have done that with my P2 Debugger and just need to update it to the new instruction set. When I have it done, you can copy that section into your code - save your time for some more useful features ;)

    Sounds good Ray! :) I was just looking at the new instruction encoding.
  • ozpropdevozpropdev Posts: 2,793
    edited 2014-03-12 21:01
    Hi All
    Here is an update to P2 Test Toolbox.
    I fixed a couple of things and updated the docs (typos).
    I added text dump of hub memory.
    I also enhanced the TRACE report a bit to make it a bit easier to absorb.
    R39  TASK0 --- ----- STALL ---- ----  | $00A ---- ---- ---- 
    R40  TASK0 --- ----- STALL ---- ----  | $00A ---- ---- ---- 
    R41  TASK0 --- ----- ----- ---- ----  | $00A ---- ---- ---- 
    R42  TASK0 --- ----- ----- ---- JUMP  | $00B ---- ---- ---- 
    R43  TASK1 --- ----- ----- SKIP ----  | ---- $016 ---- ---- 
    R44  TASK2 --- ----- ----- ---- ----  | ---- ---- $016 ---- 
    R45  TASK0 --- ----- ----- SKIP ----  | $00C ---- ---- ---- 
    R46  TASK1 HUB ----- ----- ---- ----  | ---- $013 ---- ---- 
    R47  TASK0 --- ----- STALL ---- ----  | $00A ---- ---- ---- 
    R48  TASK0 --- ----- STALL ---- ----  | $00A ---- ---- ---- 
    R49  TASK0 --- ----- STALL ---- ----  | $00A ---- ---- ---- 
    R50  TASK0 --- ----- ----- ---- ----  | $00A ---- ---- ---- 
    R51  TASK0 --- ----- ----- ---- JUMP  | $00B ---- ---- ---- 
    R52  TASK1 --- ----- STALL ---- ----  | ---- $014 ---- ---- 
    R53  TASK1 --- ----- STALL ---- ----  | ---- $014 ---- ---- 
    R54  TASK1 HUB ----- ----- ---- ----  | ---- $014 ---- ---- 
    R55  TASK2 --- ----- ----- SKIP ----  | ---- ---- $017 ---- 
    R56  TASK0 --- ----- ----- SKIP ----  | $00C ---- ---- ---- 
    R57  TASK1 --- ----- ----- ---- JUMP  | ---- $015 ---- ---- 
    R58  TASK0 --- ----- STALL ---- ----  | $00A ---- ---- ---- 
    R59  TASK0 --- ----- STALL ---- ----  | $00A ---- ---- ---- 
    R60  TASK0 --- ----- STALL ---- ----  | $00A ---- ---- ---- 
    R61  TASK0 --- ----- ----- ---- ----  | $00A ---- ---- ---- 
    R62  TASK0 HUB ----- ----- ---- ----  | $00B ---- ---- ---- 
    R63  TASK1 --- ----- ----- SKIP ----  | ---- $016 ---- ---- 
    R64  TASK2 --- ----- ----- ---- JUMP  | ---- ---- $018 ---- 

  • Bob Lawrence (VE1RLL)Bob Lawrence (VE1RLL) Posts: 1,720
    edited 2014-03-12 21:11

    re: P2 Test Toolbox[/h]
    Great!! idea. I'll check it out. Thanks!!
  • mindrobotsmindrobots Posts: 6,506
    edited 2014-03-14 12:17
    Great stuff, Brian!

    Thanks for putting it in the GitHub repository!

    CHEAP PLUG: Don't forget, if you want to play along in the P2 FPGA testing, sign up for the GitHub Repository!
  • ozpropdevozpropdev Posts: 2,793
    edited 2014-03-15 05:44

    In the "execute" section the following code needs to be modified.
    :loop			popzc	zc_flags
    :loop			popzc	zc_flags [b]wz,wc[/b]

    Sorry Guys! :(

    I've added some more features, I'll post an update soon.
  • ozpropdevozpropdev Posts: 2,793
    edited 2014-03-22 05:08
    Hi All,
    Here is the latest upgrade Version 1.8 for the new FPGA release (20th March 2014).
    Some new commands have been added. See Docs in zip file for more details.

    Post Edit: To start Toolbox use Backspace now not * like the previous versions.
    I'm putting together some more demo's of all the features. I'll post them soon.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2014-03-22 06:08
    Nicejob Brian. Cannot look/check till Monday.
  • ozpropdevozpropdev Posts: 2,793
    edited 2014-03-30 04:28
    Hi All
    Here's the latest update of P2 Test Toolbox.
    See docs for changes. :)
  • mindrobotsmindrobots Posts: 6,506
    edited 2014-03-30 12:47
    ozpropdev wrote: »
    Hi All
    Here's the latest update of P2 Test Toolbox.
    See docs for changes. :)


    I pushed this to the GitHub repository - hope you don't mind.
  • ozpropdevozpropdev Posts: 2,793
    edited 2014-03-31 16:35
    Hi All
    Here's an update with the TRACE labels corrected.
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