Video question
Posts: 18
There is a built in video generation factor for the propeller I understand. What I'm interested in is can this video generator output NBTV (narrow band TV) at 48 lines of resolution? Rather than the standard NTSC signal or Pal. Or is it fixed to that system only. In other words can we manipulate the way propeller generates video or is this locked to only those standards?
a driver for NBTV before, so it might take some work - is there a good description of NBTV
signal somewhere?
The reason I'm asking is we are also working with Team Sol-X and their GDB which uses the propeller. Our main interest in the propeller is for a Cubesat we are designing along with our UAV Spaceplane the Condor
We have been working with the Ardupilot as our autopilot because we can do HIL testing and that helped us develop the spaceplane project rapidly. We are looking at the propeller and possibly the propeller II for a solution there also. So in order to move over to the propeller we need a good deal of work. But being the team captain means if I decide to move to parallax we will.
Prop video is software defined. You write a kernel which outputs the signal, and maybe does some other things. Best start is one of the existing driver templates and modify from there. Eric Ball has a few out there to start from.
When it comes to controlling mechanical systems the propeller is an excellent choice.
How many pixels wide? 64? If that's the case, do the math; your baud rate for 12.5 fps will have to be
That's well above what an audio modem/codec can accomodate -- not to mention FEC (forward error correction) redundancy. Wha't's your carrier frequency? And what modulation modes and RF bandwidth are you allowed tio use?
For the April mission we hope the R-Pi is ready and we are using that to see the horizon only for flight. Right now we can get 70 mile range with the 900 mhz system and we can use that if we have too. The goal is to work it into a satellite system as we go.
The idea came from the Apollo 11 video transmission using NBTV they had 500khz to use but they also had 320 lines of resolution at 12.5 fps. We need far less for what we are doing. 48 lines is enough at 12.5 fps. NBTV is 32 lines as a standard for the mechanical systems what we are doing is somewhat different but the same resolution range.
What we are doing is trading BW for SNR for really long range comms with affordable/manageable antennas.
Bandwidth and Freq right now we are using Dual Band 433 down 144 up full duplex 25khz max BW. The uplink is 1200 baud data only and right now AX25 protocol. Yeah right now FM the SSB system would be AM. We can go as high as 12 khz SSB and that's a limit I set. There are not BW limits on amature bands but we want to be civil. Some might complain if we went to 12khz on eSSB so we'll see.
It's all in a state of flux and experimental for sure.
A 56k modem on phone line uses 3 khz BW over audio. So this is far less than that.
A JPEG image normally contains quantization and encoding tables, which require about 2 Kbytes, which is a lot of overhead for a small image. If you use a fixed set of tables you could remove them from the JPEG data that you transmit. Another issue with doing JPEG on the Prop is the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) that requires doing multiplications. You could replace this with a Walsh-Hadamard Transform that only uses additions and subtractions. There will be a loss in coding performance, but it will still work fairly well.
Right now so far I like the interference in the analog signal more than I like the effect of interference on a digital signal at this bandwidth. But that could change.
Okay, then, analog. So do the math again:
Youu will not squeeze that signal into 6 kHz without losing a lot of detail in the tranmitted picture.
These 2 are snapshots of some 48 line test footage from 50,000ft showing the horizon we are looking for.
If the RC filtering is inadequate or not sharp enough, the video could also be subjected to FIR filtering. Preliminary calculations show that there is enough compute speed available to pull this off at 38.4 kHz (sending every other horizontal pixel).
For telemetry data, the Bell 202 modem object will likely suffice.