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Losing my mind, assembly variable addresses updating wrong variable (Free Beer) — Parallax Forums

Losing my mind, assembly variable addresses updating wrong variable (Free Beer)

MadMiloMadMilo Posts: 2
edited 2014-03-05 16:13 in Propeller 1
I've been wanting a high resolution Digital Oscillator set-up for my analog synthesizer project. using the two 32bit counters in each cog to generate ramp waves that is fed into my 24bit DAC.
I had it working in spin fine with MIDI input and 6 voices but the samplerate was far too slow ~8KHz so i re-worked it in assembly but passing the main hub ram addresses never seemed to align properly with cog ram.

I've been debugging this for days and have now started from scratch several times but in PASDebugger it shows for example:
-MOV Sum, #12
will place 12 into Waittime

what am i doing wrong, originally i wanted interaction with hub ram to a mixer routine and im pretty sure i did it correctly but now its stripped to just one cog ,2 oscillators, and output directly but it still wont get jump & variable locations correct. ARRGHHHHHHHHHH, pleease help. I'll post a six pack to your house if you can fix it.

{32bit to 16bit dual oscillator cog}

  long oscaddr
  long astep
  long bstep
  long bits

PUB start(_resolution)

  astep := 50_000
  bstep := 0
  bits := _resolution
  oscaddr := @astep + (@bstep<<16)
  cognew(@entry, @oscaddr)    
PUB seta(_astep)
  astep := _astep
PUB setb(_bstep)
  bstep := _bstep
                        org  0

begin                rdlong     Addr, par                    
                        mov     CTRA, Cntset             'reset counters
                        mov     CTRB, Cntset
                        mov     DIRA, Pinset
                        mov     Clktime, CNT
                        waitcnt Clktime, Waittime
                        mov     Aadd, #2                 'clear increase value on every clock
                        mov     Badd, #4
                        mov     FRQA, #0                 'clear increasers
                        mov     FRQB, #0                 
                        mov     PHSA, #0
                        mov     PHSB, #0
                        mov     Aaddr, Addr
                        mov     Baddr, Addr
                        and     Aaddr, LSB
                        shl     Baddr, #16
                        mov     Clktime, CNT
                        waitcnt Clktime, Waittime

startLoop               mov     Sum, #0
                        mov     Bval, #0

                     rdlong     Aadd, Aaddr             
                        cmp     Preva, Aadd     WZ     
                  if_z  jmp     #noChangeA              
                        mov     Prev, Aadd             
                        mov     FRQA, Aadd           
                        mov     PHSA, #0

noChangeA            rdlong     Badd, Baddr
                        cmp     Prevb, Badd   WZ    
                  if_z  jmp     #noChangeB
                        mov     Prevb, Badd
                        mov     FRQB, Badd
                        mov     PHSB, #0

noChangeB               tjz     Preva, #addB
                        mov     Sum, PHSA
                        shr     Sum, #16

addB                    tjz     Prevb, #update
                        mov     Bval, PHSB
                        shr     Bval, #16                  

update                  add     Sum, Bval
                        shl     Sum, #8
                        mov     OUTA, Sum
                        jmp     #startLoop

Addr                    long  0
Aaddr                   long  0
Baddr                   long  0
Aadd                    long  0
Badd                    long  0
Cntset                  long  %0_00001_000_00000000_000000_000_000000 'cnt settings
Pinset                  long  $00FFFF00                               'pins 31-0
Sum                     long  0
Bval                    long  0
Waittime                long  10_000_000
Clktime                 long  0
Preva                   long  0
Prevb                   long  0
LSB                     long  $0000FFFF
MSB                     long  $FFFF0000

{16bit MIDI Synth Routine 20:01, 04/03/2014}

        _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x                                               'gives 64 MHz
        _xinfreq = 4_000_000

        '48KHz sample rate, 1250 cycles per sample

        SAMPLE_RATE  = 32_000 'Hz
        DA_BITS      = 8 'Resolution
        SAMPLE_DELAY = 64_000_000/SAMPLE_RATE

        doNoteOn            = $00000001
        doNoteOff           = $00000002
        doAftertouch        = $00000004
        doController        = $00000008
        doProgramChange     = $00000010
        doChannelPressure   = $00000020
        doPitchWheel        = $00000040
        doSysex             = $00000100
        doMTC               = $00000200
        doSongPosPtr        = $00000400
        doSongSelect        = $00000800
        doTuneRequest       = $00001000
        doMidiClock         = $00002000
        doMidiTick          = $00004000
        doMidiStart         = $00008000
        doMidiContinue      = $00010000
        doMidiStop          = $00020000
        doActiveSense       = $00040000
        doReset             = $00080000

  debug  : "Parallax Serial Terminal"
  midi   : "MidiIn"
  f      : "Float32"
  osc    : "AsmDualOsc"


  long oscaddr
  long astep
  long bstep

  long midevent
  long midnote
  long Voice
  long Note[6]

  long buttonstack[32]

PUB Main                                    

  DIRA[0..1] := %11
  DIRA[2..3] := %00
  OUTA[0..1] := %10                                     'start w/red loading light

  debug.Start(115_200)                                  'start serial terminal cog
  f.start                                               'start floating point cog
  midi.start(2, doNoteOn+doNoteOff)                     'start MIDI cog
  waitcnt(4_000_000 + cnt)
                                             'start oscillator cog
  cognew(ButtonDebug, @buttonstack)                                             
  waitcnt(1_000_000 + cnt) 

  OUTA[0..1] := %01                                            'ready Green Light
  debug.Str(STRING("16-bit Zynth all booted up"))

  waitcnt(8_000_000 + cnt)
'-------------------------------------Start Note Loop-----------------------------
    midevent := midi.evt
    debug.Bin(midevent, 32)
    midnote := midevent & $0000FF00
    midevent &= $000000FF
    midnote >>= 8

    If midevent>0  'If velocity > 0 then noteon
      'Find next free voice
      if Voice == 1
        Voice := 0
        Voice := 1
      'calculate note frequency and update note value
      if (Voice == 0)
        'step = 29527.90016 * 2^((note-69)/12)
        astep := f.FRound(f.FMul(29527.90016, f.Pow(2.0, f.FDiv(f.FSub(f.FFloat(midnote), 69.0), 12.0))))
        debug.Str(STRING(", "))
      elseif (Voice == 1)
        bstep := f.FRound(f.FMul(29527.90016, f.Pow(2.0, f.FDiv(f.FSub(f.FFloat(midnote), 69.0), 12.0))))
      Note[Voice] := midnote

    '  Voice := 0
    '  repeat while midnote<>Note[Voice] AND Voice<1
    '      Voice += 1
    '  Freq[Voice] := 0
    '  Note[Voice] := 0
    '  debug.NewLine  
    'fn  =  2^(n/12)*440 Hz referenced from 440Hz where n = 69

PUB ButtonDebug | a , maxval

DIRA[3] := 0
DIRA[4] := 1
OUTA[4] := 0
a := 0

OUTA[4] := 1
waitcnt(10_000_000 + cnt)

maxval := 70_000_000
 '1 ramp wave
 '2 square
 '3 triangle
 '4 sine

  if INA[3] == 1
    if a<10
      a += 1
    if a>0
      a -= 1
  if a>9
    OUTA[4] := 1
    if (astep < maxval)
      astep += 67
      'bstep += 150
      astep := 0
    debug.Str(STRING(" ,"))
    'debug.Str(STRING("Freq 1:"))
    a := 0
    OUTA[4] := 0    
  waitcnt(400000 + cnt)


  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2014-03-04 22:25
    Well, some things stand out.
    mov     Clktime, CNT
                            waitcnt Clktime, Waittime
    isn't getting you anywhere fast. waitcnt in PASM works differently from SPIN. It first waits for target (Clktime) then adds Waittime. In the above sequence at the time you reach waitcnt the system counter has advanced already and you have to wait for rollover. Also, your main loop doesn't have a time limit (may be intentional though).
    shl     Baddr, #16
    Make that a shr, shl picks up clkfreq (from long[0]).

    After disabling the waitcnt sequences, fixing Baddr and using counter mode LOGIC.always (instead of PLL, personal preference) I get some activity which looks reasonable. No further address issues whatsoever.
  • AribaAriba Posts: 2,690
    edited 2014-03-05 02:31
    MadMilo wrote: »
    I've been debugging this for days and have now started from scratch several times but in PASDebugger it shows for example:
    -MOV Sum, #12
    will place 12 into Waittime
    This looks like you have some lines in the source code which confuses PASD, then it can happen that there is a displacement between the cog address that PASD calculates and the real cog address.

    But when I add the debugger to your first code block and test it, all seems to be okay. I can step through the code and the registers are at the right places.

    If you step thru the ASM init code you will find that the address for Baddr is set wrong. You do a SHL Baddr,#16 while it should be a SHR Baddr,#16 to get the right address.

  • MadMiloMadMilo Posts: 2
    edited 2014-03-05 16:13
    Thankyou so much, i've been a fool. I now think it was working on an older version but with the bits in the wrong order giving me a high-pitched whine and then I made more mistakes in subsequent versions. Now I have a lovely sawtooth at 500ksps currently 16bit soon to be 24.

    Thanks for the quick responses these forums are great so is the chip and so are you two. If you live in london I'll bring you the beer as promised.
    I'll soon be able to post the rest of my zynthesizer. I'm just now working on the analogue parts and implementing wavetable and sine.

    Gawd bless, Milo
    853 x 596 - 82K
    osc.png 81.6K
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