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Prop C PWM of simple RGB LED

John KauffmanJohn Kauffman Posts: 653
edited 2014-03-05 16:03 in Propeller 1
I’m having trouble controlling an RGB LED with C and I haven’t gotten a search hit in fora on “RGB Propeller C”
This is not the smart/programmable kind of LED. It is just 3 LEDs in one case with 4 pins (common cathode). I checked the device without Prop control and no problem.

In the library reference I don't understand the purpose of the channel argument: pwm_set(int pin, int channel, int tHigh)

I tried the following code and got result of: blue > bright blue > nothing.

- Thanks.
/*RGB LED: use PWM to turn on red, green, blue in order 0.5 sec at 50%.  what is “channel”?*/
#include "simpletools.h"

int pinRed = 0;int pinGreen = 1;int pinBlue = 2;

int main(void){

pwm_set(pinRed,1,500) ; 
pwm_set(pinGreen,1,000) ; 
pwm_set(pinBlue,1,000) ; 

pwm_set(pinRed,1,000) ; 
pwm_set(pinGreen,1,500) ; 
pwm_set(pinBlue,1,100) ; 

pwm_set(pinRed,1,000) ; 
pwm_set(pinGreen,1,000) ; 
pwm_set(pinBlue,1,500) ; 
return 0;


  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2014-03-03 18:06
    This PWM module only supports two channels (both counters of a background cog). IOW always using channel 1 (ctrb, 0 being ctra) will effectively only drive the blue pin (called last before pause). I'm not aware of anything C'ish which supports more channels (not counting 3rd party implementations).
  • John KauffmanJohn Kauffman Posts: 653
    edited 2014-03-03 19:20
    Thanks, k.
    Now it makes sense. The channels are the two timers in the cog.
    Changing pinGreen to channel 2 gave me another color.
    Can I start two PWM modules to get greater than 2 pins controlled? Perhaps in different cogs?
  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2014-03-03 19:29
    Can I start two PWM modules? Perhaps in different cos?
    Not without effort (use of globals). Temporarily you could manually duplicate its functionality (to use another cog, giving you two extra channels). Or grab some multichannel object from the OBEX and run it through spin2cpp.

    That being said, IIRC there was something in the Learn forum re: multiple channels ... have to check. Remembered, would the servo library be fast enough/suitable? At least it supports multiple pins but is limited in frequency.
  • John KauffmanJohn Kauffman Posts: 653
    edited 2014-03-03 19:52
    I'll check the servo. Servos take a high for 1-2 mSec once every 20 mSec. So I'm guessing would only work up to 10% PWM. But I may be wrong.
  • John KauffmanJohn Kauffman Posts: 653
    edited 2014-03-03 20:10
    I tried running in multiple cogs making it super-simple to avoid volatiles.
    Result is red, off, green, off, blue stays on.
    I expected it to be red then ADD green then ADD blue to make white. Any guesses? Thanks.
     This is the main PWM on RGB LED program file.
     turn on red then add green then add blue 
    #include "simpletools.h"
    void displayRed();
    void displayGreen();
    void displayBlue();
    int main(void){
    int *cog1=cog_run(&displayRed,20);
    int *cog2=cog_run(&displayGreen,20);
    int *cog3=cog_run(&displayBlue,20);
    void displayRed(void){
    pwm_set(0,0,500)	; 
    void displayGreen(void){
    pwm_set(1,0,500)	; 
    void displayBlue(){
    pwm_set(2,0,500)	; 
  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2014-03-03 20:14
    It doesn't matter in what context you call pwm_start/pwm_set. The library starts its own cog which is all it will ever use.
  • John KauffmanJohn Kauffman Posts: 653
    edited 2014-03-04 04:17
    Got it. Much thanks,
    My next try will be 2 LEDs on D/A pins and third on PWM
  • twm47099twm47099 Posts: 867
    edited 2014-03-04 07:32
    I have used Forth (pfth) to control the 3 inputs of an RGB Led using one PWM counter. I turn each assign each Led (R, B, G) pin in turn to the counter with a 3 millisecond delay between each and repeat the loop without any other delays. The 3 ms delay between colors is enough to blend the colors w/o flickering. It works in forth, but you may have to play with that number to get what you want.

    I do have to assign different values to the PWM value (the 3rd value in your PWM statement) for each color to balance them. I am using a common anode LED which turns a color on by setting its cathode to Low. That means I have to turn off each color before moving to the next by changing its pin from output to input. In forth I have to interact with each parameter of the counters, but the C library should take care of that for you. I've attached the looping section of my code (there's more code to set the counter to pwm mode, but that's not needed to illustrate how to blend the colors.) Even though it's in forth, you should be able to follow the comments. The 'load intensity' and 'set ctra' commands essentially do the pwm function. The dirasetbit and diraclrbit commands are used to change the respective pin to input (turn off) and output (turn on). You probably don't have to worry about that. rctra, bctra, and gctra are variables that contain everything the counter needs to set the PWM function to the pin. Again, this is taken care of by C's PWM library function.

    In my code the routine below is started in a new cog and I adjust the color intensities (rval, bval, and gval on a scale of 0 to 10) in the original cog. That code and the code to start the new cog are not shown. The initial values for rval, bval, and gval are shown in hex (just because it was easier to debug and balance the colors). I don't expect those values (even in decimal) would work in the PWM library function.

    Hope this helps
    : rbgledtest         ( starts 1 cog and 1 ctr to run red, blue, and green )
       88800000 rval ! 
       48000000 bval !
       68000000 gval !
       begin             ( start endless loop for timesharing each color on 1 ctr )
    \ ---------------      Turn on red
        gdira diraclrbit         \ set green pin to input  -- turn green off
        rval @ frqa!             \ load red intensity setting into frqa
        rctra ctra!              \ set ctra to red pin 
        rdira dirasetbit         \ turn on red  - set red pin to output
        3 ms                     \ keep on for 3ms
    \ ---------------      Turn on blue
        rdira diraclrbit         \ set red pin to input -- turn red off
        bval @ frqa!             \ load blue setting in frqa
        bctra ctra!              \ set ctra to blue pin 
        bdira dirasetbit         \ turn on blue  - set blue pin to output
        3 ms
    \ ---------------      Turn on green  -- same as above
        bdira diraclrbit
        gval @ frqa!
        gctra ctra!
        gdira dirasetbit
        3 ms
  • twm47099twm47099 Posts: 867
    edited 2014-03-04 07:59
    I tried it in C. The following code works. It just turns on all 3 leds using one PWM channel. It's just an endless loop with each color set to 500 which gives a white light. You should be able to add controls to vary each intensity and stop the loop.


    /*   RGBLedTest.C
       Use PWM to turn on red, green, blue Leds and blend colors at 50%.
       This is written for a common anode rbg led -- low = on, 
         so need to use pin directions (input/output) to turn colors off 
         when other is lit or they will go full brightness.
     #include "simpletools.h"                      // Include simple tools
     int pinRed = 12; int pinGreen = 14; int pinBlue = 13;
     int main()                                    // Main function
       set_directions(pinGreen, pinRed, 0);     // set to input -- all colors off
       while(1)      //  endless loop
         set_direction(pinGreen, 0);  // turn off green
         pwm_set(pinRed,1,500) ;
         set_direction(pinRed, 1);   // turn on red
         set_direction(pinRed, 0);  // turn off red
         pwm_set(pinBlue,1,500) ; 
         set_direction(pinBlue, 1);   // turn on blue
         set_direction(pinBlue, 0);  // turn off blue
         pwm_set(pinGreen,1,500) ; 
         set_direction(pinGreen, 1);   // turn on green
  • John KauffmanJohn Kauffman Posts: 653
    edited 2014-03-04 08:37
    Thanks, Tom
    In the meantime I had tried the low road DIY with 8 possible pulse widths:
      while(1){               //total pause < 21 to keep within persistence of vision
        high(pinRed);    pause(1);    low(pinRed);
        high(pinGreen); pause(7);    low(pinGreen);
        high(pinBlue);    pause(7);    low(pinBlue);
  • twm47099twm47099 Posts: 867
    edited 2014-03-04 09:11
    I am confused. When I tried my code to cycle separate color (R,B,G) on by itself for a given time by changing the pause to a long time (e.g. 1/2sec), it didn't work. The colors blended (each color did not turn off when I set the pin direction to input). I tried a number of things, for example just switching pin numbers after the half second delay. Since the documentation for pwm says that pins numbers can switched on the fly I expected it to work. It didn't. The colors still blended.

    That is an issue with using library functions, it's not always clear what the library function is doing at the lower level - I assume it is setting pin directions.

    I finally used a brute force method, stopping pwm and restarting it for each color. That worked. The code below works to cycle R, B, and G at 50% for times given by ton and toff. I think the code I wrote above could be simplified to get rid of the direction statements in the loop.

    /*   RGBLedTest no blend.C
       Use PWM to turn on red, green, blue Leds without blending colors at 50%.
       This is written for a common anode rbg led -- low = on, 
     #include "simpletools.h"                      // Include simple tools
     int pinRed = 12; int pinGreen = 14; int pinBlue = 13;
     int ton = 500;
     int toff = 500;
     int main()                                    // Main function
       while(1)      //  endless loop
         pwm_set(pinRed,1,500) ;
         pwm_set(pinBlue,1,500) ;
         pwm_set(pinGreen,1,500) ;
  • John KauffmanJohn Kauffman Posts: 653
    edited 2014-03-04 09:30
    If I'm reading the code posted 5:11 correctly, it will turn on colors in succession, each at 1/2 brightness.
    It does not mix to make, e.g., purple, right? I don't see a way to do that with that code.
  • twm47099twm47099 Posts: 867
    edited 2014-03-04 10:25
    You are correct with the way it was set up.
    But if you set 'ton' = 6, 'toof' = 1, and play with the 3rd value in the pwm_set function you can blend colors. For example with my common anode Led (low = on, high = off), if I set the 3rd value to 1000 for green (i.e. off), and 0 for both red and blue, I get magenta. With a common cathode Led set green = 0, red and blue to a high value to get magenta.

    You do have to play with the values. If I set 'ton' to 10ms or more, I see flickering, but 8ms makes the led brighter. Changing the values in the R,B,G calls to pwm_set will adjust the colors. Subtle changes in values don't have much effect. For example, with my LED if I turn Blue off and set both Green and Red to 0, I get a greenish yellow. To get a pure yellow, I need to increase the green value (make it dimmer) to about 500.

    I'm not very happy using the method in that post, because the Led is not as bright as it could be and the range of color adjustments is touchy. By directly manipulating the counters (like in the forth program), I get a much greater range of brightness and color adjustments. However, even with that, it took a lot of fooling around changing the values that contributed to changed intensity to get the constants set so I can get 10 different intensities for each prime color.

    Your brute force method may be a better start.

  • JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,188
    edited 2014-03-04 13:15
    You can compile C to straight assembly, right? Why doesn't somebody write a routine that launches in its own cog and takes four parameters: red pin, green pin, blue pin, and hub address of rgb (long) color value? This could be accomplished in a simple loop.

    I wish I knew how to link PASM into C. If I did, I'd use this simple code for rgb handling.
                            org     0
    rgbcog                  mov     r1, par                         ' address of parameters
                            add     r1, #4                          ' skip color (in par)
                            rdlong  r2, r1                          ' read read pin
                            mov     rmask, #1                       ' convert to mask
                            shl     rmask, r2
                            or      dira, rmask                     ' make output
                            add     r1, #4
                            rdlong  r2, r1
                            mov     gmask, #1
                            shl     gmask, r2
                            or      dira, gmask
                            add     r1, #4
                            rdlong  r2, r1
                            mov     bmask, #1
                            shl     bmask, r2
                            or      dira, bmask
                            rdlong  ltix, #0
                            shr     ltix, #7                        ' tix for 128Hz
                            shr     ltix, #8                        ' tix for 256 steps
                            mov     ltimer, ltix
                            add     ltimer, cnt                     ' start loop timer
                            mov     cycle, #0
    rgbloop                 rdlong  r1, par                         ' get color, 0x00_RR_GG_BB
    do_red                  mov     r2, r1                          ' make copy
                            shr     r2, #16                         ' isolate red 
                            and     r2, #$FF                wz
            if_z            andn    outa, rmask
            if_z            jmp     #do_green
                            cmp     cycle, r2               wc, wz  ' check value against cycle
            if_be           or      outa, rmask
            if_a            andn    outa, rmask
    do_green                mov     r2, r1
                            shr     r2, #8                          ' isolate green                                                                   
                            and     r2, #$FF                wz
            if_z            andn    outa, gmask
            if_z            jmp     #do_blue                                                                      
                            cmp     cycle, r2               wc, wz  
            if_be           or      outa, gmask                     
            if_a            andn    outa, gmask
    do_blue                 mov     r2, r1                          
                            and     r2, #$FF                wz      ' isolate blue
            if_z            andn    outa, bmask
            if_z            jmp     #next_cycle                                                                                                       
                            cmp     cycle, r2               wc, wz  
            if_be           or      outa, bmask                     
            if_a            andn    outa, bmask
    next_cycle              add     cycle, #1                       ' bump cycle
                            and     cycle, #$FF                     ' keep 0..255
                            waitcnt ltimer, ltix                    ' let loop timing expire
                            jmp     #rgbloop                        
    ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    rmask                   res     1                               ' output masks
    gmask                   res     1
    bmask                   res     1
    rgbhub                  res     1                               ' hub address or RGB value
    ltix                    res     1                               ' loop tix for ~1kHz freq
    ltimer                  res     1                               ' loop timer
    cycle                   res     1                               ' pwm cycle position
    r1                      res     1                               ' working registers
    r2                      res     1
                            fit     496

    Bad JonnyMac! The code I originally posted was out of my head and not tested -- the code posted now does in fact work (in Spin), and I'm doing as Steve suggests and trying to incorporate it into a C demo.
  • John KauffmanJohn Kauffman Posts: 653
    edited 2014-03-04 13:32
    Since Activity Board only has PWM capability for 2 pins by function and 2 pins by D/A it would be great to have a library function that can set up PWM on 8 or so pins at once.
    The RGB LED is a nice little way for students to see results of PWM (and reminds me of my college years spent in discos).
    I don't have the skills to write it but am glad to test.
  • jazzedjazzed Posts: 11,803
    edited 2014-03-04 13:56

    If you include the .spin file in a SimpleIDE project, your spin PASM code will automatically be linked (as binary_filename_dat_start).

    This is demonstrated in the Documents/SimpleIDE/Propeller GCC Demos/toggle/pasm_toggle project.

    All you need is an interface to the PASM similar to what you would write in SPIN. It's not really complicated. Many demo projects do this.

    JonnyMac wrote: »
    You can compile C to straight assembly, right? Why doesn't somebody write a routine that launches in its own cog and takes four parameters: red pin, green pin, blue pin, and hub address of rgb (long) color value? This could be accomplished in a simple loop.

    I wish I knew how to link PASM into C. If I did, I'd use this simple code for rgb handling.
                            org     0
    rgbcog                  mov     r1, par                         ' address of parameters
                            rdlong  r2, r1                          ' read read pin
                            mov     rmask, #1                       ' convert to mask
                            shl     rmask, r2
                            or      dira, rmask                     ' make output
                            add     r1, #4
                            rdlong  r2, r1
                            mov     gmask, #1
                            shl     gmask, r2
                            or      dira, gmask
                            add     r1, #4
                            rdlong  r2, r1
                            mov     bmask, #1
                            shl     bmask, r2
                            or      dira, bmask
                            add     r1, #4
                            mov     rgbhub, r1
                            mov     cycle, #0
    rgbloop                 rdlong  r1, rgbhub                      ' get color, 0x00_RR_GG_BB
                            mov     r2, r1                          ' make copy
                            shr     r2, #16                         ' isolate red 
                            and     r2, #$FF                        
                            cmp     cycle, r2               wc, wz  ' check value against cycle
            if_be           or      outa, rmask
            if_a            andn    outa, rmask
                            mov     r2, r1
                            shr     r2, #8                          ' isolate green                                                                   
                            and     r2, #$FF                                                
                            cmp     cycle, r2               wc, wz  
            if_be           or      outa, gmask                     
            if_a            andn    outa, gmask
                            mov     r2, r1                          
                            and     r2, #$FF                        ' isolate blue                                                                                 
                            cmp     cycle, r2               wc, wz  
            if_be           or      outa, bmask                     
            if_a            andn    outa, bmask
                            add     cycle, #1                       ' bump cycle
                            and     cycle, #$FF                     ' keep 0..255
    ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    rmask                   res     1                               ' output masks
    gmask                   res     1
    bmask                   res     1
    rgbhub                  res     1                               ' hub address or RGB value
    cycle                   res     1                               ' pwm cycle position
    r1                      res     1                               ' working registers
    r2                      res     1
                            fit     496
  • JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,188
    edited 2014-03-04 14:12
    Since Activity Board only has PWM capability for 2 pins

    That limit exists only when using counters; with software PWM quite a lot more is possible.
  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2014-03-04 15:02
    I have a 32- channel 8-bit 7.6kHz PWM built into my Tachyon Forth, you can assign as many pins as you want and the PWM cog looks after it all jitter free and interactively too, just say:
    10 % 4 SETPWM
    and that will set P4 to 10% duty cycle, or:
    20 % 4 8 SETPWMS
    will set P4 through to P8 to 20 %
  • twm47099twm47099 Posts: 867
    edited 2014-03-04 15:37
    jazzed wrote: »

    If you include the .spin file in a SimpleIDE project, your spin PASM code will automatically be linked (as binary_filename_dat_start).

    This is demonstrated in the Documents/SimpleIDE/Propeller GCC Demos/toggle/pasm_toggle project.

    All you need is an interface to the PASM similar to what you would write in SPIN. It's not really complicated. Many demo projects do this.

    1. Where can I find: Documents/SimpleIDE/Propeller GCC Demos/toggle/pasm_toggle project
    2. Are you saying that if I write a C program using SimpleIDE (the IDE located at: ) that I can include a spin file and that it will automatically be linked? Like I would with #include simpletools.h

  • twm47099twm47099 Posts: 867
    edited 2014-03-04 15:47
    twm47099 wrote: »
    You are correct with the way it was set up.
    But if you set 'ton' = 6, 'toof' = 1, and play with the 3rd value in the pwm_set function you can blend colors. For example with my common anode Led (low = on, high = off), if I set the 3rd value to 1000 for green (i.e. off), and 0 for both red and blue, I get magenta. With a common cathode Led set green = 0, red and blue to a high value to get magenta.

    You do have to play with the values. If I set 'ton' to 10ms or more, I see flickering, but 8ms makes the led brighter. Changing the values in the R,B,G calls to pwm_set will adjust the colors. Subtle changes in values don't have much effect. For example, with my LED if I turn Blue off and set both Green and Red to 0, I get a greenish yellow. To get a pure yellow, I need to increase the green value (make it dimmer) to about 500.

    I'm not very happy using the method in that post, because the Led is not as bright as it could be and the range of color adjustments is touchy. By directly manipulating the counters (like in the forth program), I get a much greater range of brightness and color adjustments. However, even with that, it took a lot of fooling around changing the values that contributed to changed intensity to get the constants set so I can get 10 different intensities for each prime color.

    Your brute force method may be a better start.


    I played a bit more with the code and found that for blending colors, the pause(toff) isn't needed, and without it there is more control over the individual colors.
  • jazzedjazzed Posts: 11,803
    edited 2014-03-04 16:00
    twm47099 wrote: »
    1. Where can I find: Documents/SimpleIDE/Propeller GCC Demos/toggle/pasm_toggle project
    2. Are you saying that if I write a C program using SimpleIDE (the IDE located at: ) that I can include a spin file and that it will automatically be linked? Like I would with #include simpletools.h


    1. If you have SimpleIDE installed the demo would be in the "Documents" area assuming you have one of those.
    If you don't have that, look here: GCC Demos%2Ftoggle%2Fpasm_toggle

    2. SimpleIDE (the spinside branch) will link the PASM, that's all. It's been like that since the beginning.
    Now that David added the ability to automatically generate and call SPIN from C/C++, the rest of the linking story can be added when I have time.
  • JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,188
    edited 2014-03-04 16:01
    Well, I took Steve's advice and put on my big-boy pants -- and got the PASM code working in C. What took me in a few minutes in Spin took an hour in C, but that's because I'm on the low end of the learning curve. The next step is to make the code more portable. The simple version of the project is attached.

    I've also go to look at Peter's PWM code.
  • twm47099twm47099 Posts: 867
    edited 2014-03-04 16:20
    jazzed wrote: »
    1. If you have SimpleIDE installed the demo would be in the "Documents" area assuming you have one of those.
    If you don't have that, look here: GCC Demos%2Ftoggle%2Fpasm_toggle

    2. SimpleIDE (the spinside branch) will link the PASM, that's all. It's been like that since the beginning.
    Now that David added the ability to automatically generate and call SPIN from C/C++, the rest of the linking story can be added when I have time.

    Thanks, I've been using the tutorials on the C learning page and never realized this was in the SimpleIDE. Now I got some more studying to do.
    Thanks again
  • John KauffmanJohn Kauffman Posts: 653
    edited 2014-03-04 19:18
    JonnyMac wrote: »
    That limit exists only when using counters; with software PWM quite a lot more is possible.
    can you help me understand that note? I'm thinking of PWM_set and PWM_start as the software solution. I'm thinking the D/A chip as the hardware solution. What do you mean by software in your note? Maybe working with ASM instead of a C library?
  • JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,188
    edited 2014-03-04 19:39
    If you're using the counters to do PWM (cleanly) you're limited to the number of counters in the cog (2). Using software PWM, as I did in the RGB demo, you're not limited to two. As Peter pointed out, many more are possible. Of course, you could create a library that uses the counters and launch multiple copies, but that consumes valuable resources -- seems silly given software PWM is not terribly challenging.
  • twm47099twm47099 Posts: 867
    edited 2014-03-05 07:46
    I've been working through jm_rgb.c and the spin program you posted. I can follow the process (writing one is another story), but I'm not sure about the 'start' function in the C program and have a question.
    int start(unsigned int *color)                        // start RGB cog 
       extern unsigned int binary_rgbled_dat_start[];
       return cognew(&binary_rgbled_dat_start, color);

    Is the format of 'binary_rgbled_dat_start[]' specified? (start a binary in the dat section of rgbled.spin ?) or is it your method of keeping things straight. If it's specified, where can I find the explanation? If it is not specified, please explain what is happening.

    I appreciate your help.
  • JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,188
    edited 2014-03-05 14:05
    Have a look at the header of that program. Note that is says, "bashed together by JonnyMac" -- I wasn't kidding.

    I followed Steve's guidance and opened one of the SimpleIDE demos to get the basic structure. Using the PASM Toggle demo as guidance, I muddled through and got things working (in Spin in about 5 minutes, in C about an hour).

    My understanding is (please jump in and save me, Steve), that adding rgbled.spin to the project causes the compiler to create an executable module from it; the module is called binary_FILENAME_dat_start. All I did was copy, paste, and modify the start function from the C demo. Note that the Spin file has a start method in it -- but I don't think this is used (by C that is; I did use it to test the code with Spin).

    The only reason I jumped into this fracas was to point out that with very little effort (on the PASM side), one could have multiple PWM outputs without resorting to the counters and being limited to two.
  • twm47099twm47099 Posts: 867
    edited 2014-03-05 15:37
    JonnyMac wrote: »
    Have a look at the header of that program. Note that is says, "bashed together by JonnyMac" -- I wasn't kidding.

    I followed Steve's guidance and opened one of the SimpleIDE demos to get the basic structure. Using the PASM Toggle demo as guidance, I muddled through and got things working (in Spin in about 5 minutes, in C about an hour).

    My understanding is (please jump in and save me, Steve), that adding rgbled.spin to the project causes the compiler to create an executable module from it; the module is called binary_FILENAME_dat_start. All I did was copy, paste, and modify the start function from the C demo. Note that the Spin file has a start method in it -- but I don't think this is used (by C that is; I did use it to test the code with Spin).

    The only reason I jumped into this fracas was to point out that with very little effort (on the PASM side), one could have multiple PWM outputs without resorting to the counters and being limited to two.

    Thanks. I'm glad you jumped in because having an actual example helps a lot for those of us who are not very experienced with this.

    The C Learning tutorials are very detailed in their explanations and how-tos. Extending concepts taught to different sensors and devices is relatively straightforward, but going beyond the specific subjects covered, such as combining C with Spin or PASM, there are not any details on the how tos.

    I assume that as time goes on there will be tutorials on more advanced concepts. But for now, asking questions and getting help from you experts (even when you have to use trial and error) are very helpful, particularly when there are examples to study.

    My issue is that the Propellor is such an interesting device, that I keep jumping out of sequence with the C and Spin tutorials (and then there's all the different Forths and PASM). For example in the Prop Education Manual there is a section on A-D conversion using a potentiometer. So now, before I've done that section, I thinking about interfacing 3 pots to control the intensity of the 3 Leds in the rgb LED (and maybe use a couple of Xbees to do it remotely). I probably should learn to crawl before entering a marathon.

    Thanks again
  • JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,188
    edited 2014-03-05 16:03
    I would suggest you pick a language that suits you and stick with it until you're really comfortable with the language and the Propeller's architecture. For my money, the easiest to get productive with is Spin; it was designed to be easy and for the specific traits of the Propeller. I'm not much of a C programmer but have enough experience with Spin/PASM and a bit of C to jump in and do small programs like the RGB LED. Guys like Steve can knock out Spin or C code at the same rate -- but that comes after a lot of practice.

    Again, I think if you stick to one language until it's very comfortable, translating code from other places will be less daunting.
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