DE2-115 Adapter Boards - almost in stock. . .
Ken Gracey
Posts: 7,401
Hey there,
Many people were asking for the DE2-115 Adapter Board, so we made some small changes and produced 25 units. They'll be in stock in about a week after we finish some documentation. We also have the DE2-115 Cyclone board in stock. We'll put these up at the same time as the Adapter Board.
This is a small production run because we expect to replace it with our own FPGA Cyclone V A7 Propeller 2 board in a few months. It's in design now and moving along nicely.
Ken Gracey
Many people were asking for the DE2-115 Adapter Board, so we made some small changes and produced 25 units. They'll be in stock in about a week after we finish some documentation. We also have the DE2-115 Cyclone board in stock. We'll put these up at the same time as the Adapter Board.
This is a small production run because we expect to replace it with our own FPGA Cyclone V A7 Propeller 2 board in a few months. It's in design now and moving along nicely.
Ken Gracey
Are you taking reservations? Deposits?
(I guess since I just ordered a second Nano today, I'll have multiples ... I can start a Terasic Park!! Ugh, sorry!)
Right now, I am using stacks of sticky notepads under the add-on to prevent it from snapping off the DE2-115 connectors.
Thanks !
Edit: I don't have a DE2 neither I have a DE0-Nano, only BeMicro(s) CV
I missed out on them the first time around.
DE0-Nano boards? When we talked in depth about the adapter boards in December you didn't mention that you wanted this one activated, too! A couple of considerations in regards to our time usage to do this:
- The first run of the DE-0 adapters was done out of our business/MRP tools, out of the system. Would take time to properly setup and formalize (1/2 to a full day of somebody's time once it's all done right)
- Sending the boards to production will delay the Altera Cyclone V A7 Propeller 2 FPGA by three days (3 days, Daniel's time - mostly BOM setup, running product)
How many people want these? I see a few on this thread - but I need to hear from at least 50 people before I spend another minute looking into these. Is it worthwhile?Chip and others - I need your thoughts here before I proceed.
Ken Gracey
So, now you need one less!
Please don't delay anything on my account!! I'm satisfied to know there are currently no orphan adapter boards needing a good home.
I'm happy to see this. We so often loose track of what it actually costs us (in time) to answer the demands. Often, the trade-offs are so great that we end up satisfying a few at the expense of everybody (and the whole business).
There are DE0 adapter boards floating among us in the community. David Betz just told me he had one via e-mail. Drop me your e-mail via and I'll connect the two of you.
Ken Gracey
When you send out the DE2-115 and/or add-on boards, you could include a return box for our Nano add-ons.
For debug porousnesses we can always use same type of Video out as P1 in software if all pins instead be I/O's
Could we just do a community exchange program? If someone has a DE0 board. Post an availability and put it in a padded envelope when you find a match and mail it. Parallax doesn't need to tie up resources acting as a fulfillment center.
Yes, this would be so much easier. I really appreciate what's happening.
So far today we've brokered two DE0-Nano add-on exchanges. David Betz gave his to User Name, and we had one at Parallax that went to Seairth.
If we could continue to trade amongst ourselves we could avoid a costly manufacturing run. It would cost us about $5K to make 25 boards, even though the BOM cost is near nothing. The cost is all labor, all the time: buyers, inventory planners, engineers, all have their fixed role in anything we do, regardless of volume. Daniel is already behind schedule with or FPGA board so I don't want to add to the delay.
Thanks David for sharing your board today.
Ken Gracey
Hey Fred! I think the FPGA is nearly $200 on it's own, so I know our unit cost (just Bill of Materials and manufacturing labor) will hit $300 in a flash. I'm not pretending to be able to capitalize our non-recurring engineering costs over the 1,000 units we will build, but if we did the new Parallax board would probably be about $6-700. I'm going to do our best to keep the price under $500, and I know that's too much for most of us. The problem we face with products like this is the financial return is always long-term, from the Propeller 2. When all investments are long-term, there's little return in the near-term.
Maybe we can make a deal with our community. If you sell 1,000 boards for us, somehow, we can make them $400 - or something along these lines.
Ken Gracey
The DE0 is going to have many more restrictions on the next P2 pass. So not everyone is going to require the addon board anymore.
Minimal FPGA boards (like DE0-nano or BeMicro CV) are wonderful pieces of hardware. DE0-nano has proved to be useful. It just only lacks more logic elements.
Why don't just make something similar to this boards but with a bigger FPGA like Cyclone V A7?
If Parallax has such high NRE cost, why not ask Terasic or Arrow for a DE0-nano / BeMicro CV customized board?
I think the target is ~ 6 COGs in that part.
That's what they are doing, but the A7 is not cheap.
This makes the BeMicro CV an important option, especially as it is under $40
Still unclear, is if the BeMicro CV can fit a complete COG, or if it needs some removals.
If one COG cannot fit into a BeMicro CV, then about that size is where the A7 drops to fitting 5 COGS, from fitting 6
The Cyclone V 5CEFA7C8N has 150K LEs. I might expect that this may in fact hold the full 8 cog design because currently we seem to be at ~25K (it doesn't fit the 22K DE0) but this has much of the hub logic too. The FPGA chip alone is ~$180 from DigiKey.
David, The DE2 only supports 4 Cogs now.
One problem with Cyclone V boards is they tend to use more advanced DDR memory, not many bother with SDRAM
There is a DE1-SoC Board coming, for $199/$150,
which does have
64MB (32Mx16) SDRAM on FPGA
1GB (2x256Mx16) DDR3 SDRAM on HPS
Micro SD Card Socket on HPS
and enough logic for 3 COGS ( up to 28.3k LE per COG )
Maybe Parallax could get a price on an Educational P2 build subset of that ?