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ELEV-8 Super Sneak Peak — Parallax Forums

ELEV-8 Super Sneak Peak

Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
edited 2014-06-10 09:10 in Robotics
At a glance:
  • Carbon fiber chassis and motor mounts, 7/8" aluminum tubes
  • Tacon Bigfoot 32 Motors and 60A ESCs for 14.4-18V operation
  • 36" hub to hub measurement, 16" propellers
  • Hoverfly Pro (optional) features auto level, altitude hold, GPS expansion port (dual Propellers P8X32A)
  • Green anodized landing gear and tubes
  • Big size provides high visibility at a distance, and stability in wind
  • 10 lb payload: 6 ActivityBots with Li-on packs, a bunch of burritos, a Windows laptop or whatever you want to carry
  • Every drawing to be released, without any restrictions about their use
  • Propellers will be carbon fiber - still waiting for them from China (Chinese New Year slowed them down by 30 days).
To be produced as a limited edition, only direct from Parallax (no distribution). Will require liability release, AMA membership (~$80), and telephone briefing before sale is made.

What will you carry with an ELEV-8 Super?

Ken Gracey




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  • jdoleckijdolecki Posts: 726
    edited 2014-02-19 18:48
    What's the phone briefing about?
  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
    edited 2014-02-19 18:54
    jdolecki wrote: »
    What's the phone briefing about?

    I'm glad you asked. So we can counsel you about the damage you can do with an ELEV-8 Super (it breaks bones), the importance of safety, and the importance of a quality build process.

    Not trying to scare anybody off, but a bit of discussion will set people in the right direction.

    Ken Gracey
  • GordonMcCombGordonMcComb Posts: 3,366
    edited 2014-02-19 18:54

    Why your kitty doesn't want to go on a diet.
    648 x 433 - 43K
  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
    edited 2014-02-19 18:58

    Why your kitty doesn't want to go on a diet.

    Haha! Yeah, she's barely over the weight limit. Fluffy is uncomfortably comfortable around these contraptions and just might do it for a chunk of those chicken cat treats.

    She does appear to be headed for the departure gate in that photo.

  • jdoleckijdolecki Posts: 726
    edited 2014-02-19 19:15
    I'm glad to see Parallax making an effort to "police ourselves" before the government take away all our fun.
    Like all good things there are a few reckless flyers that will ruin it for everyone by crashing into people or property. (Already happened)

    Not to mention all the privacy issues that will crop up cause some chuckle head is taking pictures of people and stuff.
  • Roy ElthamRoy Eltham Posts: 3,000
    edited 2014-02-20 02:37
    I assume that by AMA you mean Academy of Model Aeronautics, and not the American Medical Association. :) Although, some folks may need an AMA member (the medical ones) to help them after they hurt themselves with this thing.

    FYI, I know better than to get one of these for myself. :)
  • ZootZoot Posts: 2,227
    edited 2014-02-20 07:48
    Any idea of what pricing will be?
  • xanaduxanadu Posts: 3,347
    edited 2014-02-20 16:16
    Sweet. Do you know the flight time as pictured?

    I would get my next copter from Parallax, if I ever get another one.
  • NWCCTVNWCCTV Posts: 3,629
    edited 2014-02-20 17:18
    Not trying to scare anybody off,
    Scare us off???? Makes me want one even more now!!!
  • W9GFOW9GFO Posts: 4,010
    edited 2014-02-21 11:40
    Hmmm, I think I would use it to carry a standard ELEV-8 on a long piece of fishing line and make a viral video of an ELEV-8 executing a successful power-off, autorotation landing.

    It would also be useful in testing out high altitude balloon payloads that do not use parachutes for safe descent.
  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
    edited 2014-02-21 11:59
    Do you like the green color, or would you prefer this in a Parallax anodized blue?

    Ken Gracey
  • PublisonPublison Posts: 12,366
    edited 2014-02-21 12:10
    Ken Gracey wrote: »
    Do you like the green color, or would you prefer this in a Parallax anodized blue?

    Ken Gracey

    Toddler Blue or Toddler Gold!
  • W9GFOW9GFO Posts: 4,010
    edited 2014-02-21 12:22
    Ken Gracey wrote: »
    Do you like the green color, or would you prefer this in a Parallax anodized blue?

    Parallax anodized blue for sure!

    BTW, nice floor! It's so clean...
  • Jen J.Jen J. Posts: 649
    edited 2014-02-21 14:44
    Ken Gracey wrote: »
    Do you like the green color, or would you prefer this in a Parallax anodized blue?

    The green looks great in person.
  • Jessica UelmenJessica Uelmen Posts: 490
    edited 2014-02-21 15:11
    I also enjoy the green, as the quadcopter is so large and it's reminiscent of the Hulk. Of course, I also have a preference for nerdy tributes. :nerd:
  • W9GFOW9GFO Posts: 4,010
    edited 2014-02-21 15:52
    Well, Ive got a green car, green tractors, green everywhere you look out the windows - so why not a green quad too. Blue on the other hand...
  • xanaduxanadu Posts: 3,347
    edited 2014-02-21 16:24
    Okay so we're all in agreement, black and white pixelated camo it is!
  • Tim-MTim-M Posts: 522
    edited 2014-02-21 16:46
    It's all personal preference I realize, but my vote is for Blue!
  • mindrobotsmindrobots Posts: 6,506
    edited 2014-02-21 17:18
    Green goes with the motors.
  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
    edited 2014-02-21 21:20
    We're keeping this mean machine the color of green. After all, it would be tough to cross through the Parallax lobby after ignoring the style advice of Jessica and Jen.

    There is a blue quadcopter in the works - an update to the ELEV-8 kit. More on that later.

    Ken Gracey
  • gennarobasso81gennarobasso81 Posts: 84
    edited 2014-03-19 14:33
    When is this amazing elev8 going to be available in the parallax store....and how much are you thinking it's going to cost
  • bfmorganbfmorgan Posts: 8
    edited 2014-04-21 15:46
    I would love to be able to get one of these. Having built and flown the ELEV-8 for over a year and seeing so early prototypes of the Super, this is great that its finally getting ready for release. Do you want my AMA membership number?
  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
    edited 2014-04-21 21:33
    Hey all!

    June is our target for introduction. We're having a bit of trouble getting 15" propellers, so we might need to stick with the wooden variety.

    This thing is dangerous. Can you handle the power?

    This will use the Hoverfly Pro board, and I expect the retail kit to be around $1,000. The benefits of flying a large quad are significant, and well worth the cost:

    - you can see it far away, especially at night with lots of lighting
    - carry things, do productive stuff!
    - quality kit is really fun to build

    Ken Gracey
  • bfmorganbfmorgan Posts: 8
    edited 2014-04-22 11:45
    Cost is not an issue for me and seems to be inline with other lighter lifting kits I've seen. As to useful work, I'll let that be your call, I have been working on getting a paintball connected to a gimbal system and hooking that up to a targeting video system. The 10 pound lifting limit seems inline with my system which weights in at just 7.1 pounds with 50 rounds.
  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
    edited 2014-04-22 14:02
    bfmorgan wrote: »
    Cost is not an issue for me and seems to be inline with other lighter lifting kits I've seen. As to useful work, I'll let that be your call, I have been working on getting a paintball connected to a gimbal system and hooking that up to a targeting video system. The 10 pound lifting limit seems inline with my system which weights in at just 7.1 pounds with 50 rounds.

    This is EXACTLY what I'd like to do next. So far, I've been carrying around robots and other Parallax products. Below is picture prior of an ELEV-8 Super with four ActivityBots prior to a big demonstration (the allowable kind) at a Chinese robotics exposition (hence the two flags). I'd like to move from robots to paintball guns, too. The only thing preventing me from doing that is time.

    Ken Gracey

    China Demos.jpg
    1024 x 1365 - 132K
  • bfmorganbfmorgan Posts: 8
    edited 2014-06-03 02:05
    Any update on the availability of the Super?
  • TellisTellis Posts: 2
    edited 2014-06-10 09:10
    That is really super cool looking!
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