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BS2 - Editor sees it under Run>Identify, but reports "No stamps found" on code load? — Parallax Forums

BS2 - Editor sees it under Run>Identify, but reports "No stamps found" on code load?

xanatosxanatos Posts: 1,120
edited 2014-05-16 15:03 in BASIC Stamp
I've been using stamps for years now, never encountered this one before.

BS2px. Parallax Professional Development Board. Code working good.

In Editor, I select Run > Identify.

Scanning... reports BS2px with echo & loopback, all good, just like normal.

Make a code change to a SEROUT statement going to a memory stick datalogger, that has a following SERIN and DEBUG STR buffer\4 statement.

Code runs then hangs because I forgot to make a match between the byte count specified to the SEROUT, and the corresponding SERIN STR buffer\4 line:
DLTX            PIN     10                      ' RXDATA (4) on Datalogger
DLRX            PIN     11                      ' TXDATA (5) on Datalogger


    SEROUT DLTX, DBaud,[$0B,$20,0,0,0,$04,CR]
    SERIN DLRX, DBaud, [STR buffer\4]
    DEBUG STR buffer\4, CR

Simple error, easy to catch & correct.

So I correct it. Control R to load it, editor reports No Basic Stamps Found.

"Odd", I think. So I do the Run>Identify thing again. System reports BS2px, etc. All good. Go to load the code again, No Stamps Found.

Powered the PDB off & on - Run>ID sees the stamp; code load - does not.

Powered down PDB, quit editor, pulled the USB to Serial (Parallax brand - always worked), waited 30 seconds, plugged it all back in, started up the editor, powered up the PDB.

Run>ID - stamp there.

Code load - no stamps found.

Finally, I pulled the stamp and put another one in and the code ran fine.

I pulled THAT stamp and put the original back in and IT ran fine.

Purposely recreated the same error by mismatching the bytes to get versus the bytes to receive and voila, no stamp found on code load.

Repeatable oddity.

Question is: Under what circumstances can the program running on the stamp prevent the stamp from being seen by the editor when loading code only?

Note that I have specified my TX & RX pins as 10 & 11, so no conflict with the stamp's "system" serial port... but something about that that SERIN command hanging waiting for that missing byte prevents the stamp from accepting a new code load.

I've been working with stamps for YEARS and never encountered this before.

Any ideas?

Here's the full code - I'm just messing with reading data from a text file on the memory stick - very basic (no pun intended). The datalogger has been firmware set to 4800, SCS, etc., hence the abbreviated init section for it. The text on the stick in PCODE.txt is:


' =========================================================================
'   {$STAMP BS2px}
'   {$PBASIC 2.5}
' =========================================================================
' -----[ I/O Definitions ]-------------------------------------------------

DLTX            PIN     10                      ' RXDATA (4) on Datalogger
DLRX            PIN     11                      ' TXDATA (5) on Datalogger

' -----[ Variables ]-------------------------------------------------------

buffer          VAR     Byte(4)
FILESIZE        VAR     Word
fs              VAR     Byte                    ' Read step counter
' -----[ Constants ]-------------------------------------------------------

    T2400       CON     396
    T9600       CON     84
    T19K2       CON     32
    T2400       CON     1021
    T9600       CON     240
    T19K2       CON     110
    T1200       CON     3313
    T2400       CON     1646
    T4800       CON     813
    T9600       CON     396
    T19K2       CON     188
    T38K4       CON     84

DBaud           CON     T4800           ' Datalogger baud rate of 4800

' -----[ Initialization ]--------------------------------------------------

  DEBUG "Starting", CR
  DEBUG "> DD", CR
  SERIN DLRX, DBaud, [WAIT(">")]
  DEBUG "> Rx", CR
  PAUSE 400

' -----[ Program Code ]----------------------------------------------------


  GOSUB Size

  SEROUT DLTX, DBaud, [$0E, $20, "PCODE.txt", CR]
  SERIN DLRX, DBaud,[WAIT (">")]
  DEBUG "Open", CR

    SEROUT DLTX, DBaud,[$0B,$20,0,0,0,$04,CR]
    SERIN DLRX, DBaud, [STR buffer\4]                        'Change to \5 to get it to hang & disappear from the loader!
    DEBUG STR buffer\4, CR

    SEROUT DLTX, DBaud,[$0B,$20,0,0,0,$02,CR]  ' Trash characters LF & CR and increment the pointer to the next 4 characters
    PAUSE 10

  PAUSE 1000

  SEROUT DLTX, DBaud,[$0A, $20, "PCODE.txt", CR] ' Close file
  SERIN DLRX, DBaud,[WAIT (">")]
  DEBUG "Closed",CR

PAUSE 2000


' -----[ Subroutines ]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  SEROUT DLTX, DBaud, [$01, $20, "PCODE.txt", $0D]
  SERIN DLRX, DBaud, [WAIT (">")]
  DEBUG "File size ", DEC FILESIZE," Bytes", CR

  DEBUG "Nope...", CR
  GOTO Main


  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2014-02-21 09:10

    That is an odd one for sure. I am going to see if I can get our BASIC Stamp Guru to have a look at this thread. Stay tuned...:cool:
  • xanatosxanatos Posts: 1,120
    edited 2014-02-21 09:39
    It's the oddest thing I've ever encountered with a Basic Stamp. From what I know of the architecture in there, the Editor requesting that the stamp "listen up for new code" should take priority over any running code, whether it's hung waiting for something or anything else. But I was able to reproduce it, on two different BS2px chips.

    Is there anything different about the NEW BS2px chips that might come into play here? These are both from the new "generation" of that chip. And I'm sure you can imagine that in the years I've been using Stamps, I've managed to hang a BS2 and all of its variants in just about every way possible, and not once have they ever ignored a reset and reload of the code. But I can get these to do it on command! :) I'll be fascinated to see what this turns up.

    Thanks for the info... staying tuned. :smile:
  • PublisonPublison Posts: 12,366
    edited 2014-02-21 11:23
    I am going to see if I can get our BASIC Stamp Guru to have a look at this thread.

    Chris, I thought YOU were the BS2 Guru! Between you and JonnyMac all problems can be solved. :)


    Does this happen when the Datalogger is connected or disconnected, or both.

  • WBA ConsultingWBA Consulting Posts: 2,935
    edited 2014-02-21 11:51
    Total shot in the dark here, but have you tried to download code immediately after powering the BS2px? I recall a project of mine from years ago that used the serial port. Once the program was loaded and running, the only way I could ever change code again was to try to download immediately after powering the BS2. Made me think that my code was preventing a proper reset to be seen on the ATN line. Trying to program immediately after powering up was catching it before the code was running, so it worked. Honestly, I don't know if that explanation is true, but it worked for me for basically the same scenario you seem to be having.
  • xanatosxanatos Posts: 1,120
    edited 2014-02-21 12:30
    Hi Jim,

    Even when the datalogger is disconnected. Once that code was loaded, disconnecting the datalogger and powering down the whole board, waiting, and re-powering, without reconnecting the datalogger, the editor sees the BS2 under the Run>ID thing, but not when I Ctrl R or click the arrow to load code... it scans and reports no stamp found. With nothing at all connected to the stamp - just the stamp, sitting in the socket.

  • xanatosxanatos Posts: 1,120
    edited 2014-02-21 12:43
    Hi Andrew,

    Yes, I actually did that, and also tried hitting the reset button at various millisecond intervals before or after hitting the code-load button, just to see. I played with this one quite a while and couldn't figure it out. Like you, I thought that if I could sneak the code in fast enough before the program started, I might get lucky. Plus I was using pins 10 & 11 as my serial lines, not the "system serial" port - for just the reason you specify, I don't want to block editor access by using the system port.

    The odd thing in this whole odd thing, is that the code executes normally while ignoring the loader. I can see the debug stuff come up when I've powered down & back up (won't get the debugs on a simple reset because the power doesn't cycle on the datalogger, so the program hangs there waiting for the DD and the >. And yes, I even tried loading the code at that point as well! :lol:) but even before any of the debug stuff comes up, the loader doesn't see it, but the run>id thing does.

    The only thing that seems to make a difference is literally removing the chip for about 10 minutes. When I put it back in, I can load code. And if I purposely recreate that \5 instead of \4 error on the SERIN/SEROUT commands, I can reproduce the results. It seems to be that it hangs the whole chip waiting for that byte that never arrives. Baffling (not baffling that it hangs waiting, but that it has seemingly an effect on the chip outside normal program execution).

    At first I thought I had done something to fry the poor thing... glad it turns out it just needed to get a 10 minute vacation! :) But now I'm fascinated as to the chip's behavior here. Never have seen this before, no matter how badly I've messed up code! :smile:

    What baffles me the most is how the run>id routine DOES get a response, but the code load does not. How do those two things differ? What's the difference at the actual serial comm level? What command is issued when you're just asking the chip to identify, vs. when you're looking to load code from the editor? Say for example, I wanted to program up another stamp to simulate being the editor - what would I send to the stamp under test to have it report back that it was a BS2px, with loopback & echo?
  • Beau SchwabeBeau Schwabe Posts: 6,568
    edited 2014-02-21 13:52
    You might try adjusting the Latency Timer through your Device Manager.

    Start --> Control Panel --> System --> Hardware --> Device Manager --> Ports (COM & LPT) ... Find the Port that enumerates to the BS2 on your system ... Right click and select "Properties" --> Port Settings --> Advanced --> Latency Timer (msec)

    On my system the Latency Timer is set to 16 ... when I increase it to 100 or so I see the same errors that you are describing.
  • ElectrodudeElectrodude Posts: 1,665
    edited 2014-02-21 13:55
    I haven't used my BS2px for years, but I do remember there was a bug that caused download troubles when my program hit an END statement, and possibly in a few other cases that I don't remember. I just never used ENDs, and rarely had the problem after that.

    You had to leave it off for 10 minutes?!? I think a quick power cycle was good enough for mine.

    I found a stack bug in your code, although I have no idea how the BS2 stack works (if it even has a proper one). No_Data should RETURN, not GOTO Main.

    I discovered that interesting things get written to the bottom of EEPROM after the programming failures I was having. If you can, run this on a BS2px (untested!) immediately after your download problem happens, and you should get some interesting text at the bottom of memory pertaining to the error:
    '{$STAMP BS2px}
    '{$PBASIC 2.5}
    x  VAR byte
    i  VAR word
    FOR i = 0 TO 2047 
      READ i, x
      IF x>=31
        DEBUG x
        DEBUG "?"
      IF i.NIB0 = 0 THEN
        DEBUG CR
  • xanatosxanatos Posts: 1,120
    edited 2014-02-21 14:16
    You might try adjusting the Latency Timer through your Device Manager.

    Start --> Control Panel --> System --> Hardware --> Device Manager --> Ports (COM & LPT) ... Find the Port that enumerates to the BS2 on your system ... Right click and select "Properties" --> Port Settings --> Advanced --> Latency Timer (msec)

    On my system the Latency Timer is set to 16 ... when I increase it to 100 or so I see the same errors that you are describing.

    Hi Beau,

    I'll try playing with different settings in there. Right now, my latency was set to 16. See photo attached for all settings for my port.

    Thanks... this could be interesting.

    955 x 876 - 205K
  • xanatosxanatos Posts: 1,120
    edited 2014-02-21 14:24
    I haven't used my BS2px for years, but I do remember there was a bug that caused download troubles when my program hit an END statement, and possibly in a few other cases that I don't remember. I just never used ENDs, and rarely had the problem after that.

    You had to leave it off for 10 minutes?!? I think a quick power cycle was good enough for mine.

    I found a stack bug in your code, although I have no idea how the BS2 stack works (if it even has a proper one). No_Data should RETURN, not GOTO Main.

    I discovered that interesting things get written to the bottom of EEPROM after the programming failures I was having. If you can, run this on a BS2px (untested!) immediately after your download problem happens, and you should get some interesting text at the bottom of memory pertaining to the error:
    '{$STAMP BS2px}
    '{$PBASIC 2.5}
    x  VAR byte
    i  VAR word
    FOR i = 0 TO 2047 
      READ i, x
      IF x>=31
        DEBUG x
        DEBUG "?"
      IF i.NIB0 = 0 THEN
        DEBUG CR

    Hi Electrodude,

    Thanks for the info. The GOTO was in there for a reason that was no longer being used in the code as it stands - previously (on another program with a completely different function for that timeout, I couldn't return to the spot on no_data, I actually needed it to then go to the main loop... in this program, the only timeout ref is in the size subroutine, and it gets through that properly without accessing the no-data sub.

    I'll try running that code - it'll be interesting to inspect all eeprom locations after running various programs!

  • xanatosxanatos Posts: 1,120
    edited 2014-02-21 14:34
    PS., FWIW, I'm using editor version 2.5.2, and I see we're up to 2.5.3 - was there anything significant in the update that could have an effect on this situation?
  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2014-02-21 16:04
    Publison wrote: »
    Chris, I thought YOU were the BS2 Guru! Between you and JonnyMac all problems can be solved. :)


    You can consider me Tier 2 Tech Support if you like. :nerd: Thing is, when something defies logic (as this does) I get a hold of the only person I know who deals with BASIC Stamp Modules at the firmware level, which is Jeff Martin. He is currently looking into this issue.
  • JkaneJkane Posts: 113
    edited 2014-04-24 09:51

    I was wondering if this was fixed, I have a bs2px which does the exact same thing, my legacy timer is set to 16

    my software version is 2.5.3, the board is a board of education USB, the identify works fine, when you try to load code it fails "with not found"


  • xanatosxanatos Posts: 1,120
    edited 2014-04-24 10:16
    Hi Jeff,

    I haven't heard back, I know they had the Expert looking into it :) As far as I can tell - I'm *thinking* it's new to the new px units. What I observe is that IF you have a program that is running and your px running that program is at a point in the program where it is waiting for a SERIN to arrive, and you attempt to download a program, the system will report no stamp. HOWEVER - if you immediately rerun your download command, it'll go. I have some programs where the very start of the program is to just sit and wait for a SERIN, and that one was hard to get a program loaded into because the recovery-after-reset time was so short. But if you have a program with a few hundred ms or more before it hits the SERIN and waits, then it's easier to get the program to get swallowed.

    It's odd, but it's workable. Not sure where the good folks at Parallax are at looking into this one, but I'm sure they'll let us know when they find anything.

  • JkaneJkane Posts: 113
    edited 2014-05-16 13:04

    it now works, the changes were in the device settings of windows 7 (which is the one I have) for the com port of the interface (under device setting) i set the latency to 50, then it seems to work fine.


  • davejamesdavejames Posts: 4,047
    edited 2014-05-16 13:45
    xanatos wrote: »
    Question is: Under what circumstances can the program running on the stamp prevent the stamp from being seen by the editor when loading code only?

    Dave - I noticed your code immediately starts sending serial data when executed, and it made me think of a note in the PBasic IDE "ReadMe.txt" file:
    False-Positive Detection of Plug and Play Devices:
    Some PBASIC programs may cause Windows to think it has detected a Plug and Play serial device when the BASIC Stamp
    which is running that PBASIC code is plugged into the PC via USB cable while the BASIC Stamp is powered.
    In typical BASIC Stamp use, it is very rare that false-positive Plug and Play device detection occurs, however, the chances are
    increased when all of the following items are true:
    [B]  1) The PBASIC code in the BASIC Stamp outputs serial data within approximately 650 ms of power up/reset.[/B]
      2) The BASIC Stamp is powered up before connecting it to the computer.
      3) The BASIC Stamp is then connected to the computer via a USB cable.
    When a BASIC Stamp is plugged into a computer via a USB cable, a Virtual Serial Port is created.  Upon detection of a new
    Virtual Serial Port, the Windows Operating System scans the port for potential Plug and Play serial devices such as serial mice, 
    pens, printers, and modems.  During this scanning process, Windows toggles the serial port's DTR line multiple times, causing a
    connected, and powered, BASIC Stamp to reset multiple times.
    [B]If that BASIC Stamp Module's PBASIC program is designed to transmit serial data within about 650 ms after 
    power-up/reset[/B], Windows might misinterpret these messages as coming from a Plug and Play serial device, and automatically 
    install a driver for the device it believes it detected.  [B]At the very least, this causes the port to be unusable by other programs,
    such as the BASIC Stamp Editor.[/B]  At the worst, it may cause a system lock-up that requires a computer reboot.
    To prevent this from happening:
    [B]  Recommended Method : Insert a delay, such as PAUSE 1000, at the start of your PBASIC program.[/B]
      Alternative Method : Ensure the BASIC Stamp is unpowered before connection to a computer via a USB cable.
      Alternative Method : Connect the BASIC Stamp to the computer via a standard, DB9-style, serial cable.
  • xanatosxanatos Posts: 1,120
    edited 2014-05-16 14:31
    Hi Dave,

    The example code I gave is just the prescient parts - the issue happens whether my SERIN happens right away, or at a point several seconds into the program execution. And the stamp is definitely not resetting repeatedly, as the debug lines would have shown that data flow was not happening elsewhere in the program.

    In the original program in which I found the issue, the SERIN it was waiting at was after a number of other sensor readings had been acquired and sent via SEROUT, with the program waiting for a SERIN response. Once it hit that, with no device present on the remote side to talk back and fulfill the waiting SERIN... that's when the issue arises. Any time that SERIN sits, waiting, indefinitely (of course if there's a timeout, then this isn't an issue, but for some of my applications, there can't be because the incoming data can be significantly delayed - by hours - depending on the particular device I am interfacing to.)

    Latencies don't seem to be an issue. And it seems to only be the new BS2px chips - I ran the program on an older BS2px and did not have the same experience.

    But again - it does not seem to be a truly significant issue, just an anomaly that seems to point up that there is some difference in the new chips, and as yet, I haven't seen that that difference, whatever it is, has adversely affected the running of the chips in any of my field applications... which is a very good thing! :)

    And considering I'm finishing design of a project that uses six of these items... :)

  • davejamesdavejames Posts: 4,047
    edited 2014-05-16 14:56
    ...bummer. And here I thought I was gonna save the day!
  • xanatosxanatos Posts: 1,120
    edited 2014-05-16 15:03
    davejames wrote: »
    ...bummer. And here I thought I was gonna save the day!

    Lol... you're in good company, I have that experience frequently! :)
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