$10 IR Remote Control Stepper Motor Driver

Kind of a neat self-contained with remote, LED display, on board switches, variable speed, etc but it's for 4-wire steppers, not the cheapie 5-wire bipolar steppers so rife on Ebay. Maybe someone can use it.
Video at http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTg4MjAwNzUy.html shows a variety of motors being driven.
Kind of a neat self-contained with remote, LED display, on board switches, variable speed, etc but it's for 4-wire steppers, not the cheapie 5-wire bipolar steppers so rife on Ebay. Maybe someone can use it.
Video at http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTg4MjAwNzUy.html shows a variety of motors being driven.
Just need to replace the 4pin connector with something a bit more generic, then I can use it during rebuilds of my CnC mill.