Problem with drive_getTicks function
Leo Bots
Posts: 8
When I try to load the program that introduces the drive_getTicks function on page 19 of the Navigation Basics manual, under Your Turn, the build fails and I get the error message: this library requires 32 bit doubles. Can someone explain what this means and what do I need to do to get the program to load and run?
ps: Can you post a link to the tutorial?
"this library requires 32 bit doubles" means for some reason, the project is not correctly set-up.
You see something like this ? ...
Open the "Project Manager" by clicking the circled button like below.
Choose the Compiler tab ...
Check the box marked 32bit Double ...
Click the hammer ...
Close the "Project Manager" and the "simpletext.h" file, and continue learning.
Yes, please post a link to the tutorial so we can fix the issue.