S2 Scribbler - Pimping My Ride - 3D printing "Mini Skirts" now with Gripper Arm
With all the S2 Hackering I have applied to my S2 Chassis.... Its time to spice things up a bit to add some space and "Extras* :-

This is just a "Mini Skirt" I altered in "Blender" to test/check for 3D print alignment, wheel clearance and motor housings.
It took 57 mins to print as I choose a very rough 0.35mm Z axis step as measurements are more important than looks at momo...
Its "Spliced" in Cura to produce the G-Code... and saved to an SD card

The Ultimaker prints the S2s carrosserie.

This is just a "Mini Skirt" I altered in "Blender" to test/check for 3D print alignment, wheel clearance and motor housings.
It took 57 mins to print as I choose a very rough 0.35mm Z axis step as measurements are more important than looks at momo...
Its "Spliced" in Cura to produce the G-Code... and saved to an SD card

The Ultimaker prints the S2s carrosserie.

I want one too.....could be real hard to ship, though. :frown:
It was not so straightforward and what you see below is a 3rd 3Dprint of a simple motor securing clamp I came up with. (neat thing it prints without support material YAY)
Next stage is to secure the mini skirt to it and then it will form a good base to build upon.
( Will probably "Key" it so it can be slotted together like a jigsaw.."Thats the plan Dan" ).
Well done, good sir!
Current Plan is to make a skirt with ultrasonic cut_outs to try and improve the range of forward detect & object location.
...still a long way to go......
BTW :- ...I noticed in one of the other blogs you were wanting to import to Google sketch... there is a plug_in that allows for import of .STL files.
Have you thought to share the models on Thingiverse.com?
In this site you can also find a model for pen lifter kit.
Is a good idea to create a grup of accesories for the S2 and the upcoming s3.
BTW. my 3d printer remains out of operation(the damage was serious). Fortunately Leapfrog promissed to send me a new one in order to replace it.
This period I feel that I can't do nothing.........
... agreed....
... If I can print a replacement part for you let me know , I can easily do that...
Regards Gareth
Test piece to check for alignment (looks good.... however Ultrasound holes need to expand by 0.2mm ... and I forgot to put mounting posts on the back)
Yellow is good choice (Think S3)
Will it fit a can of hair spray for erco?
PS:- as the S" is symetrical..... I only have to Blender Half the "Rig" and stitch a mirrored opposite side when finished...(that why the image is weird above)
Are you hiring?
Yes I'm hi(gh)ring over 2.5cm (does that make me a ruler)
Seems to fit very well .... except astute readers will notice the bicycle spoke.... they gotta go .. I am working on Magnetic fastenings.
Perfect 3d printing......!!!!!!!!!
Say something about the material you use.
The yellow I suppose ABS the transparent...?
I have used mostly PLA including the semi transparent (ABS is pain for shrinking and not sticking to base plate) :-
Print Parameters..... (these are really settings I used for fast print as I want to get just the "Feel" of what design is possible)
Print Temperature 220°C
Bed Temperature 70°C
Print Speed 50mm/sec
Fill Density 20%
Layer Height 0.25mm For the final version I will take this down to 0.1mm
Shell thickness 0.9mm
Bot/Top fill 0.6mm
What I do know is I will print separate bits... and either glue or (see below) ... this will mean that i can easily interchange bits or modules to help with any future projects...
My magnetic mount system is under-way .......printing...printing.....
Take_in shape
I have allowed for 2 sets of 5mm holes for the S2s power/indication leds which I will be porting off the main board.
Here is my "Magnetic Quick Release" mount system .
It uses a 5mm Magnetic stand_offs from the S2 shell.
The Skirt snaps into place to bottom of S2 .... then the S2s lid will snap onto the Skirt Magnetic mounts.
You should make robots!!
Or sell 3D printers because you're really showing a bunch of reasons I might NEED a 3D printer!
@Gareth: I've never seen a Scribbler or S2 WALK. Yet. That would probably be far too complicated for 3D printing. No way the BoeBot crawler kit could be adapted for the S2. Simply not possible. http://www.parallax.com/product/30055
Some awesome lights light combos are now flashing behind ... plan is to have 10 as indication panel ...ie for battery level / or distance to object / or direction / or simple coolio Robocop look and/or Kitt-Car scanner lights....
Great work and great body of work!
5 Servo Gripper Arm...
One more bit to print .... a larger base servo with mount for S2 chassis.
At the back of the S2 you can see that I have already installed 10 NeoPixel LEDs onto a custom 3D printed removable mount.