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GPS BS2 Code issues — Parallax Forums

GPS BS2 Code issues

spjapple31spjapple31 Posts: 9
edited 2014-02-14 06:01 in BASIC Stamp
Finished testing only appear:

singnal Valid:
Local Time:
Local Date:


I ask the Code issues Error??

' -----[ Title ]-----------------------------------------------------------
'   File...... Easy GPS V1.0.bsp
'   Purpose... Easy GPS Interface
'   Author.... Parallax, Inc.
'   E-mail.... [EMAIL=""][/EMAIL]
'   Started... 02-26-2010
'   Updated...
'   {$STAMP BS2}
'   {$PBASIC 2.5}

' -----[ Program Description ]---------------------------------------------

' Connect the Yellow Wire from your Parallax GPS Receiver to P0.  The Black
' wire goes to VSS and the Red wire goes to VDD.  All others wires should
' not be connected (I plugged mine into empty isolated breadboard slots)

' Reads NMEA data string from GPS receiver and parses data.  GPS string is
' buffered into scratchpad RAM with SPSTR modifier.  Once in SPRAM, data is
' parsed out based on its position.
'  POS_UTC  - UTC of position. Hours, minutes and seconds. (hhmmss)
'  POS_STAT - Position status. (A = Data valid, V = Data invalid)
'  LAT      - Latitude (ddmm.ffff)
'  LAT_D    - Latitude direction. (N = North, S = South)
'  LON      - Longitude (dddmm.ffff)
'  LON_D    - Longitude direction (E = East, W = West)
'  SPD      - Speed over ground. (knots) (0.0 - 999.9)
'  HDG      - Heading/track made good (degrees True) (x.x)
'  DATE     - Date (ddmmyy)
'  MAG_VAR  - Magnetic variation (degrees) (x.x)
'  MAG_REF  - Magnetic variation (E = East, W = West)
'  *CC      - Checksum

' -----[ Revision History ]------------------------------------------------

' -----[ I/O Definitions ]-------------------------------------------------

GPSpin          PIN     0               ' GPS serial input

' -----[ Constants ]-------------------------------------------------------

T4800           CON     188             ' Baud rate for GPS (typical)

MoveTo          CON     2               ' DEBUG positioning command
ClrRt           CON     11              ' Clear line right of cursor

EST             CON     -5              ' Eastern Standard Time
CST             CON     -6              ' Central Standard Time
MST             CON     -7              ' Mountain Standard Time
PST             CON     -8              ' Pacific Standard Time

EDT             CON     -4              ' Eastern Daylight Time
CDT             CON     -5              ' Central Daylight Time
MDT             CON     -6              ' Mountain Daylight Time
PDT             CON     -7              ' Pacific Daylight Time

UTCfix          CON     PST             ' For Rocklin, CA
Comma           CON     ","             ' Comma
DegSym          CON     176             ' Degrees symbol for report
MinSym          CON      39             ' Minutes symbol
SecSym          CON      34             ' Seconds symbol

' -----[ Variables ]-------------------------------------------------------

index           VAR     Byte            ' Index into GPS data in SPRAM
flags           VAR     Byte            ' Holds bit values
valid           VAR     Flags.BIT3      ' Is data valid?
numSats         VAR     Byte            ' Number of satellites

tmHrs           VAR     Byte            ' Time fields
tmMins          VAR     Byte
tmSecs          VAR     Byte

latDeg          VAR     Byte            ' Latitude
latMin          VAR     Byte
latSec          VAR     Word
latNS           VAR     flags.BIT0      ' 0 = N

longDeg         VAR     Byte            ' Longitude
longMin         VAR     Byte
longSec         VAR     Word
longEW          VAR     flags.BIT1      ' 0 = E

speed           VAR     Word            ' In tenths of mph***************
altitude        VAR     Word            ' In feet************************

day             VAR     Byte            ' Day of month, 1 - 31
month           VAR     flags.NIB1      ' Month, 1 - 12
year            VAR     Byte            ' Year, 00 - 99

char            VAR     Byte            ' Byte pulled from SPRAM
workVal         VAR     Word            ' For numeric conversions
eeAddr          VAR     workVal         ' Pointer to EE data

field           VAR     Nib             ' Field #
fldWidth        VAR     field           ' Width of field

' -----[ EEPROM Data ]-----------------------------------------------------

NotValid        DATA    "No", 0
IsValid         DATA    "Yes", 0
DaysInMon       DATA    31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31
MonNames        DATA    "JAN",0,"FEB",0,"MAR",0,"APR",0,"MAY",0,"JUN",0
                DATA    "JUL",0,"AUG",0,"SEP",0,"OCT",0,"NOV",0,"DEC",0

' -----[ Initialization ]--------------------------------------------------

  PAUSE 250                             ' Let DEBUG open
  DEBUG CLS                             ' Clear the screen
  DEBUG "Easy GPS Interface V1.0", CR
  DEBUG "======================="

  FOR index = 0 TO 65
    IF (index = 0) THEN Print_Ones
    IF (index // 10) > 0 THEN Print_Ones
    DEBUG MoveTo, (7 + index), 3, DEC1 (index / 10)
    DEBUG MoveTo, (7 + index), 4, DEC1 (index // 10)
    IF (index // 10) > 0 THEN Next_Digit
    DEBUG MoveTo, (7 + index), 5, "|"

  DEBUG MoveTo, 0,  9, "Signal Valid: "
  DEBUG MoveTo, 0, 11, "  Local Time: "
  DEBUG MoveTo, 0, 12, "  Local Date: "
  DEBUG MoveTo, 0, 14, "    Latitude: "
  DEBUG MoveTo, 0, 15, "   Longitude: "
  DEBUG MoveTo, 0, 16, "    Altitude: "
  DEBUG MoveTo, 0, 17, "       Speed: "

' -----[ Program Code ]----------------------------------------------------

  ' Wait for $GPRMC string and store data in SPRAM
  SERIN GPSpin, T4800, 2000, No_GPS_Data, [WAIT("GPRMC,"), SKIP 65]
  GOSUB Parse_GPS_Data                  ' Extract data from SPRAM

  DEBUG MoveTo, 0, 6, "$GPRMC,"         ' Print header
  index = 0                             ' Start at position UTC

Print_GPRMC_Char:                       ' Print the $GPRMC data string
  READ index, char                       ' Get char from SPRAM
  DEBUG char                            ' Display it
  IF char = "*" THEN Print_Checksum     ' Look for checksum indicator
  index = index + 1                     ' Point to next char
  GOTO Print_GPRMC_Char

  READ (index + 1), char                 ' Get first checksum char
  DEBUG char                            ' Display
  READ (index + 2), char                 ' Get second checksum char
  DEBUG char, ClrRt                     ' Display, clear to end of line

  DEBUG MoveTo, 14, 9                   ' Was the signal valid?
  LOOKUP valid, [NotValid, IsValid], eeAddr' Get answer from EE
  GOSUB Print_Z_String                  ' Print it

  DEBUG " (", DEC numSats, " Satellites)"

  DEBUG ClrRt                           ' Clear end of line
  IF (valid = 0) THEN Signal_Not_Valid

  SERIN GPSpin, T4800, 2000, Signal_Is_Valid, [WAIT("GPGGA,"), SKIP 75]

  index = 45                            ' Altitude
  GOSUB Mixed_To_Tenths                 ' Convert "xxx.x" To number
  altitude = workVal

  index = 38 : fldWidth = 2             ' Number of sats
  GOSUB String_To_Value
  numSats = workVal

  DEBUG MoveTo, 0, 7, "$GPGGA,"         ' Print header
  index = 0                             ' Start at position UTC

Print_GPGGA_Char:                       ' Print the $GPRMC data string
  READ index, char                       ' Get char from SPRAM
  DEBUG char                            ' Display it
  IF char = "*" THEN Print_Chexum       ' Look for checksum indicator
  index = index + 1                     ' Point to next char
  GOTO Print_GPGGA_Char

  READ (index + 1), char                 ' Get first checksum char
  DEBUG char                            ' Display
  READ (index + 2), char                 ' Get second checksum char
  DEBUG char, ClrRt                     ' Display, clear to end of line

  DEBUG MoveTo, 14, 11, DEC2 tmHrs, ":", DEC2 tmMins, ":", DEC2 tmSecs

  DEBUG MoveTo, 14, 12, DEC2 day, " "
  eeAddr = (month - 1) * 4 + MonNames           ' get address of month name
  GOSUB Print_Z_String                          ' print it
  DEBUG " 20", DEC2 year

  DEBUG MoveTo, 14, 14, " ", DEC2 latDeg, DegSym, " ", DEC2 latMin, MinSym, " "
  DEBUG DEC2 (latSec / 10), ".", DEC1 (latSec // 10), SecSym, " "
  DEBUG "N" + (latNS * 5)

  DEBUG MoveTo, 14, 15, DEC3 longDeg, DegSym, " ", DEC2 longMin, MinSym, " "
  DEBUG DEC2 (longSec / 10), ".", DEC1 (longSec // 10), SecSym, " "
  DEBUG "E" + (longEW * 18)

  DEBUG MoveTo, 14, 16, DEC (altitude / 10), ".", DEC1 (altitude //10), " Meters", ClrRt
  DEBUG MoveTo, 14, 17, DEC (speed / 10), ".", DEC1 (speed // 10), " MPH "
  GOTO Main

  DEBUG MoveTo, 14, 11, "?", ClrRt      ' Clear all fields
  DEBUG MoveTo, 14, 12, "?", ClrRt
  DEBUG MoveTo, 14, 14, "?", ClrRt
  DEBUG MoveTo, 14, 15, "?", ClrRt
  DEBUG MoveTo, 14, 16, "?", ClrRt
  DEBUG MoveTo, 14, 17, "?", ClrRt
  GOTO Main

' -----[ Subroutines ]-----------------------------------------------------

  DEBUG CLS, "Error: No GPS data detected"
  PAUSE 2500
  GOTO Initialize                       ' Try again

  index = 0 : fldWidth = 2              ' UTC hours
  GOSUB String_To_Value
  tmHrs = workVal

  index = 2 : fldWidth = 2              ' UTC minutes
  GOSUB String_To_Value
  tmMins = workVal

  index = 4 : fldWidth = 2              ' UTC seconds
  GOSUB String_To_Value
  tmSecs = workVal

  index = 13 : fldWidth = 2             ' Latitude degrees
  GOSUB String_To_Value
  latDeg = workVal

  index = 15 : fldWidth = 2             ' Latitude minutes
  GOSUB String_To_Value
  latMin = workVal

  index = 18 : fldWidth = 4             ' Latitude fractional minutes
  GOSUB String_To_Value
  latSec = workVal ** $0F5C             ' x 0.06 --> tenths of seconds

  index = 25 : fldWidth = 3             ' Longitude degrees
  GOSUB String_To_Value
  longDeg = workVal

  index = 28 : fldWidth = 2             ' Longitude minutes
  GOSUB String_To_Value
  longMin = workVal

  index = 31 : fldWidth = 4             ' Longitude fractional minutes
  GOSUB String_To_Value
  longSec = workVal ** $0F5C            ' x 0.06 --> tenths of seconds

  ' Get non-numeric data

  READ 11, char
  valid = 1                             ' Assume valid
  IF (char = "A") THEN Get_Lat_Dir      ' It is, so skip
  valid = 0                             ' Set to 0 if not valid

  latNS = 0                             ' Assume North
  READ 19, char                          ' Check it
  IF (char = "N") THEN Get_Long_Dir     ' Confirm
  latNS = 1                             ' Set to 1 if South

  longEW = 0                            ' Assume East
  READ 33, char                          ' Check it
  IF (char = "E") THEN Get_Speed        ' Confirm
  longEW = 1                            ' Set to 1 if West

  ' Get variable length data

  index = 38
  GOSUB Mixed_To_Tenths                 ' Convert "xxx.x" To number
  ' speed = workVal                     ' Speed in knots (tenths)
  speed = workVal + (workVal ** $2699)  ' x 1.1507771555 for mph

  ' Get date
  ' -- past variable data, so we need to use field search

  field = 8                             ' Set field to find
  GOSUB Move_To_Field                   ' Go get position
  READ 125, index                        ' Save date position

  fldWidth = 2
  GOSUB String_To_Value
  day = workVal                         ' UTC day, 1 - 31

  READ 125, index                        ' Get stored position
  index = index + 2 : fldWidth = 2
  GOSUB String_To_Value
  month = workVal                       ' UTC month, 1 - 12

  READ 125, index                        ' Get stored position
  index = index + 4 : fldWidth = 2
  GOSUB String_To_Value
  year = workVal                        ' UTC year, 0 - 99

  ' Adjust date for local position

  workVal = tmHrs + UTCfix              ' Add UTC offset
  IF (workVal < 24) THEN Adjust_Time    ' Midnight crossed?
  workVal = UTCfix                      ' Yes, so adjust date
  BRANCH workVal.BIT15, [Location_Leads, Location_Lags]

Location_Leads:                         ' East of Greenwich
  day = day + 1                         ' No, move to next day
  eeAddr = DaysInMon * (month - 1)      ' Get days in month
  READ eeAddr, char
  IF (day <= char) THEN Adjust_Time     ' In same month?
  month = month + 1                     ' No, move to next month
  day = 1                               ' First day
  IF (month < 13) THEN Adjust_Time      ' In same year?
  month = 1                             ' No, set to January
  year = year + 1 // 100                ' Add one to year
  GOTO Adjust_Time

Location_Lags:                          ' West of Greenwich
  day = day - 1                         ' Adjust day
  IF (day > 0) THEN Adjust_Time         ' Same month?
  month = month - 1
  IF (month > 0) THEN Adjust_Time       ' Same year?
  month = 1                             ' No, set to January
  eeAddr = DaysInMon * (month - 1)
  READ eeAddr, day                      ' Get new day
  year = year + 99 // 100               ' Set to previous year

  tmHrs = tmHrs + (24 + UTCfix) // 24   ' Localize hours

' *********************************************
' Convert string data (nnnn) to numeric value
' -- index    - location of first digit in data
' -- fldWidth - width of data field (1 to 5)
' -- workVal  - returns numeric value of field
' *********************************************

  workVal = 0
  IF (fldWidth = 0) OR (fldWidth > 5) THEN String_To_Value_Done

  READ index, char                       ' Get digit from field
  workVal = workVal + (char - "0")      ' Convert, add into value
  fldWidth = fldWidth - 1               ' Decrement field width
  IF (fldWidth = 0) THEN String_To_Value_Done
  workVal = workVal * 10                ' Shift result digits left
  index = index + 1                     ' Point to next digit
  GOTO Get_Field_Digit


' *****************************************************
' Convert string data (nnn.n) to numeric value (tenths)
' -- index   - location of first digit in data
' -- workVal - returns numeric value of field
' *****************************************************

  workVal = 0

  READ index, char                       ' Read digit from speed field
  IF (char = ".") THEN Get_Mixed_Last   ' Skip decimal point
  workVal = (workVal + (char - "0")) * 10' Add digit, move data left
  index = index + 1                     ' Point to next digit
  GOTO Get_Mixed_Digit

  READ (index + 1), char
  workVal = workVal + (char - "0")      ' Speed in knots

' ************************************************************
' Find field location after variable-length data (i.e., speed)
' -- field - field number
' -- index - returns position of first digit in field
' ************************************************************

  index = 0
  IF (field = 0) THEN Move_To_Field_Done' If zero, we're there

  READ index, char                       ' Get char from SPRAM
  IF (char = Comma) THEN Found_Comma    ' Is it a comma?
  index = index + 1                     ' No, move to next char
  GOTO Get_Char

  field = field - 1                     ' Was comma, dec field coutner
  index = index + 1                     ' Point to next char
  IF (field = 0) THEN Move_To_Field_Done' If field = 0, we're there
  GOTO Get_Char


' *********************************************
' Print Zero-terminated string stored in EEPROM
' -- eeAddr - starting character of string
' *********************************************

  READ eeAddr, char                     ' Get char from EE
  IF (char = 0) THEN Print_Z_String_Done' If zero, we're done
  DEBUG char                            ' Print the char
  eeAddr = eeAddr + 1                   ' Point to the next one
  GOTO Print_Z_String



  • Hal AlbachHal Albach Posts: 747
    edited 2014-02-10 19:51
    This code is intended for a BS2P, not a BS2. BS2 does not have SPRAM.
  • spjapple31spjapple31 Posts: 9
    edited 2014-02-10 20:10
    You can modify it?
    (I have modified the change but did not comment)

    I was using BS2P sample program modified to BS2
  • Hal AlbachHal Albach Posts: 747
    edited 2014-02-10 20:37
    I doubt that the required changes would fit in the BS2. As the program is, there are a little over 300 bytes left in the EEPROM and you have 2 bytes and 1 nibble left in the register space.
    For the price of a BS2P you can buy two USB Propeller Project Boards. The propeller has many more resources than the BS2 or BS2P, more memory, faster, and can perform 8 simultaneous tasks. Plus you have quite a few options for programming, SPIN, PASM, BASIC, C, C++, several FORTH's. (I wonder if anyone is looking into COBOL?)
  • spjapple31spjapple31 Posts: 9
    edited 2014-02-10 20:58
    That success you have the opportunity to amend?
  • Hal AlbachHal Albach Posts: 747
    edited 2014-02-11 08:15
    In MAIN the original input statement
    SERIN GPSpin, T4800, 3000, No_GPS_Data, [WAIT("GPRMC,"), SPSTR 65]       
    waits for the string "GPRMC" and then stores the next 65 characters in Scratchpad Ram ( SPSTR 65).

    You changed it to
    SERIN GPSpin, T4800, 2000, No_GPS_Data, [WAIT("GPRMC,"), SKIP 65]
    which also waits for string "GPRMC" but then SKIPs the next 65 characters, period. Nothing was stored , just skipped.

    Just about the same for the SERIN... statement under "Get_Altitude:".

    The BS2P has a 128 byte Scratchpad ram memory, the BS2 does not. This program requires the BS2P because it has the Scratchpad.
    The BS2 has NOWHERE to put 65 or 75 incoming characters except possibly in EEPROM, which would wear out rather quickly in this application.

    In short, changing various statements in order to compile for a BS2 does not alter the fact that the BS2 does not have the resources that this program needs.
  • GenetixGenetix Posts: 1,758
    edited 2014-02-11 13:13
    Which Parallax GPS module are you using?
  • spjapple31spjapple31 Posts: 9
    edited 2014-02-11 16:56
    ' {$STAMP BS2}
    ' {$PBASIC 2.5}

    LatDeg VAR Byte
    LatMin VAR Byte
    LatMinD VAR Word
    LatSign VAR Byte
    LatDir VAR Byte

    LonDeg VAR Byte
    LonMin VAR Byte
    LonMinD VAR Word
    LonSign VAR Byte
    LonDir VAR Byte

    wVal VAR Word

    'Baud rates (non-inverted):
    n4800 CON 188
    n9600 CON 84

    'Get GPSRMC statement from pin 0
    SERIN 0, n4800, [WAIT("RMC,"),SKIP 13,
    DEC2 LatDeg, DEC2 LatMin, SKIP 1, DEC LatMinD, SKIP 1, LatSign,
    DEC3 LonDeg, DEC2 LonMin, SKIP 1, DEC LonMinD, SKIP 1, LonSign]

    GOSUB AddSign
    PAUSE 760

    wVal = (LatMin * 1000 / 6) + (LatMinD / 60) 'convert to min/seconds
    SEROUT 16, n9600, [REP "-"\LatDir, DEC LatDeg, ".", DEC4 wVal, ", "]

    wVal = (LonMin * 1000 / 6) + (LonMinD / 60) 'convert to min/seconds
    SEROUT 16, n9600, [REP "-"\LonDir, DEC LonDeg, ".", DEC4 wVal, CR]

    GOTO Main
    DEBUG CR ' Show empty debug window if GPS does not respond

    IF LatSign = "S" THEN
    LatDir = 1
    LatDir = 0

    IF LonSign = "W" THEN
    LonDir = 1
    LonDir = 0


    Debug Terminal ?
  • Hal AlbachHal Albach Posts: 747
    edited 2014-02-11 18:02
    And your question is?
  • spjapple31spjapple31 Posts: 9
    edited 2014-02-11 18:21
    Debug Terminal ??
    Why not show the numerical?
    D T.jpg
    1024 x 576 - 35K
    D T.jpg 35.2K
  • Hal AlbachHal Albach Posts: 747
    edited 2014-02-11 20:07
    You are using the wrong comm settings when using SEROUT 16.....
    Page 169 of the current Stamp manual states that
    DEBUG "Hello"
    is the same as
    SEROUT 16, $4054, ["Hello"]
    $4054 is Hex for 16468. The signal has to be inverted since it goes through an RS232 level driver which is an inverter.
    Change the constant declaration from n9600 CON 84 to ​i9600 CON 16468. Don't forget to change all the SEROUT statements. You could leave the name as n9600 but the n denotes non-inverted and could cause confusion later on.

    Also you need to correct the following error;
    [COLOR=#3E3E3E]GOTO Main[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#3E3E3E]DEBUG CR ' Show empty debug window if GPS does not respond[/COLOR]

    Any statement following a GOTO... statement must have a label which is used in another part of the program or else the statement is unreachable.

    You did a marvelous job in reducing the BS2P program to work in a BS2. Let us know if it works out.
  • spjapple31spjapple31 Posts: 9
    edited 2014-02-11 20:34
    That we should be how to modify??
    I do not understand what you mean.
    We tried to modify it still does not show the latitude and longitude.
    This is stuff we use.
  • Hal AlbachHal Albach Posts: 747
    edited 2014-02-11 21:30
    I wish there was not such a big language barrier between us...!

    Can you please re-post your code with your latest changes?

    Just get rid of the DEBUG CR statement that follows the GOTO..., it will never execute. More important, your SERIN statement in MAIN: is missing the timeout parameter. Without it, your program will stall, waiting for the GPS to send the "RMC" string. You need to add the timeout parameters as was done in the BS2P version. " SERIN GPSpin, T4800, 2000, No_GPS_Data, [WAIT("GPRMC,"), SKIP 65] ". You need to add those two items into the SERIN statement and then write a small block of code labelled No_GPS_Data​ to handle the error in case the GPS stops working. Something similar from the earlier program...
    [/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#3E3E3E][FONT=Parallax]DEBUG CLS, "Error: No GPS data detected"
    [/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#3E3E3E][FONT=Parallax]PAUSE 2500
    [/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#3E3E3E][FONT=Parallax]GOTO MAIN                       ' Try again[/FONT][/COLOR]

    Good luck

  • Hal AlbachHal Albach Posts: 747
    edited 2014-02-12 11:55
    Please disregard all the above.

    Go to the following web site, it has everything you need for your particular GPS module. I found it by Google searching GPS modules by image, and came across the one you picture, and its web site. It also has a BS2 demo program. One thing that stood out is that with the RAW pin unconnected the GPS is in command mode where you have to send a command out to receive anything from the receiver.

  • PublisonPublison Posts: 12,366
    edited 2014-02-12 12:19
    I have been using these modules for years, and I just noticed I can not find the Parallax part number on the part or any documentation that I have.

    I can see where the OP had problems getting the code.

    It could have been gotten off of, but now that is in the ether.
  • Hal AlbachHal Albach Posts: 747
    edited 2014-02-12 12:25
    Per the site:
    Parallax, Inc. was the exclusive manufacturer of the GPS Receiver Module. The module has been discontinued as of December 15, 2011.

    From the pictures on the site, the site link is printed on the back of the module. OP could have saved himself a lot of work by simply looking at the board.
  • PublisonPublison Posts: 12,366
    edited 2014-02-12 12:49
    Hal Albach wrote: »
    Per the site:
    Parallax, Inc. was the exclusive manufacturer of the GPS Receiver Module. The module has been discontinued as of December 15, 2011.

    From the pictures on the site, the site link is printed on the back of the module. OP could have saved himself a lot of work by simply looking at the board.

    Yes, but they had full documentation on the old Parallax site while it was being sold, and when it was discontinued.

    I tried to back up the old Parallax site, but could not. The Wayback Machiche can not access the old site because of robot.txt.
  • spjapple31spjapple31 Posts: 9
    edited 2014-02-12 22:21
    One thing that stood out is that with the RAW pin unconnected the GPS is in command mode where you have to send a command out to receive anything from the receiver. ??
  • PJAllenPJAllen Banned Posts: 5,065
    edited 2014-02-13 05:42
    spjapple31 wrote: »
    One thing that stood out is that with the RAW pin unconnected the GPS is in command mode where you have to send a command out to receive anything from the receiver. ??

    Connect the pin labelled /RAW to Vss (GND).
  • Hal AlbachHal Albach Posts: 747
    edited 2014-02-13 07:28
    Please go to the link I gave you in post #14. The site has all the information available INCLUDING a complete demo program for the BS2. Open the demo program and the notes at the beginning FULLY explains the use of the RAW input. OK?
  • spjapple31spjapple31 Posts: 9
    edited 2014-02-13 21:43

    OK .However, only two orientations should I go to increase
    1024 x 576 - 44K
  • Hal AlbachHal Albach Posts: 747
    edited 2014-02-14 06:01
    I am not sure what you mean by only two orientations. The screen image shows data for all fields except extended altitude. By the way, according to the coordinates, it puts you in Changhua City, Taiwan, near a University structure with a large domed roof and a swimming pool. Very beautiful!
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