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i2c Nothing Works!!!

zlantzzlantz Posts: 136
edited 2014-02-13 20:46 in Propeller 1
Why cant sensors just use something simple like serial UART? I have only ONE i2c device that "works", and that device being the MPU-6050 and that is using the PASM MPU-6050 Driver from Obex.

Now I have also the MPU-9150 (wont work), the bmp180 (x3) (wont work), the bmp085 (x3) (wont work), the hmc5883 (x3) (wont work) and (x7) IR Thermopiles (wont work) and All Modules. I know im not getting shipped multiple broken parts from multiple sources and Everything revolves around i2c.

I have tried every SPIN driver available on obex, and now the PASM drivers as well. Still to this day, I only have ONE working device. All of my other sensors work fine. SPI ok, serial uart, ok. analog to adc ok.

Ive even tried running the BMP threw the MPU's xDA port. I can get the Chip ID, but that is all I can get, everything else appears to be wrong. Ive tried the mpu-9150 obex driver (dont work). ive tried EVERY bmp obex driver (dont work).

I have had made multiple attempts at i2c, even here on the forums. Is there any way to get this stupid protocol to work???!?!??!?!


  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2014-02-09 05:42
    zlantz wrote: »
    Why cant sensors just use something simple like serial UART? I have only ONE i2c device that "works", and that device being the MPU-6050 and that is using the PASM MPU-6050 Driver from Obex.

    Now I have also the MPU-9150 (wont work), the bmp180 (x3) (wont work), the bmp085 (x3) (wont work), the hmc5883 (x3) (wont work) and (x7) IR Thermopiles (wont work) and All Modules. I know im not getting shipped multiple broken parts from multiple sources and Everything revolves around i2c.

    I have tried every SPIN driver available on obex, and now the PASM drivers as well. Still to this day, I only have ONE working device. All of my other sensors work fine. SPI ok, serial uart, ok. analog to adc ok.

    Ive even tried running the BMP threw the MPU's xDA port. I can get the Chip ID, but that is all I can get, everything else appears to be wrong. Ive tried the mpu-9150 obex driver (dont work). ive tried EVERY bmp obex driver (dont work).

    I have had made multiple attempts at i2c, even here on the forums. Is there any way to get this stupid protocol to work???!?!??!?!

    I can only tell you that if I had the sensors sitting on my Tachyon Forth system that I would be having them debugged and operating while you watch. Because it's interactive you can scan the bus, delve a little deeper into a device, type in a one-line test and see if it works, etc.
    This is a quick scan of my I2C bus through the serial terminal.

    Fast Device at 0040 BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC
    Fast Device at 00A0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    Fast Device at 00AE FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF
    Fast Device at 00DE FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF ok
  • T ChapT Chap Posts: 4,223
    edited 2014-02-09 05:51
    You have to consider:

    Hardware connections, and if you require pullups on the devices. Then, you have to consider the device address, an if the device address is configurable, is it set correctly at it's input pins. Next, consider your code. I remember going through the i2c learning curve with various devices, and you must tackle the process of tracking down these problems. It gets easier every time. Post your code and maybe someone can spot something. Without code, you will get very little help in this particular case. I use the basic i2c driver for most things that don't require high speed. Once you find a driver that works you just stick with it since a lot of your code will be similar so you can copy and paste blocks into other device needs with small changes. A schematic would be helpful, or even a photo of the setup if it is breadboarded, some info may be obvious just by looking at the setup.
  • Mark MaraMark Mara Posts: 64
    edited 2014-02-09 05:57
    I was having a hard time getting my i2c bit banging code to work. I wasted a bunch of time until I purchased a logic analyzer and watched the bus. My problem was that my code was not handling clock stretching. The logic analyzer is one of the best investments I have made.
  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,817
    edited 2014-02-09 07:04
    Like T Chap mentioned, the most common I2C problem is not having the required ~10k pull-up resistor on the SCL line...
    Most parallax boards already have this on P28&P29. But, if you are using different pins, you will need to add those resistors yourself.
  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2014-02-09 07:20
    Rayman wrote: »
    Like T Chap mentioned, the most common I2C problem is not having the required ~10k pull-up resistor on the SCL line...
    Most parallax boards already have this on P28&P29. But, if you are using different pins, you will need to add those resistors yourself.

    Drivers in general do not support clock stretching as it is very rare to find a chip that needs this as it was designed for decades old slow processors acting as slaves mostly. From perusing the sensor datasheets I see no mention of this. Since this is the case the clock line is normally driven high as well as low so no resistor is needed.....wait . However, since you have quite a number of devices on the bus and no telling the length or capacitance of the bus it would be advisable to use a much lower pull-up value on the SDA line, even if there are pull-ups already. Use a value of 2K2 as I2C buses have no problem handling that easily and it will pull-up the line faster. Since you are trying to get these devices to work I would also use a 2K2 on the clock line as well just in case your driver does not drive the line high.
  • zlantzzlantz Posts: 136
    edited 2014-02-09 07:45
    I am aware of the need for the 2 resistors and I do not use parallax's demo boards. Here is my code & dipTrace image of my pcb. The 3.3v Bus is Red, my i2c connector is in the bottom left corner.

    I have tried on both my i2c & gps io (same layout as i2c, on pins 12 & 13). I mentioned before that the Modules come with pullup resistors, so I tried a port with no resistors as well.

    I have 2 BMP-180's for testing both ways, one on the i2c bus via the MPU-6050, and one on the GPS Bus (no resistors) (uses module resistors).
    They are connected according to the mpu-6050 datasheet (replace Magnetometer with BMP-180 Module).

    I mentioned that I have many modules that dont work. Please dont assume they are all hooked up at once. When I test something I prefer to do it one thing at a time. With the exception of now; I am trying to use the MPU-6050 as an inline master to control the bmp since I have been able to get the mpu to work, but only with a PASM driver from obex (i dont know assembly) and cannot get it to work on my own as seen in this code. Which leaves me stuck.

    i2c Test Code: i2c
    my MPU-6050 Driver that works: MPU-6050.spin (Updated from OBEX Version)

    Old PCB 3.3v Red.jpg
    1024 x 787 - 180K
    1024 x 953 - 91K
  • T ChapT Chap Posts: 4,223
    edited 2014-02-09 08:34
    even though vddio can be powered on before vdd, there is a chance of excessive power consumption (a few ma) if this sequence is used, and the state of the output pins is undefined so that the bus can be locked. Therefore, vdd must be powered before vddio unless the limitations above are understood and not critical.

    You have:

    bmpAddrR = %1110_1110
    bmpAddrW = %1110_1111

    Yet the reverse should be true. The LSB of the device address distinguishes
    between read (1) and write (0) operation, corresponding to address 0xEF (read) and 0xEE (write).
  • SRLMSRLM Posts: 5,045
    edited 2014-02-09 11:21
    Device addresses are probably the number 1 problem that you'll come across. An address is 7 bits. Some drivers want that in the lower bits, some in the upper. You may have to adjust a particular pin on the device to set the LSB.

    At this stage in your debugging, I'd suggest that you learn everything you can about I2C and one particular device. Then, look at the drivers and see what's happening. I also suggest getting a logic analyzer so that you can see the actual bits being sent. I like the Logic16.
  • Tracy AllenTracy Allen Posts: 6,664
    edited 2014-02-09 12:14
    Chris Gadd provided a i2c buss scanner written in Spin, here. Very useful. Using his pasm driver. That does a function similar to the one Peter described for Forth.

    The link provided is another case of someone who could not get anything to work. Don't think you are alone with having trouble with i2c device sanity. In the end it usually comes down to a simple mix of enabling factors, and you are left wondering, what the hey!
  • JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,188
    edited 2014-02-09 12:19
    I've done a bunch of projects with I2C, never having a lick of trouble.

    I agree with Peter that you may want stiffer pull-ups on your I2C buss with the devices being off-board.

    As you may not know Tachyon like Peter does, I wrote a little I2C scanner in Spin (that uses my driver). Running on the PAB the only device address that responds is the boot EEPROM ($A0). You don't have to use the EEPROM buss with my driver; you may specify any two pins.
  • zlantzzlantz Posts: 136
    edited 2014-02-09 12:54
    T Chap wrote: »

    You have:

    bmpAddrR = %1110_1110
    bmpAddrW = %1110_1111

    Yet the reverse should be true. The LSB of the device address distinguishes
    between read (1) and write (0) operation, corresponding to address 0xEF (read) and 0xEE (write).

    it started as just bmpAddr = %1110_1110 and was the address found by i2cScanner.
    i added separate R & W so i could test them at the same time.
  • Tracy AllenTracy Allen Posts: 6,664
    edited 2014-02-09 14:28
    Following up on T Chap's comment, you have statements like the following...
    [FONT=courier new][SIZE=1]    i2c.writeLocation(mpuSCL, [COLOR=#FF0000]bmpAddrW[/COLOR], $F4, $2E)       ' Temperature  0x2E  4.5
        waitcnt((clkfreq / 222) + cnt)             ' 4.5ms
        ut1 := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $F6)[/SIZE][/FONT]
    That doesn't work with the driver, because you had defined bmpAddrW as
    bmpAddrW = % 1110_1111
    That is reverse of what it should be, that final bit sets the i2c for Read rather than for write.

    An aside, That particular driver, BASIC_I2C driver does not knock that bit down when it does a write. Although it should, as it defines the xmit=0, but then in the writepage method does this...
    ackbit := Write(SCL, devSel | Xmit)
    but I think that should be, XMIT = $FE, and...
    ackbit := Write(SCL, devSel & XMIT)

    You are better off with bmpAddr as you have it with readLocation. The driver takes care of setting the bit high for a Read, and it leaves it low for a Write.
  • zlantzzlantz Posts: 136
    edited 2014-02-09 17:00
    You are better off with bmpAddr as you have it with readLocation. The driver takes care of setting the bit high for a Read, and it leaves it low for a Write.

    yes, that is how i was able to read the Chip ID (0x55) & coefficents (only part of them), i think i was reading the temp & pressure, but only 3 of the 5 digits. when i held the unit i would see the temp climb, then fall when i let go of it... but pressure, nothing changed that value, and it just bounced around.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2014-02-09 17:05
    re your pcb: It appears that...
    You do not have 3v3 next to the Xtal connected (definite no-no)
    You don't have bypass caps next to all the prop power pins, or you bring them to one close central point, with one cap. (search the forum for many suggestions/rules - search overclocking)
    You don't appear to have bypass caps on the input or output pins of VREG1 (see the datasheets) - they need to be at the pins
    In fact, your whole pcb is missing bypass caps at most ICs.
    The I2C chips you are using specifically require special considerations, both in layout, and in bypass caps (see their datasheets)

    This could explain your problems.
    I hope this helps. There are some good app notes put out by some of the chip suppliers (not necessarily from those manufactures you are using).
  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2014-02-09 17:35
    Cluso99 wrote: »
    re your pcb: It appears that...
    You do not have 3v3 next to the Xtal connected (definite no-no)
    You don't have bypass caps next to all the prop power pins, or you bring them to one close central point, with one cap. (search the forum for many suggestions/rules - search overclocking)
    You don't appear to have bypass caps on the input or output pins of VREG1 (see the datasheets) - they need to be at the pins
    In fact, your whole pcb is missing bypass caps at most ICs.
    The I2C chips you are using specifically require special considerations, both in layout, and in bypass caps (see their datasheets)

    This could explain your problems.
    I hope this helps. There are some good app notes put out by some of the chip suppliers (not necessarily from those manufactures you are using).

    @Cluso99: Don't start something you can't finish, there are too many things to point out that you may as well design a new pcb in the process :) Even the placement and designators of the connectors. Now if those with little pcb/hardware experience would post their proposed design to the forum beforehand then the design could be vetted and produced with some confidence.
  • zlantzzlantz Posts: 136
    edited 2014-02-09 17:41
    This gives the following output:
      _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x
      _xinfreq = 5_000_000
      CLK_FREQ = ((_clkmode-xtal1)>>6)*_xinfreq
      MS_001 = CLK_FREQ / 1_000  
      ' // Propeller Pinout
      Misc1 = 0
      Misc2 = 1
      Misc3 = 2
      Misc4 = 3
      MCPCLK  = 4
      MCPDOut = 5
      MCPDIn  = 5
      MCPCS   = 6      
      NC1 = 7
      MPUsda  = 8       ' All I2C Sensors on SAME Bus
      MPUscl  = 9
      RPitx  = 10        
      RPirx  = 11
      GPSrx   = 12  ' SCL
      GPStx   = 13  ' SDA
      BMPSCL   = 12   
      BMPSDA   = 13
      WiFitx   = 14       ' White
      WiFirx   = 15       ' Green     
      Misc5 = 16    
      Misc6 = 17
      Misc7 = 18
      LED   = 19
      Piezo = 20
      Servo6 = 21        ' Left Side Airlerons
      Servo5 = 22        ' Gyro Select
      Servo4 = 23        ' Gyro / Rudder
      NC2 = 24
      Servo3 = 25        ' Motor Speed / Power
      Servo2 = 26        ' Elevator
      Servo1 = 27        ' Right Side Airlerons
      EEPROMscl   = 28
      EEPROMsda   = 29
      DEBUGSERtx  = 30
      DEBUGSERrx  = 31
      SCL = 12
      ' // BMP-180 Settings
      bmpAddr  = 10_1110
      bmpAddrR = 10_1110
      bmpAddrW = 10_1111
      mpuAddr  = 01_0000
      OSS1 = 0      ' Ultra Low Power
      OSS2 = 1      ' Standard
      OSS3 = 2      ' High Resolution
      OSS4 = 3      ' Ultra High Resolution
      ' EEPROM data base address - i.e 32K (assumes a 64kb eeprom installed!!)
      EEPROM_Base   = $8000  
      EEPROMAddr    = 10_0000  
      i2cSCL        = 28
    '  i2cSDA        = 29   
      i2c           :       "pasm_i2c_driver_Ext"         ' Finds Both Devices, All Data = FF
      'i2c           :       "basic_i2c_driver_1.3_Mod"   ' Finds MPU Only, Data = 255
      Ser           :       "FullDuplexSerial" 
      long ac1, ac2, ac3, ac4, ac5, ac6, b1, b2, mb, mc, md, id
      long UT, UP
      long T, P
      long i2cAddress, i2cSlaveCounter
      long oss
    Pub Start
      i2c.Initialize(bmpSCL)                 ' // PASM i2c Driver
      'i2c.Initialize(mpuSCL, mpuSDA)        ' // basic_i2c_driver1.3_Mod
      oss := OSS2
        ' // All I2C Sensors on SAME Bus
        ' // MPU-6050
        if i2c.devicePresent(mpuSCL, mpuAddr) == True
          ser.str(string("MPU - Device Located!"))
          waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt)
          ser.str(string("MPU - Device Not Found"))
          waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt)
        ' // BMP-180
        if i2c.devicePresent(bmpSCL, bmpAddr) == True
          ser.str(string("BMP - Device Located!"))
          waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt)
          ser.str(string("BMP - Device Not Found"))
          waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt)
    Pub GetMPU | X, Y, Z, A, B, C
        ' // Setup: power mgmt, dlp, smplrtdiv, gyro & accel
        i2c.writeLocation(mpuSCL, mpuAddr, 107, 000001)    ' X Gyro as Clock Source
        i2c.writeLocation(mpuSCL, mpuAddr, 26, 000011)     ' 40 Hz DLP
        i2c.writeLocation(mpuSCL, mpuAddr, 25, 000001)     ' Sample Rate = 500 Hz
        i2c.writeLocation(mpuSCL, mpuAddr, 27, 011000)     ' Gyro  = FS3
        i2c.writeLocation(mpuSCL, mpuAddr, 28, 010000)     ' Accel = AFS2
        ' // Read Values
        X := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, mpuAddr, 59)   ' = 255
        ser.str(string("MPU Out: "))
    Pub GetBMP_BMP | v1, v2, v3, up1, up2, up3, ut1, ut2
          Table 5: Calibration Coefficients
                      BMP180 reg adr
          Parameter   MSB        LSB
            AC1       0xAA       0xAB
            AC2       0xAC       0xAD
            AC3       0xAE       0xAF
            AC4       0xB0       0xB1
            AC5       0xB2       0xB3
            AC6       0xB4       0xB5
            B1        0xB6       0xB7
            B2        0xB8       0xB9
            MB        0xBA       0xBB
            MC        0xBC       0xBD
            MD        0xBE       0xBF
        ' i2c.readLocation(SCL,device_address, register)
        ' // Read Calibration Coefficients
        ac1 := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $AA)  ' 1B
        ac2 := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $AC)  ' FB
        ac3 := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $AE)  ' C7
        ac4 := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $B0)  ' 84
        ac5 := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $B2)  ' 61
        ac6 := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $B4)  ' 49
        b1 := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $B6)   ' 19
        b2 := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $B8)   ' 00
        mb := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $BA)   ' 80
        mc := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $BC)   ' D1
        md := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $BE)   ' 0A
        id := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $D0)   ' 55     *** Should = 0x55
        waitcnt((clkfreq / 4) + cnt)
        ser.str(string("AC1: "))
        ser.hex(ac1, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("AC2: "))
        ser.hex(ac2, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("AC3: "))
        ser.hex(ac3, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("AC4: "))
        ser.hex(ac4, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("AC5: "))
        ser.hex(ac5, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("AC6: "))
        ser.hex(ac6, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("B1: "))
        ser.hex(b1, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("B2: "))
        ser.hex(b2, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("MB: "))
        ser.hex(mb, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("MC: "))
        ser.hex(mc, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("MD: "))
        ser.hex(md, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("ID: "))
        ser.hex(id, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        'ser.str(string("bmpAddr: "))
        'ser.hex(bmpAddr | 1, 2)        ' 0 = EE, 1 = EF
        ' // Read Uncompressed Temperature Value
        ' Write 0x2E into reg 0xF4, wait 4.5ms
        ' Read reg 0xF6 (MSB), 0xF7 (LSB)
        i2c.writeLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddrW, $F4, $2E)       ' Temperature  0x2E  4.5
        waitcnt((clkfreq / 222) + cnt)             ' 4.5ms
        ut1 := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $F6)
        ut2 := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $F7) 
        'UT := i2c.readLocation16(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, i2c#OneAddr|$F6)
        ser.str(string("UT: "))
        ser.hex(ut1, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.hex(ut2, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))    
        ser.dec(ut1 + ut2)
        ' // Read Uncompressed Pressure Value
        ' Write 0x34+(oss<<6) into reg 0xF4, wait #.#ms
        ' Read reg 0xF6 (MSB), 0xF7 (LSB), 0xF8 (XLSB)
        'i2c.writeLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $F4, $34 + (oss<<6))
        ' i2c.readLocation(SCL,device_address, register)
        ' i2c.writeLocation(SCL,device_address, register, value) 
        if oss == 0
          i2c.writeLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $F4, $34)     ' Pressure (oss = 0)  0x34  4.5
          waitcnt((clkfreq / 222) + cnt)                         ' 4.5ms    
        elseif oss == 1
          i2c.writeLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $F4, $74)     ' Pressure (oss = 1)  0x74  7.5
          waitcnt((clkfreq / 133) + cnt)                         ' 7.5ms    
        elseif oss == 2
          i2c.writeLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $F4, $B4)     ' Pressure (oss = 2)  0xB4  13.5
          waitcnt((clkfreq / 74) + cnt)                          ' 13.5ms   
        elseif oss == 3
          i2c.writeLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $F4, $F4)     ' Pressure (oss = 3)  0xF4  25.5
          waitcnt((clkfreq / 39) + cnt)                          ' 25.5ms
        up1 := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $F6)
        up2 := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $F7)
        up3 := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $F8)         
        ser.str(string("UP: "))
        ser.hex(up1 + up2 + up3, 6)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.dec(up1 + up2 + up3)    
        ser.str(string("UP 123 Hex: "))  
        ser.hex(up1, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.hex(up2, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.hex(up3, 2)
        ser.str(string("UP 123 Dec: "))  
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ' // Calculate True Temperature
        ' // Calculate True Pressure
        waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt)
    Pub GetBMP_MPU | v1, v2, v3, up1, up2, up3, ut1, ut2
          Table 5: Calibration Coefficients
                      BMP180 reg adr
          Parameter   MSB        LSB
            AC1       0xAA       0xAB
            AC2       0xAC       0xAD
            AC3       0xAE       0xAF
            AC4       0xB0       0xB1
            AC5       0xB2       0xB3
            AC6       0xB4       0xB5
            B1        0xB6       0xB7
            B2        0xB8       0xB9
            MB        0xBA       0xBB
            MC        0xBC       0xBD
            MD        0xBE       0xBF
        ' i2c.readLocation(SCL,device_address, register)
        ' // Read Calibration Coefficients
        ac1 := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $AA)  ' 1B
        ac2 := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $AC)  ' FB
        ac3 := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $AE)  ' C7
        ac4 := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $B0)  ' 84
        ac5 := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $B2)  ' 61
        ac6 := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $B4)  ' 49
        b1 := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $B6)   ' 19
        b2 := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $B8)   ' 00
        mb := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $BA)   ' 80
        mc := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $BC)   ' D1
        md := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $BE)   ' 0A
        id := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $D0)   ' 55     *** Should = 0x55
        waitcnt((clkfreq / 4) + cnt)
        ser.str(string("AC1: "))
        ser.hex(ac1, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("AC2: "))
        ser.hex(ac2, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("AC3: "))
        ser.hex(ac3, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("AC4: "))
        ser.hex(ac4, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("AC5: "))
        ser.hex(ac5, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("AC6: "))
        ser.hex(ac6, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("B1: "))
        ser.hex(b1, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("B2: "))
        ser.hex(b2, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("MB: "))
        ser.hex(mb, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("MC: "))
        ser.hex(mc, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("MD: "))
        ser.hex(md, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("ID: "))
        ser.hex(id, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        'ser.str(string("bmpAddr: "))
        'ser.hex(bmpAddr | 1, 2)        ' 0 = EE, 1 = EF
        ' // Read Uncompressed Temperature Value
        ' Write 0x2E into reg 0xF4, wait 4.5ms
        ' Read reg 0xF6 (MSB), 0xF7 (LSB)
        i2c.writeLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddrW, $F4, $2E)       ' Temperature  0x2E  4.5
        waitcnt((clkfreq / 222) + cnt)             ' 4.5ms
        ut1 := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $F6)
        ut2 := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $F7) 
        'UT := i2c.readLocation16(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, i2c#OneAddr|$F6)
        ser.str(string("UT: "))
        ser.hex(ut1, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.hex(ut2, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))    
        ser.dec(ut1 + ut2)
        ' // Read Uncompressed Pressure Value
        ' Write 0x34+(oss<<6) into reg 0xF4, wait #.#ms
        ' Read reg 0xF6 (MSB), 0xF7 (LSB), 0xF8 (XLSB)
        'i2c.writeLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $F4, $34 + (oss<<6))
        ' i2c.readLocation(SCL,device_address, register)
        ' i2c.writeLocation(SCL,device_address, register, value) 
        if oss == 0
          i2c.writeLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $F4, $34)     ' Pressure (oss = 0)  0x34  4.5
          waitcnt((clkfreq / 222) + cnt)                         ' 4.5ms    
        elseif oss == 1
          i2c.writeLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $F4, $74)     ' Pressure (oss = 1)  0x74  7.5
          waitcnt((clkfreq / 133) + cnt)                         ' 7.5ms    
        elseif oss == 2
          i2c.writeLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $F4, $B4)     ' Pressure (oss = 2)  0xB4  13.5
          waitcnt((clkfreq / 74) + cnt)                          ' 13.5ms   
        elseif oss == 3
          i2c.writeLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $F4, $F4)     ' Pressure (oss = 3)  0xF4  25.5
          waitcnt((clkfreq / 39) + cnt)                          ' 25.5ms
        up1 := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $F6)
        up2 := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $F7)
        up3 := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $F8)         
        ser.str(string("UP: "))
        ser.hex(up1 + up2 + up3, 6)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.dec(up1 + up2 + up3)    
        ser.str(string("UP 123 Hex: "))  
        ser.hex(up1, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.hex(up2, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.hex(up3, 2)
        ser.str(string("UP 123 Dec: "))  
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ' // Calculate True Temperature
        ' // Calculate True Pressure
        waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt)

    bmp mpu.jpg
    1024 x 652 - 79K
  • T ChapT Chap Posts: 4,223
    edited 2014-02-09 17:42
    At least it would be pretty simple to tack on some through hole caps. I don't see caps on the adc.
  • zlantzzlantz Posts: 136
    edited 2014-02-09 17:50
    Every module I have to use has built in pullup resistors & bypass capacitors along with the device being used (one reason I like using modules, plus makes prototyping faster). I am aware of missing caps on power, i have tried soldering some to the pcb tho not marked, they are there. Didn't change much.

    My mpu-6050 is the ONLY i2c device i have that "works' and does so quite nicely.

    SPI devices work 100% (MCP-3208 & RFM23BP (different pcb))
  • zlantzzlantz Posts: 136
    edited 2014-02-09 18:23
    @Cluso99: Don't start something you can't finish, there are too many things to point out that you may as well design a new pcb in the process.

    Already on it.. i have 2 newer designs. This one just happens to be on a working ccpm uav prototype that is near completion. Its got a power short as well, my 3.3v reg runs hot (not on new designs). and one of my tracks or joints came loose. it will be replaced very soon, however, this is no reason to not go ahead and finish it, extra parts dangling. Then I will have a crude working model. Still needing altitude / airspeed sensor (2x bmp's) and I would like to get my mpu-9150 working.
  • T ChapT Chap Posts: 4,223
    edited 2014-02-09 18:37
    What do you consider the problem with that response you are showing?
    Pub GetMPU | X, Y, Z, A, B, C
        ' // Setup: power mgmt, dlp, smplrtdiv, gyro & accel
        i2c.writeLocation(mpuSCL, mpuAddr, 107, 000001)    ' X Gyro as Clock Source
        i2c.writeLocation(mpuSCL, mpuAddr, 26, 000011)     ' 40 Hz DLP
        i2c.writeLocation(mpuSCL, mpuAddr, 25, 000001)     ' Sample Rate = 500 Hz
        i2c.writeLocation(mpuSCL, mpuAddr, 27, 011000)     ' Gyro  = FS3
        i2c.writeLocation(mpuSCL, mpuAddr, 28, 010000)     ' Accel = AFS2

    Are you intending to send binary values here? If so, why is there no %?

    My suggestion would be to start from scratch with one module, re-read the manual and attempt to read just one register only successfully. If you are getting an ack and ID, then you must be addressing the registers incorrectly, that is assuming the device is functioning properly. Bite size chunks.

    test   %1000_0000
  • zlantzzlantz Posts: 136
    edited 2014-02-09 19:10
    % is there in code, this forum has removed it and messed up my post.

    the reason for the MPU stuff was just a simple test to see if i could get the mpu6050 working on my own (which i cant).
        ' // Setup: power mgmt, dlp, smplrtdiv, gyro & accel
        i2c.writeLocation(mpuSCL, mpuAddr, 107, %00000001)    ' X Gyro as Clock Source
        i2c.writeLocation(mpuSCL, mpuAddr, 26, %00000011)     ' 40 Hz DLP
        i2c.writeLocation(mpuSCL, mpuAddr, 25, %00000001)     ' Sample Rate = 500 Hz
        i2c.writeLocation(mpuSCL, mpuAddr, 27, %00011000)     ' Gyro  = FS3
        i2c.writeLocation(mpuSCL, mpuAddr, 28, %00010000)     ' Accel = AFS2
  • T ChapT Chap Posts: 4,223
    edited 2014-02-09 19:23
    You are still using bmpAddrW with LSB = 1 in several places in the code. This is not correct, and as Tracy pointed out, the driver is not correcting the mistake.
  • zlantzzlantz Posts: 136
    edited 2014-02-09 19:50
    T Chap wrote: »
    You are still using bmpAddrW with LSB = 1 in several places in the code. This is not correct, and as Tracy pointed out, the driver is not correcting the mistake.

    I see i missed a few:
      _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x
      _xinfreq = 5_000_000
      CLK_FREQ = ((_clkmode-xtal1)>>6)*_xinfreq
      MS_001 = CLK_FREQ / 1_000  
      ' // Propeller Pinout
      Misc1 = 0
      Misc2 = 1
      Misc3 = 2
      Misc4 = 3
      MCPCLK  = 4
      MCPDOut = 5
      MCPDIn  = 5
      MCPCS   = 6      
      NC1 = 7
      MPUsda  = 8       ' All I2C Sensors on SAME Bus
      MPUscl  = 9
      RPitx  = 10        
      RPirx  = 11
      GPSrx   = 12  ' SCL
      GPStx   = 13  ' SDA
      BMPSCL   = 12   
      BMPSDA   = 13
      WiFitx   = 14       ' White
      WiFirx   = 15       ' Green     
      Misc5 = 16    
      Misc6 = 17
      Misc7 = 18
      LED   = 19
      Piezo = 20
      Servo6 = 21        ' Left Side Airlerons
      Servo5 = 22        ' Gyro Select
      Servo4 = 23        ' Gyro / Rudder
      NC2 = 24
      Servo3 = 25        ' Motor Speed / Power
      Servo2 = 26        ' Elevator
      Servo1 = 27        ' Right Side Airlerons
      EEPROMscl   = 28
      EEPROMsda   = 29
      DEBUGSERtx  = 30
      DEBUGSERrx  = 31
      SCL = 12
      ' // BMP-180 Settings
      bmpAddr  = 10_1110
      bmpAddrR = 10_1110
      bmpAddrW = 10_1111
      mpuAddr  = 01_0000
      OSS1 = 0      ' Ultra Low Power
      OSS2 = 1      ' Standard
      OSS3 = 2      ' High Resolution
      OSS4 = 3      ' Ultra High Resolution
      ' EEPROM data base address - i.e 32K (assumes a 64kb eeprom installed!!)
      EEPROM_Base   = $8000  
      EEPROMAddr    = 10_0000  
      i2cSCL        = 28
    '  i2cSDA        = 29   
      i2c           :       "pasm_i2c_driver_Ext"         ' Finds Both Devices, All Data = FF
      'i2c           :       "basic_i2c_driver_1.3_Mod"   ' Finds MPU Only, Data = 255
      Ser           :       "FullDuplexSerial" 
      long ac1, ac2, ac3, ac4, ac5, ac6, b1, b2, mb, mc, md, id
      long UT, UP
      long T, P
      long i2cAddress, i2cSlaveCounter
      long oss
    Pub Start
      i2c.Initialize(bmpSCL)                 ' // PASM i2c Driver
      'i2c.Initialize(mpuSCL, mpuSDA)        ' // basic_i2c_driver1.3_Mod
      oss := OSS2
        ' // All I2C Sensors on SAME Bus
        ' // MPU-6050
        if i2c.devicePresent(mpuSCL, mpuAddr) == True
          ser.str(string("MPU - Device Located!"))
          waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt)
          ser.str(string("MPU - Device Not Found"))
          waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt)
        ' // BMP-180
        if i2c.devicePresent(bmpSCL, bmpAddr) == True
          ser.str(string("BMP - Device Located!"))
          waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt)
          ser.str(string("BMP - Device Not Found"))
          waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt)
    Pub GetMPU | X, Y, Z, A, B, C
        ' // Setup: power mgmt, dlp, smplrtdiv, gyro & accel
        i2c.writeLocation(mpuSCL, mpuAddr, 107, 000001)    ' X Gyro as Clock Source
        i2c.writeLocation(mpuSCL, mpuAddr, 26, 000011)     ' 40 Hz DLP
        i2c.writeLocation(mpuSCL, mpuAddr, 25, 000001)     ' Sample Rate = 500 Hz
        i2c.writeLocation(mpuSCL, mpuAddr, 27, 011000)     ' Gyro  = FS3
        i2c.writeLocation(mpuSCL, mpuAddr, 28, 010000)     ' Accel = AFS2
        ' // Read Values
        X := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, mpuAddr, 59)   ' = 255
        ser.str(string("MPU Out: "))
    Pub GetBMP_BMP | v1, v2, v3, up1, up2, up3, ut1, ut2
          Table 5: Calibration Coefficients
                      BMP180 reg adr
          Parameter   MSB        LSB
            AC1       0xAA       0xAB
            AC2       0xAC       0xAD
            AC3       0xAE       0xAF
            AC4       0xB0       0xB1
            AC5       0xB2       0xB3
            AC6       0xB4       0xB5
            B1        0xB6       0xB7
            B2        0xB8       0xB9
            MB        0xBA       0xBB
            MC        0xBC       0xBD
            MD        0xBE       0xBF
        ' i2c.readLocation(SCL,device_address, register)
        ' // Read Calibration Coefficients
        ac1 := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $AA)  ' 1B
        ac2 := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $AC)  ' FB
        ac3 := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $AE)  ' C7
        ac4 := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $B0)  ' 84
        ac5 := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $B2)  ' 61
        ac6 := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $B4)  ' 49
        b1 := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $B6)   ' 19
        b2 := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $B8)   ' 00
        mb := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $BA)   ' 80
        mc := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $BC)   ' D1
        md := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $BE)   ' 0A
        id := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $D0)   ' 55     *** Should = 0x55
        waitcnt((clkfreq / 4) + cnt)
        ser.str(string("AC1: "))
        ser.hex(ac1, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("AC2: "))
        ser.hex(ac2, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("AC3: "))
        ser.hex(ac3, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("AC4: "))
        ser.hex(ac4, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("AC5: "))
        ser.hex(ac5, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("AC6: "))
        ser.hex(ac6, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("B1: "))
        ser.hex(b1, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("B2: "))
        ser.hex(b2, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("MB: "))
        ser.hex(mb, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("MC: "))
        ser.hex(mc, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("MD: "))
        ser.hex(md, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("ID: "))
        ser.hex(id, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        'ser.str(string("bmpAddr: "))
        'ser.hex(bmpAddr | 1, 2)        ' 0 = EE, 1 = EF
        ' // Read Uncompressed Temperature Value
        ' Write 0x2E into reg 0xF4, wait 4.5ms
        ' Read reg 0xF6 (MSB), 0xF7 (LSB)
        i2c.writeLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $F4, $2E)       ' Temperature  0x2E  4.5
        waitcnt((clkfreq / 222) + cnt)             ' 4.5ms
        ut1 := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $F6)
        ut2 := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $F7) 
        'UT := i2c.readLocation16(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, i2c#OneAddr|$F6)
        ser.str(string("UT: "))
        ser.hex(ut1, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.hex(ut2, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))    
        ser.dec(ut1 + ut2)
        ' // Read Uncompressed Pressure Value
        ' Write 0x34+(oss<<6) into reg 0xF4, wait #.#ms
        ' Read reg 0xF6 (MSB), 0xF7 (LSB), 0xF8 (XLSB)
        'i2c.writeLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $F4, $34 + (oss<<6))
        ' i2c.readLocation(SCL,device_address, register)
        ' i2c.writeLocation(SCL,device_address, register, value) 
        if oss == 0
          i2c.writeLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $F4, $34)     ' Pressure (oss = 0)  0x34  4.5
          waitcnt((clkfreq / 222) + cnt)                         ' 4.5ms    
        elseif oss == 1
          i2c.writeLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $F4, $74)     ' Pressure (oss = 1)  0x74  7.5
          waitcnt((clkfreq / 133) + cnt)                         ' 7.5ms    
        elseif oss == 2
          i2c.writeLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $F4, $B4)     ' Pressure (oss = 2)  0xB4  13.5
          waitcnt((clkfreq / 74) + cnt)                          ' 13.5ms   
        elseif oss == 3
          i2c.writeLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $F4, $F4)     ' Pressure (oss = 3)  0xF4  25.5
          waitcnt((clkfreq / 39) + cnt)                          ' 25.5ms
        up1 := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $F6)
        up2 := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $F7)
        up3 := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $F8)         
        ser.str(string("UP: "))
        ser.hex(up1 + up2 + up3, 6)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.dec(up1 + up2 + up3)    
        ser.str(string("UP 123 Hex: "))  
        ser.hex(up1, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.hex(up2, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.hex(up3, 2)
        ser.str(string("UP 123 Dec: "))  
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ' // Calculate True Temperature
        ' // Calculate True Pressure
        waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt)
    Pub GetBMP_MPU | v1, v2, v3, up1, up2, up3, ut1, ut2
          Table 5: Calibration Coefficients
                      BMP180 reg adr
          Parameter   MSB        LSB
            AC1       0xAA       0xAB
            AC2       0xAC       0xAD
            AC3       0xAE       0xAF
            AC4       0xB0       0xB1
            AC5       0xB2       0xB3
            AC6       0xB4       0xB5
            B1        0xB6       0xB7
            B2        0xB8       0xB9
            MB        0xBA       0xBB
            MC        0xBC       0xBD
            MD        0xBE       0xBF
        ' i2c.readLocation(SCL,device_address, register)
        ' // Read Calibration Coefficients
        ac1 := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $AA)  ' 1B
        ac2 := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $AC)  ' FB
        ac3 := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $AE)  ' C7
        ac4 := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $B0)  ' 84
        ac5 := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $B2)  ' 61
        ac6 := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $B4)  ' 49
        b1 := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $B6)   ' 19
        b2 := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $B8)   ' 00
        mb := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $BA)   ' 80
        mc := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $BC)   ' D1
        md := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $BE)   ' 0A
        id := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $D0)   ' 55     *** Should = 0x55
        waitcnt((clkfreq / 4) + cnt)
        ser.str(string("AC1: "))
        ser.hex(ac1, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("AC2: "))
        ser.hex(ac2, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("AC3: "))
        ser.hex(ac3, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("AC4: "))
        ser.hex(ac4, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("AC5: "))
        ser.hex(ac5, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("AC6: "))
        ser.hex(ac6, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("B1: "))
        ser.hex(b1, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("B2: "))
        ser.hex(b2, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("MB: "))
        ser.hex(mb, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("MC: "))
        ser.hex(mc, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("MD: "))
        ser.hex(md, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("ID: "))
        ser.hex(id, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        'ser.str(string("bmpAddr: "))
        'ser.hex(bmpAddr | 1, 2)        ' 0 = EE, 1 = EF
        ' // Read Uncompressed Temperature Value
        ' Write 0x2E into reg 0xF4, wait 4.5ms
        ' Read reg 0xF6 (MSB), 0xF7 (LSB)
        i2c.writeLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $F4, $2E)       ' Temperature  0x2E  4.5
        waitcnt((clkfreq / 222) + cnt)             ' 4.5ms
        ut1 := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $F6)
        ut2 := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $F7) 
        'UT := i2c.readLocation16(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, i2c#OneAddr|$F6)
        ser.str(string("UT: "))
        ser.hex(ut1, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.hex(ut2, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))    
        ser.dec(ut1 + ut2)
        ' // Read Uncompressed Pressure Value
        ' Write 0x34+(oss<<6) into reg 0xF4, wait #.#ms
        ' Read reg 0xF6 (MSB), 0xF7 (LSB), 0xF8 (XLSB)
        'i2c.writeLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $F4, $34 + (oss<<6))
        ' i2c.readLocation(SCL,device_address, register)
        ' i2c.writeLocation(SCL,device_address, register, value) 
        if oss == 0
          i2c.writeLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $F4, $34)     ' Pressure (oss = 0)  0x34  4.5
          waitcnt((clkfreq / 222) + cnt)                         ' 4.5ms    
        elseif oss == 1
          i2c.writeLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $F4, $74)     ' Pressure (oss = 1)  0x74  7.5
          waitcnt((clkfreq / 133) + cnt)                         ' 7.5ms    
        elseif oss == 2
          i2c.writeLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $F4, $B4)     ' Pressure (oss = 2)  0xB4  13.5
          waitcnt((clkfreq / 74) + cnt)                          ' 13.5ms   
        elseif oss == 3
          i2c.writeLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $F4, $F4)     ' Pressure (oss = 3)  0xF4  25.5
          waitcnt((clkfreq / 39) + cnt)                          ' 25.5ms
        up1 := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $F6)
        up2 := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $F7)
        up3 := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $F8)         
        ser.str(string("UP: "))
        ser.hex(up1 + up2 + up3, 6)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.dec(up1 + up2 + up3)    
        ser.str(string("UP 123 Hex: "))  
        ser.hex(up1, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.hex(up2, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.hex(up3, 2)
        ser.str(string("UP 123 Dec: "))  
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ' // Calculate True Temperature
        ' // Calculate True Pressure
        waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt)

    and the results of this code... appears correct-ish. still only getting a maximum of 3 digits on 5 digit values (decimal).

    new bmp.jpg
    813 x 557 - 54K
  • T ChapT Chap Posts: 4,223
    edited 2014-02-09 19:59
    3 digits with nothing exceeding 255 shows you are not receiving the MSB. I didn't look at the code but typically to read a Word value, I would bitshift left the MSB into a word variable, then OR the LSB to create the full 16 bit response.

    Here is an example
         readkeyvar := i2c2.i2cRead(i2cSCL2, 0)        'read first bit field 0 - 7
         readkeyvar |= i2c2.i2cRead(i2cSCL2, 0) << 8   'read second bit field 8 - 15

        ac1 := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $AA)  ' 1B
        ac1 |=  i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $AB)  << 8 ' 1B
        ac1 := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $AB)  ' 1B
        ac1 |=  i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $AA) << 8  ' 1B

    Depends on what gets returned first, lsb or msb. But you get the idea.
  • zlantzzlantz Posts: 136
    edited 2014-02-09 20:06
    Now I have 2 bmp's on 2 different busses. One of them is connected to the mpu-6050's xDA & xCL lines (and power). This device cannot be found. Therefore I assume the mpu is acting as master to that bmp (its either master or pass-through mode) since it is not passing the xDA to SDA & xCL to SCL.

    I have also tried one straight to the i2c bus (replacing the mpu6050).

    As of right now, the one connected to the GPS bus is giving the data back, but it is missing half of all of the values. And I think the problem lies in the read method. it is only doing an 8 bit read when it should be doing a 16 bit read (according to datasheet). but when i use i2c.readregister16, devices are located, but all data is = 0. Now if i switch to "basic_i2c_driver_1.3_Mod" then it will return data.
        ' // Read Calibration Coefficients
        ac1 := i2c.readLocation16(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $AA)  ' 1B
        ac2 := i2c.readLocation16(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $AC)  ' FB
        ac3 := i2c.readLocation16(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $AE)  ' C7
        ac4 := i2c.readLocation16(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $B0)  ' 84
        ac5 := i2c.readLocation16(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $B2)  ' 61
        ac6 := i2c.readLocation16(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $B4)  ' 49
        b1 := i2c.readLocation16(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $B6)   ' 19
        b2 := i2c.readLocation16(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $B8)   ' 00
        mb := i2c.readLocation16(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $BA)   ' 80
        mc := i2c.readLocation16(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $BC)   ' D1
        md := i2c.readLocation16(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $BE)   ' 0A
        id := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $D0)   ' 55     *** Should = 0x55

    now i didnt change how the chip id is read because it is only one register location ($D0) so it appears to be still correct.

    i also notice there is no " - " sign that was expected in the results. could this be similar to what your saying about the msb / lsb? I was thinking this was were the problem was comming from, but the results are constantly different (with different applications of code) I am not sure which one is correct.

    new new.jpg
    809 x 680 - 68K
  • T ChapT Chap Posts: 4,223
    edited 2014-02-09 20:18
    You are skipping AB assuming it is sending out 16 bits at a time. Think in terms of reading a byte at a time and see what happens.
  • zlantzzlantz Posts: 136
    edited 2014-02-09 20:21
    so i changed the code as you showed:
    PUB readLocation16(SCL,device_address, register) : value
        write(SCL,device_address | 0)
        write(SCL,device_address | 1)  
        'value := read(SCL,ACK)
        'value <<= 8
        value := read(SCL,ACK)
        value |= read(SCL,ACK) << 8
        'readkeyvar := i2c2.i2cRead(i2cSCL2, 0)        'read first bit field 0 - 7
        'readkeyvar |= i2c2.i2cRead(i2cSCL2, 0) << 8   'read second bit field 8 - 15
        value |= (read(SCL,NAK) & $ff)
        return value

    and the main code to this:
      _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x
      _xinfreq = 5_000_000
      CLK_FREQ = ((_clkmode-xtal1)>>6)*_xinfreq
      MS_001 = CLK_FREQ / 1_000  
      ' // Propeller Pinout
      Misc1 = 0
      Misc2 = 1
      Misc3 = 2
      Misc4 = 3
      MCPCLK  = 4
      MCPDOut = 5
      MCPDIn  = 5
      MCPCS   = 6      
      NC1 = 7
      MPUsda  = 8       ' All I2C Sensors on SAME Bus
      MPUscl  = 9
      RPitx  = 10        
      RPirx  = 11
      GPSrx   = 12  ' SCL
      GPStx   = 13  ' SDA
      BMPSCL   = 12   
      BMPSDA   = 13
      WiFitx   = 14       ' White
      WiFirx   = 15       ' Green     
      Misc5 = 16    
      Misc6 = 17
      Misc7 = 18
      LED   = 19
      Piezo = 20
      Servo6 = 21        ' Left Side Airlerons
      Servo5 = 22        ' Gyro Select
      Servo4 = 23        ' Gyro / Rudder
      NC2 = 24
      Servo3 = 25        ' Motor Speed / Power
      Servo2 = 26        ' Elevator
      Servo1 = 27        ' Right Side Airlerons
      EEPROMscl   = 28
      EEPROMsda   = 29
      DEBUGSERtx  = 30
      DEBUGSERrx  = 31
      bmpAddr  = 10_1110
      mpuAddr  = 01_0000
      OSS1 = 0      ' Ultra Low Power
      OSS2 = 1      ' Standard
      OSS3 = 2      ' High Resolution
      OSS4 = 3      ' Ultra High Resolution
      ' EEPROM data base address - i.e 32K (assumes a 64kb eeprom installed!!)
      EEPROM_Base   = $8000  
      EEPROMAddr    = 10_0000  
      i2cSCL        = 28
    '  i2cSDA        = 29   
      'i2c           :       "pasm_i2c_driver_Ext"         ' Finds Both Devices, All Data = FF
      i2c           :       "basic_i2c_driver_1.3_Mod"   ' Finds MPU Only, Data = 255
      Ser           :       "FullDuplexSerial" 
      long ac1, ac2, ac3, ac4, ac5, ac6, b1, b2, mb, mc, md, id
      long UT, UP
      long T, P
      long i2cAddress, i2cSlaveCounter
      long oss
    Pub Start
      'i2c.Initialize(bmpSCL)                 ' // PASM i2c Driver
      i2c.Initialize(bmpSCL, bmpSDA)        ' // basic_i2c_driver1.3_Mod
      oss := OSS2
        ' // All I2C Sensors on SAME Bus
        ' // MPU-6050
        if i2c.devicePresent(mpuSCL, mpuAddr) == True
          ser.str(string("MPU - Device Located!"))
          waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt)
          ser.str(string("MPU - Device Not Found"))
          waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt)
        ' // BMP-180
        if i2c.devicePresent(bmpSCL, bmpAddr) == True
          ser.str(string("BMP - Device Located!"))
          waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt)
          ser.str(string("BMP - Device Not Found"))
          waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt)
    Pub GetMPU | X, Y, Z, A, B, C
        ' // Setup: power mgmt, dlp, smplrtdiv, gyro & accel
        i2c.writeLocation(mpuSCL, mpuAddr, 107, 000001)    ' X Gyro as Clock Source
        i2c.writeLocation(mpuSCL, mpuAddr, 26, 000011)     ' 40 Hz DLP
        i2c.writeLocation(mpuSCL, mpuAddr, 25, 000001)     ' Sample Rate = 500 Hz
        i2c.writeLocation(mpuSCL, mpuAddr, 27, 011000)     ' Gyro  = FS3
        i2c.writeLocation(mpuSCL, mpuAddr, 28, 010000)     ' Accel = AFS2
        ' // Read Values
        X := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, mpuAddr, 59)   ' = 255
        ser.str(string("MPU Out: "))
    Pub GetBMP_BMP | v1, v2, v3, up1, up2, up3, ut1, ut2
          Table 5: Calibration Coefficients
                      BMP180 reg adr
          Parameter   MSB        LSB
            AC1       0xAA       0xAB
            AC2       0xAC       0xAD
            AC3       0xAE       0xAF
            AC4       0xB0       0xB1
            AC5       0xB2       0xB3
            AC6       0xB4       0xB5
            B1        0xB6       0xB7
            B2        0xB8       0xB9
            MB        0xBA       0xBB
            MC        0xBC       0xBD
            MD        0xBE       0xBF
        ' i2c.readLocation(SCL,device_address, register)
        ' // Read Calibration Coefficients
        ac1 := i2c.readLocation16(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $AA)  ' 1B
        ac2 := i2c.readLocation16(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $AC)  ' FB
        ac3 := i2c.readLocation16(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $AE)  ' C7
        ac4 := i2c.readLocation16(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $B0)  ' 84
        ac5 := i2c.readLocation16(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $B2)  ' 61
        ac6 := i2c.readLocation16(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $B4)  ' 49
        b1 := i2c.readLocation16(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $B6)   ' 19
        b2 := i2c.readLocation16(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $B8)   ' 00
        mb := i2c.readLocation16(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $BA)   ' 80
        mc := i2c.readLocation16(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $BC)   ' D1
        md := i2c.readLocation16(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $BE)   ' 0A
        id := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $D0)   ' 55     *** Should = 0x55
        waitcnt((clkfreq / 4) + cnt)
        ser.str(string("AC1: "))
        ser.hex(ac1, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("AC2: "))
        ser.hex(ac2, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("AC3: "))
        ser.hex(ac3, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("AC4: "))
        ser.hex(ac4, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("AC5: "))
        ser.hex(ac5, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("AC6: "))
        ser.hex(ac6, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("B1: "))
        ser.hex(b1, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("B2: "))
        ser.hex(b2, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("MB: "))
        ser.hex(mb, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("MC: "))
        ser.hex(mc, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("MD: "))
        ser.hex(md, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("ID: "))
        ser.hex(id, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        'ser.str(string("bmpAddr: "))
        'ser.hex(bmpAddr | 1, 2)        ' 0 = EE, 1 = EF
        ' // Read Uncompressed Temperature Value
        ' Write 0x2E into reg 0xF4, wait 4.5ms
        ' Read reg 0xF6 (MSB), 0xF7 (LSB)
        i2c.writeLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $F4, $2E)       ' Temperature  0x2E  4.5
        waitcnt((clkfreq / 222) + cnt)             ' 4.5ms
        ut1 := i2c.readLocation16(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $F6)
        ut2 := i2c.readLocation16(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $F7) 
        'UT := i2c.readLocation16(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, i2c#OneAddr|$F6)
        UT := i2c.readLocation16(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $F6)
        ser.str(string("UT: "))
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.hex(ut1, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.hex(ut2, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))    
        ser.dec(ut1 + ut2)
        ' // Read Uncompressed Pressure Value
        ' Write 0x34+(oss<<6) into reg 0xF4, wait #.#ms
        ' Read reg 0xF6 (MSB), 0xF7 (LSB), 0xF8 (XLSB)
        'i2c.writeLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $F4, $34 + (oss<<6))
        ' i2c.readLocation(SCL,device_address, register)
        ' i2c.writeLocation(SCL,device_address, register, value) 
        if oss == 0
          i2c.writeLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $F4, $34)     ' Pressure (oss = 0)  0x34  4.5
          waitcnt((clkfreq / 222) + cnt)                         ' 4.5ms    
        elseif oss == 1
          i2c.writeLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $F4, $74)     ' Pressure (oss = 1)  0x74  7.5
          waitcnt((clkfreq / 133) + cnt)                         ' 7.5ms    
        elseif oss == 2
          i2c.writeLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $F4, $B4)     ' Pressure (oss = 2)  0xB4  13.5
          waitcnt((clkfreq / 74) + cnt)                          ' 13.5ms   
        elseif oss == 3
          i2c.writeLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $F4, $F4)     ' Pressure (oss = 3)  0xF4  25.5
          waitcnt((clkfreq / 39) + cnt)                          ' 25.5ms
        up1 := i2c.readLocation16(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $F6)
        up2 := i2c.readLocation16(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $F7)
        up3 := i2c.readLocation16(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $F8)         
        ser.str(string("UP: "))
        ser.hex(up1 + up2 + up3, 6)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.dec(up1 + up2 + up3)    
        ser.str(string("UP 123 Hex: "))  
        ser.hex(up1, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.hex(up2, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.hex(up3, 2)
        ser.str(string("UP 123 Dec: "))  
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ' // Calculate True Temperature
        ' // Calculate True Pressure
        waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt)
    Pub GetBMP_MPU | v1, v2, v3, up1, up2, up3, ut1, ut2
          Table 5: Calibration Coefficients
                      BMP180 reg adr
          Parameter   MSB        LSB
            AC1       0xAA       0xAB
            AC2       0xAC       0xAD
            AC3       0xAE       0xAF
            AC4       0xB0       0xB1
            AC5       0xB2       0xB3
            AC6       0xB4       0xB5
            B1        0xB6       0xB7
            B2        0xB8       0xB9
            MB        0xBA       0xBB
            MC        0xBC       0xBD
            MD        0xBE       0xBF
        ' i2c.readLocation(SCL,device_address, register)
        ' // Read Calibration Coefficients
        ac1 := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $AA)  ' 1B
        ac2 := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $AC)  ' FB
        ac3 := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $AE)  ' C7
        ac4 := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $B0)  ' 84
        ac5 := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $B2)  ' 61
        ac6 := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $B4)  ' 49
        b1 := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $B6)   ' 19
        b2 := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $B8)   ' 00
        mb := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $BA)   ' 80
        mc := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $BC)   ' D1
        md := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $BE)   ' 0A
        id := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $D0)   ' 55     *** Should = 0x55
        waitcnt((clkfreq / 4) + cnt)
        ser.str(string("AC1: "))
        ser.hex(ac1, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("AC2: "))
        ser.hex(ac2, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("AC3: "))
        ser.hex(ac3, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("AC4: "))
        ser.hex(ac4, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("AC5: "))
        ser.hex(ac5, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("AC6: "))
        ser.hex(ac6, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("B1: "))
        ser.hex(b1, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("B2: "))
        ser.hex(b2, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("MB: "))
        ser.hex(mb, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("MC: "))
        ser.hex(mc, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("MD: "))
        ser.hex(md, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("ID: "))
        ser.hex(id, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        'ser.str(string("bmpAddr: "))
        'ser.hex(bmpAddr | 1, 2)        ' 0 = EE, 1 = EF
        ' // Read Uncompressed Temperature Value
        ' Write 0x2E into reg 0xF4, wait 4.5ms
        ' Read reg 0xF6 (MSB), 0xF7 (LSB)
        i2c.writeLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $F4, $2E)       ' Temperature  0x2E  4.5
        waitcnt((clkfreq / 222) + cnt)             ' 4.5ms
        ut1 := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $F6)
        ut2 := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $F7) 
        'UT := i2c.readLocation16(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, i2c#OneAddr|$F6)
        ser.str(string("UT: "))
        ser.hex(ut1, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.hex(ut2, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))    
        ser.dec(ut1 + ut2)
        ' // Read Uncompressed Pressure Value
        ' Write 0x34+(oss<<6) into reg 0xF4, wait #.#ms
        ' Read reg 0xF6 (MSB), 0xF7 (LSB), 0xF8 (XLSB)
        'i2c.writeLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $F4, $34 + (oss<<6))
        ' i2c.readLocation(SCL,device_address, register)
        ' i2c.writeLocation(SCL,device_address, register, value) 
        if oss == 0
          i2c.writeLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $F4, $34)     ' Pressure (oss = 0)  0x34  4.5
          waitcnt((clkfreq / 222) + cnt)                         ' 4.5ms    
        elseif oss == 1
          i2c.writeLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $F4, $74)     ' Pressure (oss = 1)  0x74  7.5
          waitcnt((clkfreq / 133) + cnt)                         ' 7.5ms    
        elseif oss == 2
          i2c.writeLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $F4, $B4)     ' Pressure (oss = 2)  0xB4  13.5
          waitcnt((clkfreq / 74) + cnt)                          ' 13.5ms   
        elseif oss == 3
          i2c.writeLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $F4, $F4)     ' Pressure (oss = 3)  0xF4  25.5
          waitcnt((clkfreq / 39) + cnt)                          ' 25.5ms
        up1 := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $F6)
        up2 := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $F7)
        up3 := i2c.readLocation(mpuSCL, bmpAddr, $F8)         
        ser.str(string("UP: "))
        ser.hex(up1 + up2 + up3, 6)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.dec(up1 + up2 + up3)    
        ser.str(string("UP 123 Hex: "))  
        ser.hex(up1, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.hex(up2, 2)
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.hex(up3, 2)
        ser.str(string("UP 123 Dec: "))  
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ser.str(string("  "))
        ' // Calculate True Temperature
        ' // Calculate True Pressure
        waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt)

    and the results of this are as shown:

    new new other.jpg
    810 x 680 - 70K
  • T ChapT Chap Posts: 4,223
    edited 2014-02-09 20:26
    Revisit my examples above.
  • zlantzzlantz Posts: 136
    edited 2014-02-09 20:31
    T Chap wrote: »
    You are skipping AB assuming it is sending out 16 bits at a time. Think in terms of reading a byte at a time and see what happens.

    ok, so I went ahead and tried this:
          ac1 := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $AA)  ' 1B
          ac2 := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $AC)  ' FB
          ac3 := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $AE)  ' C7
          ac4 := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $B0)  ' 84
          ac5 := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $B2)  ' 61
          ac6 := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $B4)  ' 49
          b1 := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $B6)   ' 19
          b2 := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $B8)   ' 00
          mb := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $BA)   ' 80
          mc := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $BC)   ' D1
          md := i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $BE)   ' 0A
          ac1 |= i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $AB) << 8  ' 1B
          ac2 |= i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $AD) << 8  ' FB
          ac3 |= i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $AF) << 8  ' C7
          ac4 |= i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $B1) << 8  ' 84
          ac5 |= i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $B3) << 8  ' 61
          ac6 |= i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $B5) << 8  ' 49
          b1 |= i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $B7) << 8   ' 19
          b2 |= i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $B9) << 8   ' 00
          mb |= i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $BB) << 8   ' 80
          mc |= i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $BD) << 8   ' D1
          md |= i2c.readLocation(bmpSCL, bmpAddr, $BF) << 8   ' 0A

    which is very close to readLocation16's results, but they are all off a bit.

    Above Code:
    new new other new values.jpg
    new new other.jpg
    813 x 681 - 69K
    810 x 680 - 70K
  • T ChapT Chap Posts: 4,223
    edited 2014-02-09 20:34
    Why not read AA and AB in that order?

    AA AB
    AC AD
    AE AF
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