Question about Talos TCS 3200 Color Sensor
Hello I'm am new to this forum and I have a question regarding the Talos TCS 3200 color sensor that I am testing. The sensor works fine with the example code I used to read the color but it reads it at a very fast rate. I have been trying to slow it down with putting delays at certain parts of the code but it does not help. I was hoping that someone that is more experienced can help me with this issue? Code pasted below.
int s0=3,s1=4,s2=5,s3=6; int out=2; int flag=0; byte counter=0; byte countR=0,countG=0,countB=0; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(s0,OUTPUT); pinMode(s1,OUTPUT); pinMode(s2,OUTPUT); pinMode(s3,OUTPUT); } void TCS() { flag=0; digitalWrite(s1,HIGH); digitalWrite(s0,HIGH); digitalWrite(s2,LOW); digitalWrite(s3,LOW); attachInterrupt(0, ISR_INTO, LOW); timer0_init(); } void ISR_INTO() { counter++; } void timer0_init(void) { TCCR2A=0x00; TCCR2B=0x07; //the clock frequency source 1024 points TCNT2= 100; //10 ms overflow again TIMSK2 = 0x01; //allow interrupt } int i=0; ISR(TIMER2_OVF_vect)//the timer 2, 10ms interrupt overflow again. Internal overflow interrupt executive function { TCNT2=100; flag++; if(flag==1) { countR=counter; Serial.print("red="); Serial.println(countR,DEC); digitalWrite(s2,HIGH); digitalWrite(s3,HIGH); } else if(flag==2) { countG=counter; Serial.print("green="); Serial.println(countG,DEC); digitalWrite(s2,LOW); digitalWrite(s3,HIGH); } else if(flag==3) { countB=counter; Serial.print("blue="); Serial.println(countB,DEC); Serial.println("\n"); digitalWrite(s2,LOW); digitalWrite(s3,LOW); } else if(flag==4) { flag=0; } counter=0; } void loop() { TCS(); while(1); }