Question about TTL serial inverted versus non-inverted
Don M
Posts: 1,653
Does the non-inverted serial sit high when idle?
So how simple of a circuit can be made to invert the signal? I assume I can just use a transistor? I'm trying to sniff some serial data at 9600 baud. I have available 3.3V and ground. The serial data I'm sniffing is 5V level but I want to invert it and feed it into 3.3V sniffer. The sniffer is a Logomatic V2.
Can someone offer a simple schematic drawing to accomplish this?
And if so what would be some values for the resistors?
10KΩ for both would work nicely.
You should add a diode across the base and emitter. Anode to the emitter and cathode, banded end, to the base.
I know you you are running on only 5V, (which would not require the diode),
you might want connect to a full spec RS-232 input which can have + - 25V levels.
This would then breakdown the emitter base junction. Some transistors don't take kindly to this.
The diode protects this junction.
Duane J