cognew, cogstop help
Posts: 1,019
Hello all.
I have personally never used cognew, or cogstop. Well I am giving it a shot. I still do not fully understand yet, but I am learning. I have hit a road block that I have no idea why.
The way it sits. the code will frezze at "start_timer"
but if I comment out
I copied "stop_timer" right the manual (page 81), I just changed the CogID to timerID.
Could someone please tell me why it will not work, and what is going on so I can better understand it.
I have personally never used cognew, or cogstop. Well I am giving it a shot. I still do not fully understand yet, but I am learning. I have hit a road block that I have no idea why.
con CLK_FREQ = ((_clkmode - xtal1) >> 6) * _xinfreq MS_001 = CLK_FREQ / 1_000 US_001 = CLK_FREQ / 1_000_000 var word _timer 'Timer output byte timerID 'Timer COG ID long TimerStack[128] pub pause(ms) | t '' Delay program ms milliseconds t := cnt - 1088 ' sync with system counter repeat (ms #> 0) ' delay must be > 0 waitcnt(t += MS_001) PRI Timer 'Timer repeat pause(1000) _timer := _timer - 1 PRI start_timer stop_timer timerID := cognew(timer,@TimerStack) PRI stop_timer if timerID > -1 cogstop(timerID)
The way it sits. the code will frezze at "start_timer"
but if I comment out
stop_timerfrom the start_timer object, my program will run.
I copied "stop_timer" right the manual (page 81), I just changed the CogID to timerID.
Could someone please tell me why it will not work, and what is going on so I can better understand it.
Usually what people do is store cognew+1 to get around this. Then use "if timeID > 0".
Ahh, that makes sense. The manual doesn't say anything about that. That is why I was getting confused. Thanks.
This simple object (I'm assuming that's what you were going for) uses the essential architecture (start, stop, public methods, private methods/pasm) of most objects.
You'll want to get comfortable with synchronized loops -- as in my version of the timer method. This is discussed in the section on waitcnt in the manual. Your original version has a loop longer than 1ms; the delay is that long, plus you have loop overhead that was not accounted for. The synchronized loop structure takes care of that (this is one of the best features of waitcnt)
BTW, you don't need a stack that big for a simple method. It's not perfect, but I tend to use this formula for calculating stack space
8 + # of local variables + 4 per external call + (add up # of locals in external calls)
...though I tend to use 16 as a minimum.
You are exactly right. It is for a simple object for my main program.
I did see that, but I am having trouble understanding it. lets say;
~if cnt = 500
~then waitcnt= 500 + (80,000,000 / 1000) = 80,500
~do stuff
~then waitcnt= 80,500 + (80,000,000 / 1000) = 160,500
How does it account for the stuff in the middle?
I am so sorry if I am WAY off base, I am just trying to get a better grasp on this.
I completely agree, it is. But it was a starting point for me, I was planing on using "Stack Length object" to get a better stack amount.
Think of it this way: we look at where the cnt register is now, then add the number of ticks in 1ms to that -- then wait for that value in the cnt register.
Agian, the manual (page 219) has a good explanation; you should read that.
Now see, your explanation makes more sense to me. I was having so much trouble understanding what the manual was talking about.
But now it makes sense.