SimpleIDE project compilation error
Posts: 3
I try to compile hello project and get this error:
Project Directory: C:/Users/user/Documents/SimpleIDE/My Projects/
propeller-elf-gcc.exe -v GCC 4.6.1 (propellergcc_v1_0_0_2162)
propeller-elf-gcc.exe -I . -L . -I C:/Users/user/Documents/SimpleIDE/Learn/Simple Libraries/Utility/libsimpletools -L C:/Users/user/Documents/SimpleIDE/Learn/Simple Libraries/Utility/libsimpletools/cmm/ -I C:/Users/user/Documents/SimpleIDE/Learn/Simple Libraries/Text Devices/libsimpletext -L C:/Users/user/Documents/SimpleIDE/Learn/Simple Libraries/Text Devices/libsimpletext/cmm/ -I C:/Users/user/Documents/SimpleIDE/Learn/Simple Libraries/Protocol/libsimplei2c -L C:/Users/user/Documents/SimpleIDE/Learn/Simple Libraries/Protocol/libsimplei2c/cmm/ -o cmm/Welcome.elf -Os -mcmm -Wall -m32bit-doubles -fno-exceptions -std=c99 Welcome.c -lm -lsimpletools -lsimpletext -lsimplei2c -lm -lsimpletools -lsimpletext -lm -lsimpletools -lm
Done. Build Failed!
Reinstalling, clearing settings not have any results. Can anyone help me?
I try to compile hello project and get this error:
Project Directory: C:/Users/user/Documents/SimpleIDE/My Projects/
propeller-elf-gcc.exe -v GCC 4.6.1 (propellergcc_v1_0_0_2162)
propeller-elf-gcc.exe -I . -L . -I C:/Users/user/Documents/SimpleIDE/Learn/Simple Libraries/Utility/libsimpletools -L C:/Users/user/Documents/SimpleIDE/Learn/Simple Libraries/Utility/libsimpletools/cmm/ -I C:/Users/user/Documents/SimpleIDE/Learn/Simple Libraries/Text Devices/libsimpletext -L C:/Users/user/Documents/SimpleIDE/Learn/Simple Libraries/Text Devices/libsimpletext/cmm/ -I C:/Users/user/Documents/SimpleIDE/Learn/Simple Libraries/Protocol/libsimplei2c -L C:/Users/user/Documents/SimpleIDE/Learn/Simple Libraries/Protocol/libsimplei2c/cmm/ -o cmm/Welcome.elf -Os -mcmm -Wall -m32bit-doubles -fno-exceptions -std=c99 Welcome.c -lm -lsimpletools -lsimpletext -lsimplei2c -lm -lsimpletools -lsimpletext -lm -lsimpletools -lm
Done. Build Failed!
Reinstalling, clearing settings not have any results. Can anyone help me?
1. Did you have a propeller board connected to a usb port?
2. Did you have the port number (com #) in the upper right hand corner of the Simple IDE screen, and was it the correct one? (If you have a board connected and the port window is blank, turning the board on (to 1 position) and clicking on the port window sets it for me.)
If you don't have a propeller board connected, but just want to check the compilation of a program, compile using the 'hammer' button.
If those aren't the answer, then it could be a mistake in the code, (but I didn't see an error message saying that) and you should post the code so we can check.
hope this helped.
thanks for your reply!
Yes, I have board connected to usb port and correct port selected in SimpleIDE. Also I get this error with any compiling option: "hammer" too. Error message don't have error code, only message that;s Build has been failed.
I try to compile from command promt window and get "spacing" errors:
propeller-elf-gcc.exe: error: Libraries/Utility/libsimpletools/cmm/: No such file or directory
propeller-elf-gcc.exe: error: Libraries/Text: No such file or directory
propeller-elf-gcc.exe: error: Devices/libsimpletext: No such file or directory
propeller-elf-gcc.exe: error: Libraries/Text: No such file or directory
propeller-elf-gcc.exe: error: Devices/libsimpletext/cmm/: No such file or directory
propeller-elf-gcc.exe: error: Libraries/Protocol/libsimplei2c: No such file or directory
propeller-elf-gcc.exe: error: Libraries/Protocol/libsimplei2c/cmm/: No such file or directory
propeller-elf-gcc.exe: error: Welcome.c: No such file or directory
C:\Users\user>Done. Build Failed!
may be this is correct path to undestanding problem?
I had it extracted to the SimpleIDE folder and the files and libraries were in the right paths.
In SimpleIDE click on "tools" "properties" and make sure that the "library folder" points to where you have the libraries. For example mine has "D:/SimpleIDE/Learn/Simple Libraries/" (D: is the disk where I have my application files stored.)
Hope this helps
Please keep us informed
Simple Libraries are not designed for command line use. I've been working on a makefile system for building all the libraries, and could deposit everything in one place for command-line usage. Will let you know when that's available.
The build that fails without generating any error information is very suspicious. Does the project make any sub-folders in the project folder like CMM, LMM, etc...?