Hackaday Party in Los Angeles (JAN 21, 2014)
Posts: 9,191
Anyone else going? I'll be there. So will Rick Galinson (Propeller mini-gun creator). And our friend Matt (www.likeform.com) -- who is just getting into Propeller programming.
I figure there will be a lot of Arduino programmers there; it would be nice to have more of a Propeller contingent.
I figure there will be a lot of Arduino programmers there; it would be nice to have more of a Propeller contingent.
That is always my thought at events like this. I have seen about 4 recent Hackaday projects built using Arduino boards that were done years ago with a propeller. Not sure why the Propeller versions never got the same attention. A cool project is a cool project no matter how it was accomplished.
Hope you have a blast and have a chance to pump up the EFX-Tek and the Propeller. I know I sincerely appreciate your efforts/talents as they have greatly helped many of my projects.
I'm going to take my computer and a some Propeller boards -- just in case there's an opportunity to show people how cool the Propeller really is. Rick joked about taking his mini-gun, though with the reputation of the LAPD, that might be somewhat dangerous in downtown Los Angeles.
Your cargo pants should hold one of Propellar Powered's pocket PC's.
The news wires may have all the pictures we need......
Jon was packing his cargo pants pockets with Propeller gear.
Erco got a ticket. Erco like combustibles.
Jon says:
...this could go badly!
A Message from Hackaday.com:
We’re going to have a blast tonight. Make your friends jealous by sharing your experience at Hackaday: The Gathering! Pick your poison:
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-Mike Szczys
I was thinking more of pictures of the "ohs and ahs" when presented with this thing called the Propeller as only Jon and erco can do.
Phew. Lots of beers, lots of fun!
On a frustrating note I approached a guy who was wearing a strip of WS2812 LEDs. I knew the answer before I asked, "What are you using to control them?"
"The Arduino."
"Have you ever considered the Propeller?"
"What's a Propeller?"
Jeepers! This gentleman is part of an LA hacker-space but had never heard of the Propeller. I had some Parallax and EFX-TEK boards with me -- including a Propeller ASC driving an Adafruit 8x5 WS2812 board. When I told him how it worked and how he could have more bandwidth for animating his LEDs he became very interested. We exchanged cards. Hopefully, he'll give the Propeller a try and invite others in his hacker space to join in,
Anyway, the event was the first for Hackaday, and they seem intent on having more that are focus more on tech, less on beer (though that was appreciated by all).
Nice to see you two had fun visiting that gathering. (Never mind the witty remarks I'm thinking of concerning LA.) I also get that response lots of times concerning using a Basic Stamp to animate my logic puzzles from my hackerspace.
I'm probably going to demonstrate your Propellor driven WS2812 LEDs as the Adafruit NeoPixels via my PAB (Prop Activity Board) at the next meeting as well. (If I get around to it, that is. Too much to do, not enough time.) Those are the http://www.adafruit.com/products/1312 as seen here:
They've already seen me wow them with the favorites. But not with a Propellor.
Oh and a point of correction, the word "Oy" which means "Oh" in Yiddish, is typically spelled like that. Although its application has drifted in time, never mind the understanding.
Oy, Ken would have owned the joint in his CCFL shirt. Now where's that pic?
Edit: A flamethrowing bot might have gone over well with this crowd. Less so, the bar owner.
I would've enjoyed this event for certain, always having fun at tech parties.
Ken Gracey
I'll say. I just saw one of our regular contributors in the photostream. Jon your busy explaining what a Prop board is to a group of people.
In my hand is PAB with an encoder being read by 74x165 shift-register (project from my March column -- reads four quadrature encoders with three io pins). The rest of the code used my WAV object to create a random audio player (classic rock only: Stones, Zeppelin, Aerosmith, etc.). I had other boards with me, but didn't have sense enough to take a battery! I had a wall-wart, but no place to plug in....
Evangelism takes many forms.........
Had the HC-8+ and AP-16+ with me as well -- this combo was recently adopted by Legoland for parks and displays around the world.
Thanks, Steve. Lucky, I had the chance to meet with their folks in SoCal before one of their other teams (Europe) had developed a custom solution using the Arduino and yet-to-be-developed show control software. I was able to show them how they could develop animatronic shows with Vixen (freeware) which allows the HC-8+ to control servos, LEDs, and DMX devices. There is a half-duplex serial port on both that allows the HC-8+ to command the AP-16+ to play a specific audio file (usually the same audio used when creating the movement and lighting cues).