Help with robot using capacitive touch
I have this really cool project, completely finished, sitting on a desk for a month now, and I really want to post it here but...
All I need to do is figure out how to "touch" an iPhone screen (capacitive) with ________ and a servo. So mechanically everything is there except the material to make the screen think a human is touching it.
From what I know about capacitive touch screens, your bodies resistance is transferred though the stylus. In this case nobody will be holding anything, it's just a servo moving, tapping a soft button on the screen. Unfortunately the button cannot be mapped to a regular good ol tactile button.
Would there be some way to fake this resistance issue?
All I need to do is figure out how to "touch" an iPhone screen (capacitive) with ________ and a servo. So mechanically everything is there except the material to make the screen think a human is touching it.
From what I know about capacitive touch screens, your bodies resistance is transferred though the stylus. In this case nobody will be holding anything, it's just a servo moving, tapping a soft button on the screen. Unfortunately the button cannot be mapped to a regular good ol tactile button.
Would there be some way to fake this resistance issue?
I will try that, looks like I can even ditch the servo if that works. Neato.
If you want to emulate a finger press you can put a piece of foil (or anything conductive) and short it to the USB ports ground. Works like a charm. Less moving parts. I will probably use a transistor to control the foil.
Now I can say I foiled my phone
Yes, those gloves probably rely on your hand being in them to work though.
So what I did was this:
2N2222, the source would be the same ground as the phone is using. To "press" the button I'm using Parallax Touch sensor, I can't find a link to this one, but it's like this - with shorter leads. I'm only using it because it looks a lot better than tin foil and I also have a bunch of them laying around. Energize the gate and voila, button press.
I added capacitive sensing to my bot for exactly three cents:
I'm making Panographic Time Lapse (panolapse) rig. You can use any camera, but i have an iPhone 4 laying around doing nothing - and it does pano with ease. The BS2 will handle the rest.
I didn't know Panolapse was so popular until about halfway through the project. I kinda thought I was pioneering something at first. Anyway it's a nice break to work with the BS2 and not have to worry about regular robot factors.
I will post it in the projects pretty soon
I'm using the BS2 because there will also be a video for people who don't know what a microcontroller can do for them.
At first I just saw "three cents" and a link and assumed I was getting a touch screen on eBay haha.
Great idea. It would cost me $0.15 since we no longer have pennies in circulation.
I did not know that:;_ylt=A0SO81VfH9BSOQ0AdYxXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEzYzA0MzVpBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA2dxMQR2dGlkA1ZJUDI4Ml8x
In similar fashion (per that article), I did not know the "American zinc lobby" could exert so much force on our government and economy!
Where's the American plywood lobby when I plead my case for robot chasses?
It's the good old "to heck with you as long as I'm OK" principle at work. The "American zinc lobby" couldn't care less about the economy in general as long as they are doing well.