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Prop 2 Prop Serial Communication



  • zlantzzlantz Posts: 136
    edited 2014-01-11 06:31
    Data is still all garbled trash. I really dont understand why this is being so difficult. it works 100% with my gps. i am using the same standard for transferring data.

    i have also noticed 'A' Buffers and 'B' Buffers appearing when only displaying ServoPos's data (not showing buffers at all)

    these 2 pictures are of the p2p_buffer data at the beginning just after longfill & at the end before it repeats the loop. & 'B' Buffer using ser.tx.

    p2p beg.jpgp2p end.jpgp2p B buffer ser.tx.jpg
    1024 x 651 - 62K
    1024 x 649 - 69K
    1024 x 657 - 72K
  • zlantzzlantz Posts: 136
    edited 2014-01-11 07:16
    Ok, so i tried something new... i programmed prop2 to emulate a PC by sending:
        ser.str(pSer, string("$1000|1500|2000|9999|1234|4321|6666|0000|"))   
        ser.tx(pSer, 13)

    then on prop1 i went and just told the servo parsing to listen on pSer instead of pWiFi:
    ' // Get Servo Data from PC  
    PRI rxData : v | i, ch      ' Receive and parse servo data  *** Runs in Own Cog
        rCnt := 0        
        repeat until ser.rx(pSer) == "$"
        repeat i from 0 to 8    
          v := 0
            ch := ser.rx(pSer) 
            case ch
              "0".."9":  v := v*10 + ch-"0"
              other:     quit
          ServoPos[i] := v

    then i send the data out with dio.dec(ServoPos):

    Pub Start | i 
      start_uarts                                   ' Start Uart's  (WiFi - 57600, P2P - 115200)
      cog  := cognew(rxData, @Data_stack) + 1 ' Run to prevent Lock-up during flight if link drops
      waitcnt((clkfreq) + cnt)      ' Start-up Delay  
        Ser.str(pDBG, string("Data IN:  "))  
        repeat i from 0 to 8
          dio.dec(pDBG, ServoPos[i])
          Ser.str(pDBG, string("   "))         
        Ser.tx (pDBG, CR)

    which displays the Correct Data on prop1 as you can see in picture below.

    now, i can send numbers no problems, but alphas??? not sure how to do them too. need to be able to do " N S E W A V - . " and floating point numbers... or will i have to make a code for each of these?

    p2p working.jpg
    1024 x 654 - 100K
  • zlantzzlantz Posts: 136
    edited 2014-01-11 10:41
    What I am currently trying to get to work (any way i can) with alpha-numeric data:

    ' Data OUT (Prop2):
    ' ser.str(pSer, string("$1000|1500|2000|9999|1234|4321|6666|1|1000|1500|2000|9999|1234|4321|777|1111|-2.2G2|44.44|5zY5|5A2b|999|"))

    ' Data IN (Prop1): 1000 1500 2000 9999 1234 4321 6666 1 1000 1500 2000 9999 1234 4321 777 1111 222 4444 55 52 999

    notice -2,2G2 is missing the "-,G", 5zY5 is missing zY, and 5A2b is missing Ab.

    Numbers 100% return.

    Also, i can only use so hgh of a number before it becomes something it is not. way off scale.
    Pub Start | i 
      start_uarts                                   ' Start Uart's  (WiFi - 57600, P2P - 115200)
      cog  := cognew(rxData, @Data_stack) + 1 ' Run to prevent Lock-up during flight if link drops
      waitcnt((clkfreq) + cnt)      ' Start-up Delay  
        Ser.str(pDBG, string("Data IN:  "))  
        repeat i from 0 to 20
          dio.dec(pDBG, ServoPos[i])              
          Ser.str(pDBG, string("   "))         
        Ser.tx (pDBG, CR)
      '              Data OUT (Prop2):
      '  ser.str(pSer, string("$1000|1500|2000|9999|1234|4321|6666|1|1000|1500|2000|9999|1234|4321|777|1111|-2.2G2|44.44|5zY5|5A2b|999|"))   
      '              Data IN (Prop1):   1000 1500 2000 9999 1234 4321 6666 1 1000 1500 2000 9999 1234 4321 777 1111 222 4444 55 52 999
    ' // Get Servo Data from PC  
    PRI rxData : v | i, ch      ' Receive and parse servo data  *** Runs in Own Cog
        rCnt := 0
        repeat until ser.rx(pSer) == "$"
        repeat i from 0 to 20    
          v := 0
            ch := ser.rx(pSer) 
            case ch
              "0".."9":  v := v*10 + ch-"0"        
              "|":       quit
          bytemove(@ServoPos[i], @v, strsize(@v))        ' Trying to display as a string, no luck.  (both this & ServoPos[i] := v works fine)
          'ServoPos[i] := v
  • zlantzzlantz Posts: 136
    edited 2014-01-11 16:27
    Stil at it... trying new things...
    Pub rxP2P | i
        'ser.str(pDBG, string("Start"))
        'ser.tx(pDBG, 13)
        'ser.str(pDBG, string("Begin Repeat"))
        'ser.tx(pDBG, 13)
        repeat while Rx <>= "$"      ' wait for the $ to insure we are starting with
        'repeat while Rx <> "$"      ' wait for the $ to insure we are starting with    
          Rx := ser.rx(pSer)         '   a complete NMEA sentence
        cptr := 0     
        repeat while Rx <>= CR       '  continue to collect data until the end of the NMEA sentence
          Rx := ser.rx(pSer)         '  get character from Rx Buffer      
          if Rx == ","
            p2p_buff[cptr++] := 0    '  If "," replace the character with 0
            p2p_buff[cptr++] := Rx   '  else save the character
          dio.dec(pDBG, cptr - 1)
          ser.str(pDBG, string(":  "))      
          ser.tx(pDBG, Rx)
          ser.str(pDBG, string("   "))
          ser.tx(pDBG, p2p_buff[cptr - 1])      
          ser.tx(pDBG, 13)
        if p2p_buff[0] == "G"             
          if p2p_buff[1] == "P"            
            if p2p_buff[2] == "S"            
                copy_buffer(@GPSb, @GPSa)
        if p2p_buff[0] == "W"             
          if p2p_buff[1] == "A"            
            if p2p_buff[2] == "P"            
                copy_buffer(@WAPb, @WAPa)
        if p2p_buff[0] == "L"             
          if p2p_buff[1] == "C"            
            if p2p_buff[2] == "F"            
                copy_buffer(@LCFb, @LCFa)
        if p2p_buff[0] == "A"             
          if p2p_buff[1] == "I"            
            if p2p_buff[2] == "R"            
                copy_buffer(@AIRb, @AIRa)

    Here is what Rx & p2p_buff is showing at last... but still no data out from ***a (copy_buffer)
    p2p working.jpg
    1024 x 654 - 100K
  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2014-01-11 16:35
    I extracted the following string from one of your pictures yesterday (a bit hard to read at that resolution).
    It is sent through serial to be decoded. This works for me. If you confirm that the above string is correct then I can produce a sample case.
  • zlantzzlantz Posts: 136
    edited 2014-01-11 16:37
    kuroneko wrote: »
    So it now reads longfill(p2p_buff, 0, 20)? What's the value of the start address for this function?

    Ok, so i did some more testing...
    Pub rxP2P | i
        repeat while Rx <>= "$"      ' wait for the $ to insure we are starting with    
          Rx := ser.rx(pSer)         '   a complete NMEA sentence
        cptr := 0     
        repeat while Rx <>= CR       '  continue to collect data until the end of the NMEA sentence
          Rx := ser.rx(pSer)         '  get character from Rx Buffer      
          if Rx == ","
            p2p_buff[cptr++] := 0    '  If "," replace the character with 0
            p2p_buff[cptr++] := Rx   '  else save the character
          dio.dec(pDBG, cptr - 1)
          ser.str(pDBG, string(":  "))      
          ser.tx(pDBG, Rx)
          ser.str(pDBG, string("   "))
          ser.tx(pDBG, p2p_buff[cptr - 1])      
          ser.tx(pDBG, 13)
        if p2p_buff[0] == "G"             
          if p2p_buff[1] == "P"            
            if p2p_buff[2] == "S"            
              copy_buffer(@GPSb, @GPSa)
              ser.str(pDBG, string("Yes"))
              ser.tx(pDBG, 13)    
        if p2p_buff[0] == "W"             
          if p2p_buff[1] == "A"            
            if p2p_buff[2] == "P"            
              copy_buffer(@WAPb, @WAPa)
              ser.str(pDBG, string("Yes"))
              ser.tx(pDBG, 13)    
        if p2p_buff[0] == "L"             
          if p2p_buff[1] == "C"            
            if p2p_buff[2] == "F"            
              copy_buffer(@LCFb, @LCFa)
              ser.str(pDBG, string("Yes"))
              ser.tx(pDBG, 13)    
        if p2p_buff[0] == "A"             
          if p2p_buff[1] == "I"            
            if p2p_buff[2] == "R"            
              copy_buffer(@AIRb, @AIRa)
              ser.str(pDBG, string("Yes"))
              ser.tx(pDBG, 13)    

    And the results are shown in the picture below, all 4 "Yes"'s are being displayed & the data in p2p_buff is displayed correct as well.

    But, there is still no correct values comming out of any copy_buffer(@GPSb, @GPSa).

    At this point, the problem must be in copy_buffer and not rxP2P.

    p2p copy buffer error.jpg
    1024 x 668 - 70K
  • zlantzzlantz Posts: 136
    edited 2014-01-11 16:43
    kuroneko wrote: »
    I extracted the following string from one of your pictures yesterday (a bit hard to read at that resolution).
    It is sent through serial to be decoded. This works for me. If you confirm that the above string is correct then I can produce a sample case.

    looks pretty much right, compare to:
        ser.str(pSer, string("$GPS"))    ' GPS
        ser.str(pSer, string(","))
        ser.str(pSer, Valid)    
        ser.str(pSer, string(","))      
        ser.str(pSer, Date)    
        ser.str(pSer, string(","))
        ser.str(pSer, fs.floattostring(Altitude))
        ser.str(pSer, string(","))
        ser.str(pSer, fs.floattostring(Speed))
        ser.str(pSer, string(","))
        ser.str(pSer, fs.floattostring(Heading))
        ser.str(pSer, string(","))
        ser.str(pSer, Time)
        ser.str(pSer, string(","))
        ser.str(pSer, fs.floattostring(Latitude))
        ser.str(pSer, string(","))
        ser.str(pSer, N_S)    
        ser.str(pSer, string(","))
        ser.str(pSer, fs.floattostring(Longitude))
        ser.str(pSer, string(","))
        ser.str(pSer, E_W)
        ser.str(pSer, string(","))
        ser.str(pSer, Satellites)
        ser.str(pSer, string(","))
        ser.str(pSer, hdop)
        ser.str(pSer, string(","))
        ser.str(pSer, fs.floattostring(Heading2))
        ser.str(pSer, string(","))
        ser.str(pSer, fs.floattostring(SpeedKn))
        ser.str(pSer, string(","))
        ser.str(pSer, SpeedKm)
        ser.str(pSer, string(","))
        ser.str(pSer, fs.floattostring(Lat2))
        ser.str(pSer, string(","))
        ser.str(pSer, N_S2)
        ser.str(pSer, string(","))
        ser.str(pSer, fs.floattostring(Lon2))
        ser.str(pSer, string(","))
        ser.str(pSer, E_W2)

    my result is:
  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2014-01-11 18:42
    This is a cut down version just processing GPS messages. Incoming string can be up to 200 characters in size and hold 20 elements. When the buffer is diplayed I simply scan the A buffer and print its address and - if not empty - the sub string derived from the incoming message.

    For further processing those strings have to be converted to whatever internal representation is required, e.g. latitude should be passed to StringToFloat etc.
  • zlantzzlantz Posts: 136
    edited 2014-01-11 19:59
    kuroneko wrote: »
    This is a cut down version just processing GPS messages. Incoming string can be up to 200 characters in size and hold 20 elements. When the buffer is diplayed I simply scan the A buffer and print its address and - if not empty - the sub string derived from the incoming message.

    For further processing those strings have to be converted to whatever internal representation is required, e.g. latitude should be passed to StringToFloat etc.

    with a strange stroke of luck, I have gotten the GPS version to work!!!
      ' ================ Cog & Stack ================
      long cog1, cog2, cog3
      long P2P_Stack[200], WiFi_Stack[100], Servo_Stack[100]
      ' ================ P2P Buffers ================
      byte p2p_buff[200], Rx
      byte GPSb[100], WAPb[40], LCFb[40], AIRb[40]      
      long GPSa[20], WAPa[20], LCFa[20], AIRa[20]
      long Null[1], cptr, arg, ptr, j
    Pub rxP2P 
      Null[0] := 0               
        repeat while Rx <>= "$"      ' wait for the $ to insure we are starting with    
          Rx := ser.rx(pSer)         '   a complete NMEA sentence
        cptr := 0     
        repeat while Rx <>= CR       '  continue to collect data until the end of the NMEA sentence
          Rx := ser.rx(pSer)         '  get character from Rx Buffer
          if Rx == ","
            p2p_buff[cptr++] := 0    '  If "," replace the character with 0
            p2p_buff[cptr++] := Rx   '  else save the character
        if p2p_buff[0] == "G"             
          if p2p_buff[1] == "P"            
            if p2p_buff[2] == "S"            
              copy_buffer(@GPSb, @GPSa)
        if p2p_buff[0] == "W"             
          if p2p_buff[1] == "A"            
            if p2p_buff[2] == "P"            
              copy_buffer(@WAPb, @WAPa)
        if p2p_buff[0] == "L"             
          if p2p_buff[1] == "C"            
            if p2p_buff[2] == "F"            
              copy_buffer(@LCFb, @LCFa)
        if p2p_buff[0] == "A"             
          if p2p_buff[1] == "I"            
            if p2p_buff[2] == "R"            
              copy_buffer(@AIRb, @AIRa)   
        ' // Update Values
    Pri copy_buffer (buffer,args)
             bytemove(buffer,@p2p_buff,cptr)     '  copy received data to buffer
             ptr := buffer
             arg := 0
             repeat j from 0 to cptr - 1         ' build array of pointers
              if byte[ptr] == 0                  ' to each
                 if byte[ptr+1] == 0             ' record
                    long[args][arg] := Null      ' in 
                 else                            ' the
                    long[args][arg] := ptr+1     ' data buffer
    Pri UpdateProp2Data
        ' // BMP180
        BMP180_Temperature := AIRa[0]
        BMP180_Pressure    := AIRa[1]
        ' // $LCF
        lfLat  := fs.StringToFloat(LCFa[0])        ' Float   
        lfLon  := fs.StringToFloat(LCFa[1])        ' Float
        lfAlt  := fs.StringToFloat(LCFa[2])        ' Float
        gpsLat := fs.StringToFloat(LCFa[3])        ' Float
        gpsLon := fs.StringToFloat(LCFa[4])        ' Float
        gpsAlt := fs.StringToFloat(LCFa[5])        ' Float 
        ' // $WAP
        wCurCnt   := fs.StringToFloat(WAPa[0])     ' Float
        wDist     := fs.StringToFloat(WAPa[1])     ' Float
        wDistance := fs.StringToFloat(WAPa[2])     ' Float
        wMidLat   := fs.StringToFloat(WAPa[3])     ' Float
        wMidLon   := fs.StringToFloat(WAPa[4])     ' Float
        wBearing  := fs.StringToFloat(WAPa[5])     ' Float
        cWAPLat   := fs.StringToFloat(WAPa[6])     ' Float
        cWAPLon   := fs.StringToFloat(WAPa[7])     ' Float
        isWAP     := fs.StringToFloat(WAPa[8])     ' Float
        tRate     := WAPa[9]    
        HomeValid := WAPa[10]    
        ' // $GPS
        Valid      := GPSa[0]
        Date       := GPSa[1]   
        Altitude   := fs.StringToFloat(GPSa[2])    ' Float
        Speed      := fs.StringToFloat(GPSa[3])    ' Float
        Heading    := fs.StringToFloat(GPSa[4])    ' Float
        Time       := GPSa[5]
        Latitude   := fs.StringToFloat(GPSa[6])    ' Float
        N_S        := GPSa[7]
        Longitude  := fs.StringToFloat(GPSa[8])    ' Float
        E_W        := GPSa[9]
        Satellites := GPSa[10]
        hdop       := GPSa[11]
        Heading2   := fs.StringToFloat(GPSa[12])   ' Float
        SpeedKn    := fs.StringToFloat(GPSa[13])   ' Float
        SpeedKm    := GPSa[14]
        Lat2       := fs.StringToFloat(GPSa[15])   ' Float
        N_S2       := GPSa[16]   
        Lon2       := fs.StringToFloat(GPSa[17])   ' Float
        E_W2       := GPSa[18]
        GPS_Alt    := GPSa[19]     

    p2p 100%.jpg
    1024 x 659 - 173K
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