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insert code

Capt. QuirkCapt. Quirk Posts: 872
edited 2014-01-01 13:15 in General Discussion
read_bit   mov     temp,     ina 'read in what is in all the input lines
           andn    temp,     inputmask wz   'mask off except Dout line. Set Z flag
           shl     Dat_red,  #1     'roll right 1 bit to get ready for next bit
     if_nz add     Dat_red,  #1     'if value positive add 1 to data register
           call    #Tog_Clk         'toggle clock to get next bit ready in Dout
           sub     count,    #1 wz  'decrement the "bits read" counter. Set Z flag
     if_nz jmp     #read_bit        'go up and do it again if counter not 0
           wrlong  dat_red,   par   'put it in PAR to share it as P.Val
           call    #Chip_Sel_Hi     'Put chip to sleep by del selecting it
           jmp     #generate        'go back to do it all again

Read_Bit    mov     longTmp,      ina                 ' Read all input pin status, and store in longTmp
            andn    longTmp,      mask26  wz          ' Mask off all pins except Dout pin, and set Z flag

'' SHL (Shift Left) shifts Value left by Bits places and sets the new LSBs to 0.

'' If the WZ effect is specified, the Z flag is set (1) if the resulting Value equals zero. 
'' If the WC effect is specified, the C flag is set equal to Value’s original bit 31. The 
'' result is written to Value unless the NR effect is specified.
                                                '  %00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000
            shl       readData,     #1          '  %00000000_00000000_00000000_0000000    
    if_nz   add       readData,     #1          ' if Z clear,  add 1 to readData.
            call      #Toggle_Clk
            sub       index,        #1    wz  
    if_nz   jmp       #Read_Bit
            mov       parMem,       par
            wrlong    readData,     parMem
            call      #CS_Hi
            jmp       #Generate

' ASM_Book_ReadPot.SPIN


  _XINFREQ = 5_000_000

' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  long PVal
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  fds : "FullDuplexSerial"
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  cognew(@generate, @PVal)
    fds.bin(P_Val, 12)
    fds.tx("  ")
    waitcnt(clkfreq / 60 + cnt)

' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

'' DATA IN is always read from the device 
'' on the RISING EDGE of the clock.

'' DATA OUT is always read from the device 
'' on the FALLING EDGE of the clock.

                  org   0                ' Starting point.
Generate    mov   dira,   SetDira        ' Set Direction.

'' Initiating communication with MCP3208 
'' is done by bringing the CS line low. 

'' If the device was powered up with the 
'' CS pin low, it must be brought high 
'' and back low to initiate communication.

'' The first clock received with CS low 
'' and DIN high will constitute a START 
'' BIT.
              call  #CS_Low              ' Chip select, pull low.
              call  #Clk_Low             ' In order to start, Clk must be set low.
              call  #Din_Hi              ' In order to start, Data In must be set high.
              call  #Toggle_Clk          ' In order for the mcp3208 to read data from the Propeller
                                         ' the, we need to toggle the clock to high and back to configure Start Bit.
                                         ' The first Toggle_clk recieved with CS_low & Din_hi will constitute
                                         ' the first START_BIT. 
'' START_BIT Declared
            call  #Din_Hi                ' Din_hi sets the single or differential mode of the data configuration,   
                                         ' when set Hi the MCP3208 is set to read from 8 single ended inputs.
            call  #Toggle_clk            ' Toggle clk from low to high and back to low to configure Data In.

'' SINGLE_END Declared

            call  #Din_low               ' Din_low sets data configuration bit D2
                                         ' CH 0 input configuration on D2-D0 is %000
            call  #Toggle_Clk            ' Toggle clk from low to high and back to low to configure Data In.
            call  #Din_Low               ' Din_low sets data configuration bit D1
            call  #Toggle_Clk            ' Toggle clk from low to high and back to low to configure Data In.
            call  #Din_Low               ' Din_low sets data configuration bit D0
            call  #Toggle_Clk            ' Toggle clk from low to high and back to low to configure Data In.



'' The MCP3208 will begin to sample the analog
'' input on the fourth rising edge of the clock 
'' after the start bit has been received.

'' Once the D0 bit is input, one more clock is required to
'' complete the sample and hold period (DIN is a “don’t
'' care” for this clock).

'' The sample period will end on the falling 
'' edge of the fifth clock following the start
'' bit.          
              call  #Toggle_Clk           ' Sample period ends            

'' On the falling edge of the next clock, the MCP3208 will 
'' output a low null bit. 

'' The MCP3208 must shift from recieving instruction as the clock 
'' rises, to supplying data on the falling edge of the clock. In 
'' order to do so, it takes 1 1/2 clock cycles to make the change.

              call  #Toggle_Clk               ' Triggers the first output as the Null Bit.
              mov   readData,   #0            ' No real data from the MCP3208, so clear the file location. Mainly applies to the 2nd data
                                              ' read, and every data read afterwards. 
              mov   index,      #12           ' Creates an index that counts down after each Clock Cycle. (it was count)

'' The next 12 clocks will output the result of the conversion 
'' with MSB first. 

'' Data is always output from the device on the falling edge 
'' of the clock. 

'' If all 12 data bits have been transmitted and the device 
'' continues to receive clocks while the CS is held low, the 
'' device will output the conversion result LSB first. 

'' If more clocks are provided to the MCP3208
'' while CS is still low (after the LSB first data has been
'' transmitted), the device will clock out zeros indefinitely.

Read_Bit    mov     longTmp,      ina                 ' Read all input pin status, and store in longTmp
            andn    longTmp,      mask26  wz          ' Mask off all pins except Dout pin, and set Z flag

'' SHL (Shift Left) shifts Value left by Bits places and sets the new LSBs to 0.

'' If the WZ effect is specified, the Z flag is set (1) if the resulting Value equals zero. 
'' If the WC effect is specified, the C flag is set equal to Value’s original bit 31. The 
'' result is written to Value unless the NR effect is specified.
                                                '  %00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000
            shl       readData,     #1          '  %00000000_00000000_00000000_0000000    
    if_nz   add       readData,     #1          ' if Z clear,  add 1 to readData.
            call      #Toggle_Clk
            sub       index,        #1    wz  
    if_nz   jmp       #Read_Bit
            mov       parMem,       par
            wrlong    readData,     parMem
            call      #CS_Hi
            jmp       #Generate

'---------- Subroutines ----------------------------------------------------------      
Clk_Hi          or      outa,     ClkBit
Clk_Bit_ret     ret
Clk_Low         andn    outa,     ClkBit
Clk_Low_ret     ret
Toggle_Clk      call    #Clk_Hi
                call    #Clk_Low
Toggle_Clk_ret  ret
Din_Hi          or      outa,     DinBit
Din_Hi_ret      ret
Din_Low         andn    outa,     DinBit
Din_Low_ret     ret
CS_Hi           or      outa,     CSBit
CS_Hi_ret       ret
CS_Low          andn    outa,     CSBit
CS_Low_ret      ret
Read_Next_Bit   mov     longTmp,    ina
                or      longTmp,    mask26
Read_Next_Bit_ret     ret

' ---------- Constants -------------------------------------------------------------

  SetDira    long   %00001011_11000000_00001111_11111111        'Set dira register
  CSBit      long   %00000001_00000000_00000000_00000000        'Chip select bit     24
  DinBit     long   %00000010_00000000_00000000_00000000        'Data in bit         25
  DoutBit    long   %00000100_00000000_00000000_00000000        'Data out bit        26
  ClkBit     long   %00001000_00000000_00000000_00000000        'Clock bit           27
  Mask26     long   %11111011_11111111_11111111_11111111        'Mask forDout bit only
  Pin23      long   %00000000_10000000_00000000_00000000        'osc line
  Pin22      long   %00000000_01000000_00000000_00000000        'Speaker line

' --------- Variables ------------------------------------------------------------

  longTmp     res   1
  index       res   1
  readData    res   1
  parMem      res   1

' ------------- End of Program ----------------------------------------------------------


' -------------------- Definitions ----------------------------------------------------------------

' CALL  pg. 268
Function of program
Makes an electronic Metronome.

Notes:  Program reads a potentiometer
See details in book

Program         PASM_Book_ReadPot.SPIN
Book            PASM for beginners, Propeller 102
Section         Outputs
Programmer      Harprit Sandhu   
Date            Jan 10 2013

Revisions:      Report errors to
  _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x   'set clock
  _xinfreq = 5_000_000        'crystal freq

  long P_Val                  'declare variable

  fds : "FullDuplexSerial"    'for display to PST

PUB Main  
fds.start(31,30,0,115200)     'start console at 115200 for debug output
  cognew(@generate, @P_Val)   'start new Cog at "generate" and read variable into P_Val in PASM
  repeat                      'loop
    fds.bin(P_val,12)         'print value to the PST in binary 
    fds.tx($d)                'new line 
    fds.dec(P_val)            'print value as decimal 
    fds.tx(" ")               'space       
    fds.tx($1)                'home to 0,0
    waitcnt(clkfreq/60+cnt)   'flicker free wait

DAT         org    0                 'sets the starting point in Cog
generate    mov    dira,   set_dira  'sets direction of the prop pins
            call   #chip_sel_lo      'selects chip by pulling line low 
            call   #Clk_lo           'START. Clock needs to be low to load data
            call   #Din_hi           'must start with Din high to set up 3208
            call   #Tog_clk          'clk hi-lo to read data
            call   #Din_Hi           'SINGLE DIFF mode, will be made Low to load
            call   #Tog_Clk          'toggle clock line hi low to read data                 
            call   #Din_Lo  'D2 Low to load input line sel sequence 000 for line 0
            call   #Tog_Clk 'toggle clock line hi then low to read in the data
            call   #Din_Lo  'D1 Low to load input line sel sequence 000 for line 0
            call   #Tog_Clk 'toggle clock line hi then low to read in the data 
            call   #Din_Lo  'D0 Low to load input line sel sequence 000 for line 0
            call   #Tog_Clk      'toggle clock line hi low to read in the data                 
            call   #Din_Lo       'blank bit needs a clock cycle, next
            call   #Tog_Clk      'toggle clock line hi then low to read the data
                                 'next toggle is for the null bit, nothing read
            call   #Tog_Clk      'toggle clock line hi then low to read the data
            mov    dat_red,  #0        'Clear register we will read data into
            mov    count,    #12       'Counter for number of bits we will read
read_bit    mov    temp,    ina        'read in what is in all the input lines
            andn   temp,    mask26 wz  'mask off except Dout line & Set Z flag
            shl    Dat_red,  #1     'shift register left 1 bit ready for next bit
      if_nz add    Dat_red,  #1     'if value is positive add 1 to data register
            call   #Tog_Clk         'toggle clock to get next bit ready in Dout
            sub    count,    #1 wz  'decrement "bits read" counter. Set Z flag
      if_nz jmp    #read_bit        'go up and do it again if counter not yet 0
            mov    mem,      par    'get address of par into mem
            wrlong dat_red,   mem   'write it in HUB to share it as P.Val
            call   #Chip_Sel_Hi     'Put chip to sleep by de-selecting it
            jmp    #generate        'go back to do it all again
Clk_Hi        or      outa,   clk_bit  'OR it with the Clock Bit to make high
Clk_Hi_ret            ret              'return from this subroutine 

Clk_Lo        andn    outa ,   clk_bit 'ANDN it with the Clock Bi to make low
Clk_Lo_ret            ret              'return from this subroutine

Tog_Clk       call    #Clk_hi          'make clock bit high
              call    #clk_lo          'make clock bit low
Tog_Clk_ret           ret              'return from this subroutine

Din_Hi        or      outa ,   din_Bit 'Makes the Din high
Din_Hi_ret            ret              'return from this subroutine

Din_Lo        andn    outa ,   din_Bit 'makes Din low
Din_Lo_ret            ret              'return from this subroutine

Chip_Sel_Hi   or      outa ,   chs_Bit 'Makes Chip select high
Chip_Sel_Hi_ret       ret              'return from this subroutine

Chip_Sel_Lo   andn    outa,   chs_Bit  'makes chip select low
Chip_Sel_Lo_ret       ret              'return from this subroutine

Read_Next_Bit mov     temp,  ina       'Get the INA register
              or      temp,  mask26    'mask all but Din bit
Read_Next_Bit_ret     ret              'return from this subroutine
'Constants. This is similar to the CON block in SPIN but these are not constants
'because they can be changed.  These are initial values.
Set_dira   long   %00001011_11000000_00001111_11111111   'Set dira register
Chs_Bit    long   %00000001_00000000_00000000_00000000   'Chip select bit     24
Din_Bit    long   %00000010_00000000_00000000_00000000   'Data in bit         25
Dout_Bit   long   %00000100_00000000_00000000_00000000   'Data out bit        26
Clk_Bit    long   %00001000_00000000_00000000_00000000   'Clock bit           27
mask26     long   %11111011_11111111_11111111_11111111   'Mask forDout bit only
Pin_23     long   %00000000_10000000_00000000_00000000   'osc line
Pin_22     long   %00000000_01000000_00000000_00000000   'Speaker line
'Variables. This section is similar to the VAR block in SPIN. 
'These are blank variable space designators
temp        res    1    'temporary storage variable, misc
count       res    1    'read bit counter
Dat_Red     res    1    'data being read
mem         res    1    'par location
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