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The end of Incandescent Lamps. Heater is worried. - Page 8 — Parallax Forums

The end of Incandescent Lamps. Heater is worried.



  • RDL2004RDL2004 Posts: 2,554
    edited 2014-01-10 10:59
    I plan on purchasing more LED lights but currently, the several thousand dollars for a whole house replacement program is a bit daunting.

    At this point I think they're like hard drives, don't buy them until you need them, the price will come down.

    That's the Cree bulb I've been recommending, if you go by what they have printed on the package, payback is probably about 2 years. If it's a light that's on a lot, it'll be much sooner.
  • WBA ConsultingWBA Consulting Posts: 2,936
    edited 2014-01-10 16:41
    I while back I saw a demo setup somewhere of an LED bulb that had an assortment of LEDs under it's hood to really bring out colors in a room. Does anyone know the bulb I am talking about? I haven't been able to find it in my searches. It had something like 20+ LEDs that were in an assortment of white (~80%), blue (~10%), and the last 10% was green, yellow, and other whites.
  • RDL2004RDL2004 Posts: 2,554
    edited 2014-01-14 17:12
    Seems like I read somewhere that the manufacturers had said it doesn't matter anyway because they had already retooled their factories some time ago. I think that was in response to some other lighting law that had been defunded though.

    edit: Yeah, in was in the Wikipedia artlcle about the U.S. Lighting Energy Policy (what a convoluted mess that is)

    There's also this old ABC News blog post:
  • Martin_HMartin_H Posts: 4,051
    edited 2014-01-14 17:40
    Does this mean that I bought 24 60 Watt bulbs for nothing?
  • W9GFOW9GFO Posts: 4,010
    edited 2014-01-14 18:04
    Martin_H wrote: »
    Does this mean that I bought 24 60 Watt bulbs for nothing?

    Hey, I'd like to know where I can get 24 60W bulbs for nothing!
  • Martin_HMartin_H Posts: 4,051
    edited 2014-01-14 18:51
    W9GFO wrote: »
    Hey, I'd like to know where I can get 24 60W bulbs for nothing!

    Groan, I walked into that one.
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,261
    edited 2014-01-14 18:52
    Martin_H wrote: »
    Does this mean that I bought 24 60 Watt bulbs for nothing?

    Hoarders never prosper. Recall the Twinkie hoarding craze, after they "stopped production":

    1000 x 610 - 106K
  • Too_Many_ToolsToo_Many_Tools Posts: 765
    edited 2014-01-14 19:38
    whicker wrote: »
    What does it matter when they're all in collusion?
    Or rather, they cater to the ones with the most speech. because after all speech == money.

    and that's about as political as I'll get here.

    LOL..well as it has been pointed out it does matter.

    And in a democracy if you don't like the current law you work to change it.

    FWIW...incandescent bulbs are a mature technology while others are still evolving..and the costs reflect that.

    I am in favor of technology that helps make the United States energy independent with minimal impact on the environment.
  • Too_Many_ToolsToo_Many_Tools Posts: 765
    edited 2014-01-14 19:45
    On the contrary, no one has supplied any information with evidence to back it up, outside of Phil's link in post #129. Which makes it anecdotal. I'm just helping bring the evidence to the table.

    For anyone that wants to wade through the 310-page House Bill:

    Thanks for posting the info.
  • KotobukiKotobuki Posts: 82
    edited 2014-01-15 04:29
    O.K., I know that I said that I would not post on this thread anymore. But I simply cannot help myself...


    Bad law go byebye. (And to think, I will never have to buy real lightbulbs again.... I have a lifetime supply! :-)

    Allright, now I can get back to my computer project.



    P.S. The best part about this is that now, everybody can be happy! Those who like CFLs and LEDs will still be able to get them (and I suspect that LEDs will be subsidized for a while either by the U.S. or China, so they will be more affordable), and those of us who prefer the warm, yellow/redish glow of incandescent can have those as well without having to use the ultra white Halogen lights. A win-win for everyone!


  • artkennedyartkennedy Posts: 174
    edited 2014-01-15 16:32
    CREE LED bulbs available exclusively (for now) at Home Depot are reasonably priced, available in daylight or incandescent yellow (yuck) and I love 'em.

    @Heater - So, in Northern climes the lights are off in the summer? In warmer areas interior lighting increases the AC load. I have even read that some commercial buildings must run the AC in the winter to remove heat caused by extreme commercial lighting standards - read that back in the '80s. Hopefully not true these days.
  • SRLMSRLM Posts: 5,045
    edited 2014-01-15 18:22
    artkennedy wrote: »
    I have even read that some commercial buildings must run the AC in the winter to remove heat caused by extreme commercial lighting standards - read that back in the '80s. Hopefully not true these days.

    The Mall of America is known for using their cooling system, even during winter. There's even a Reddit thread on the subject:
  • localrogerlocalroger Posts: 3,452
    edited 2014-01-15 20:14
    Today I needed a magnifying desk lamp, and since the boss was paying for it I got a nice little LED job. The light quality is fine, the native LED construction means the light comes out from a very even diffuse ring around the bottom of the magnifier, and I can put it inches from my face and not feel like I'm getting sunburned or parbroiled. Forty bucks of my boss's money well spent, I conclude.
  • User NameUser Name Posts: 1,451
    edited 2014-01-15 21:24
    This whole situation really is comical!

    But it has influenced my life. A couple weeks ago I fell in love with cheap halogen bulbs. Just today I replaced more CFLs in the house with halogens. For some crazy reason I absolutely love their bright white light!! It's not just the whiteness, either. It's that fact that the white is legit - composed of a continuous spectrum and not some crusty mix of three scabby colors.
  • Ron CzapalaRon Czapala Posts: 2,418
    edited 2014-01-16 05:55
    You can always go to Texas for incandescent bulbs... I guess this is still in force.

    Texas Incandescent Light Bulb Bill Becomes Law
    Gov. Rick Perry has signed into law a bill that would permit the manufacture and sale of incandescent light bulbs within the state of Texas, thus circumnavigating a federal law banning their use by 2012.

    So, unless and until the law is overturned in the courts, it will still be legal for Texans to buy traditional incandescent light bulbs in lieu of the more energy efficient, but also much more expensive and environmentally hazardous florescent light bulbs. That is at least in theory. Tungsten, an element in incandescent light bulbs, is not mined in Texas. If it is imported from out of state, a court might suggest that it makes the home grown manufacture of light bulbs interstate commerce and thus subject to the federal ban,

    Texas Nullifies Federal Light Bulb Ban
  • Too_Many_ToolsToo_Many_Tools Posts: 765
    edited 2014-01-16 17:35
    User Name wrote: »
    This whole situation really is comical!

    But it has influenced my life. A couple weeks ago I fell in love with cheap halogen bulbs. Just today I replaced more CFLs in the house with halogens. For some crazy reason I absolutely love their bright white light!! It's not just the whiteness, either. It's that fact that the white is legit - composed of a continuous spectrum and not some crusty mix of three scabby colors.

    I would be very careful about using halogens without considering the receptacle and surroundings.

    When they run, they run HOT...and they have to run properly...anything around them combustible is fair game.

    I know of two houses that have burned to the ground because their owners did not think before they used them.
  • prof_brainoprof_braino Posts: 4,313
    edited 2014-01-16 20:02
    artkennedy wrote: »
    I have even read that some commercial buildings must run the AC in the winter to remove heat caused by extreme commercial lighting standards - read that back in the '80s. Hopefully not true these days.

    In '96 I worked at an HVAC company, and we learned to calculate the heat load on a building. We used what I think was a typical skyscaper in down town Chicago. Turns out they only need to turn the heat on when its -20.
  • leona912leona912 Posts: 1
    edited 2014-03-26 23:34
    Well, a lot of interesting talk here, so here is my first post, wants to talk about something too. I remember I read a blog about CFLs and it said Once a CFL has smashed, it’s suggested that people should ventilate a room and evacuate for 15 minutes. Householders are advised to wear protective gloves when wiping the area of the break with a damp cloth and picking up fragments of glass. The cloth and glass should be placed in a plastic bag and sealed. And then the fragments are taken as hazardous waste to a recycling centre.
    So I just changed my CFLs to LEDs, CFL is good for energy saving but not taht good in protecting environment right? So not mention incandescent bulbs.
    My source of CFLs is from this blog hope it can be helpful. My first post here correct me if I made some mistakes. :)
  • ElectricAyeElectricAye Posts: 4,561
    edited 2014-03-27 05:38
    I was intensely irked when I heard the government was outlawing incandescent light bulbs, and I hate fluorescent lighting, ergo I was all ready to stockpile a lifetime supply of incandescent bulbs. However, I recently bought an LED bulb from Home Depot, expecting to loathe every minute of its operation, only to discover I kinda like it. I can't tell much difference in the color of the light and I don't get that dance-floor stroboscopic flicker I peripherally perceive with fluorescent lighting. My only question now is: will the darn things last long enough to justify the higher price?

    I say screw the CFLs! LEDs look like a better solution to me.
  • localrogerlocalroger Posts: 3,452
    edited 2014-03-27 19:41
    I recently needed a magnifying desk lamp at work and since I was spending my boss's money I went for the LED version, which was smaller and lighter than either the incandescent or CFL versions.

    And it's WONDERFUL. The LED's are arranged in a ring around the magnifier for totally even lighting when using it that way, and I can put it up right against my face for close work without getting a sunburn or heat stroke. The light is more pleasant than either most incandescent or flourescent, with a higher color temperature than incandescent but not the absence of warm tones you see with a lot of flourescents. I have spent hours at a time under this lamp assembling circuit boards and am totally happy with it. I have mostly CFL's in my home now but will be replacing them with LED's as they fail.
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