My Spin Logic is not Logical?
Posts: 420
I'm attempting to program my Prop-Mini.
pub RCinput should be able to make a decision as to what subroutine I want to go to.
What appears to be happening, is that Qaitpeq seems to be working.
The current drawn by the prop and key fob remote is about 21ma before any button press on the key fob remote.
When I press any button on the keyfob remote, it seems that the program drops through and goes to TurnLeft.
Program appears to be ignoring my IF INA statements and going directly to the TurnLeft subroutine.
I've been looking at programs in the OBEX and any message threads I could find for a number of hours now
in an attempt at finding an example that was similar in some manner to my program, but could not find anything
I've gone over the IF, ELSIF section of the Propeller Manual v1.2 and feel like there is something very basic that
I'm not understanding.
When I copied and Pasted my code using the
I'm attempting to program my Prop-Mini.
pub RCinput should be able to make a decision as to what subroutine I want to go to.
What appears to be happening, is that Qaitpeq seems to be working.
The current drawn by the prop and key fob remote is about 21ma before any button press on the key fob remote.
When I press any button on the keyfob remote, it seems that the program drops through and goes to TurnLeft.
Program appears to be ignoring my IF INA statements and going directly to the TurnLeft subroutine.
I've been looking at programs in the OBEX and any message threads I could find for a number of hours now
in an attempt at finding an example that was similar in some manner to my program, but could not find anything
I've gone over the IF, ELSIF section of the Propeller Manual v1.2 and feel like there is something very basic that
I'm not understanding.
When I copied and Pasted my code using the
thing, I don't appear to get that grey box that I usually see. My program is pretty wordy, I'm hoping that someone can give suggestions on where I'm going wrong. Thanks in advance for any comments, help etc. Garyg [code] pub RCinput ' WAITPEQ, "Wait for Pin(s) to Equal" Reduce power consumption by 7/8 while waiting ' "|< Pin" is called Bitwise Decode Operator. ' Waitpeq (|<15, |<15, 0) The 0 is the port which on Propeller1 is always 0 ' Pin 15 is the Key Fob Remote VT input, It goes high when any remote button is pressed. Waitpeq (|<15, |<15, 0) 'I should be able to pause program execution 'until A,B,C or D is selected on the 'Keychain fob. 'Program always goes to left turn signal. 'I put this waitcnt delay in there in case there are 'unstable outputs from the Key Fob Remote receiver. 'Maybe the output is unstable for the 1st second or two, while the 'Prop-mini is waking up. waitcnt (60_000_000 + cnt) 'Now I need to check which input is actually active and send the result to 'the proper turn signal direction. If INA[11]:=1 TurnLeft If INA[12]:=1 TurnRight If INA[13]:=1 AutoArmSignal else RCinput 'If none of the buttons on the Keychain Fob have been pressed the program 'should return back to the RCinput beginning and put the PropMini back 'into power conserve mode. RCinput pub TurnLeft 'What needs to be resolved here in the TurnLeft subroutine is that 'I need to check for a different button press on the Key Fob Remote and 'Either GOTO TurnRight or turn all LEDs off and return back to RCinput counter :=0 repeat counter from 0 to 31 !outa[0] 'Left LED !outa[1] 'Center LED 'The drop out of the repeat counter is only checked 'after the outputs toggle. This may work out ok, maybe. ' if INA[12]:=1 ' TurnRight ' if INA[14]:=1 ' Cancel waitcnt (30_000_000 + cnt) outa[0] :=0 outa[1] :=0 RCinput Pub TurnRight 'What needs to be resolved here in the TurnRight subroutine is that 'I need to check for a different button press on the Key Fob Remote and 'Either GOTO TurnLeft or turn all LEDs off and return back to RCinput counter :=0 repeat counter from 0 to 31 !outa[2] 'Right LED !outa[1] 'Center LED ' if INA[11]:=1 ' TurnLeft ' if INA[14]:=1 ' Cancel waitcnt (30_000_000 + cnt) outa[2]:=0 outa[1]:=0 RCinput PUB AutoArmSignal 'This subroutine is reserved for when I attempt to use Tilt Switches 'Mounted in the jacket sleeve to operate the directionals. 'The repeat looks for Low on Key Fob Remote VT. then returns to RCinput. repeat repeat until INA[15]:=0 RCinput Pub Cancel 'Turn off all LEDs, pause a bit to allow time for Key Fob Remote button 'to be released, then return to RCinput. Outa[0] :=0 Outa[1] :=0 Outa[2] :=0 repeat repeat until INA[15]:=0 Waitcnt (30_000_000 + cnt) RCinput
If you want to check to see what a pin state is, use ==, not :=
:= is to SET a pin to a state. == is to read the state.
if INA[11] == 1 NOT if INA[11]:=1
repeat until INA[15] == 0 NOT repeat until INA[15 ]:= 0
outa[0] :=0
outa[1] :=0
To use this code setting the outputs 0 and 1 to 0, make sure that somewhere else in the same COG you have established the pins as outputs using the format DIRA[0] := 1
You can also set a group of pins like this DIRA[0..1]~~
Make sure not to wait too long before asking for help again.
T CHAP - I followed all of your suggestions.
My system is now working correctly and
In case you didn't notice, I now have the grey code box with properly displayed code.
kuroneko - While I really don't understand about running out of stack space, I will attempt to wrap
my RCinput subroutine in a repeat statement.
I'm thinking that what you are telling me is that I should not tell the RCinput program to return to it's beginning by
just typing RCinput at the bottom of that subroutine.
Duane - I always like attempting to find the answers myself if I can.
If I'm not able to succeed in that endevor, I ask in the forum.
After asking in the forum, within a few hours or minutes, I always have the answer or am pointed in the correct direction.
I've attached my latest revisions below.
While my notes need lots of cleaning up and the program needs to be developed further
it may help someone in some manner.
BLINKER - 7th TRY.spin
Thanks again
In this code, both repeats will function
In your code above,
The TurnLeft method will ALWAYS run, since it is not indented at least one space to the right under If Ina[11]:=1
EDIT: I looked at the file you uploaded and at a glance it appears you have corrected the indention.
You've still got a serious problem with your code.
You're still treating method calls like "GOTO" statements rather than "GOSUB" statements.
For example when call "TurnLeft" the code will eventually return to the line after the call (if the "TurnLeft" method were ever allowed to finish (as it is now, "TurnLeft" never returns flow back to the original location in code)).
You need to remove all the "RCinput" calls at the end of you methods (with the exception of Main). Your program won't work for very long the way it's currently written.
Instead of the "RCinput" call at the end of your methods, you need to make RCinput into a continuous loop with a repeat statement (as kuroneko mentioned earlier).
I'm very willing to fix these errors if you'd like me to but I'm sure you'd rather give a go yourself first.
I'll start you out with a hint.
Remove the "RCinput" calls from the end of all your methods except "main" and modify "RCinput" like this:
I was able to correct the indention.
Thanks for your explinations.
Program is running pretty good, except for one glitch.
I found a few hours to research more on all of the suggestions offered on this message thread.
I updated my program to reflect all of your suggestions.
I've loaded and tested the program on my Prop-Mini and it works pretty good.
The only thing that is not quite as smooth as I would like it, has to do with getting very
button happy on my remote, changing from left to right and back again with very quick button jabs on the remote
will occasionally cause ambiguous display LEDs to stay on.
Pressing any button again, for just a bit longer corrects this problem and everyting goes back to normal.
I would really appreciate someone looking over my revised program to see if I'm correctly following the
spin programming.
I'll attempt to attach my code here BLINKER - 8th TRY.spin
and I'll attempt to use the code brackets thing below
Thanks for all your help
I feel like I'm learning something.
It looks good to me.
There are several formatting issues but these don't effect the function of the program, just it's readability.
As T Chap mentioned previously:
Adding indentations when they're not required can make code more confusing.
Here's the way I'd indent the "LeftTurn" method (I removed most of the comments to make the indentation easier to see).
There are a few things I'm not clear about.
I just looked at the code again. I don't think you're exiting the method the way you intend to. For example in the "LeftTurn" method your "return" statements don't turn off any LEDs which may be on. If you change your "return" statements to "quit" then the loop will end and take care of the end of method housekeeping before returning to the "RCinput" main loop. I think your program would behave more like you expect it to if you replace all the "return" statements with "quit". I think this should clear up the trouble you're having when multiple buttons are pressed one after another.