C3 and XMMC
Posts: 3,837
I started a new project using the C3, now I want it too work just like the program that I have for the DNARTC board. For the C3 I am using the softRTC and I am using the XMMC mode. On the DNARTC board I was using the CMM mode, and I was starting COGs to do the background tasks, to run sht11 and my senselog. So, the big question is, how do I accomplish the same thing on the C3 board, using XMMC mode? I know threads are available, but I doubt that it could be set up too run like a COG, doing its own thing. Anybody have any ideas or suggestions?
This program, at this stage, is running as expected in LMM, and XMMC modes, so that is a good sign.
Other than defining it, I don't see where you actually give waitdelay any value. Don't you need to provide an actual time to wait somehow? It's probably working just as you indicate but the delay is 0 plus execution time of the code in the loop.
The other thing that I noticed is that not everything will work in a cogc form, I tried using sleep(1), the cogc did not except that, for whatever reason, or at least the compiler did not like that. It also did not like waitcnt(CNT + CLKFREQ), this is standard stuff in the xxx.c program.
waitcnt(a) is nothing more than "wait until the system timer reaches this number". The normal way to accomplish a 1ms wait would be:
So you establish that you want to wait 80_000_000/1_000 ticks or 80_000 ticks. Lets say system timer is currently at 10_000 ticks.
Then you tell waitcnt() that you want to wait until timer is at 10_000+80_000 or 90_000 ticks.
I'm not familiar with waitcnt2() but waitcnt() is certainly able to fill the need to set a blink rate. You have the right syntax right in there with this earlier line which would produce a 1000ms blink rate:
This would give 1ms blink:
This would give a 100ms blink:
Exclusive OR. It acts to toggle the pin. If both values are 1 then the result is 0 and that result is stored back into _OUTA. If one bit is 0 and the other bit is 1 then it acts as a normal OR and the result is 1 and is stored back into _OUTA.
As for the actual blink of the LED, I was aware that '^=' is a toggle functionality, but what if you want set 'OUTA' so that it actually sets the pin state too a '1' or '0'? Like I mentioned earlier, in PASM 'OUTA[23] = 1' is what you would do, but in the cogc function this does not compile. Could not find the correct form to make this work in a cogc function.
Your blink_cog_count variable needs to be part of the mailbox, otherwise it shouldn't work.
m->blink_count_cog = 15;
The printf will have:
printf("Count = %d\n",par.m.blink_cog_count);
Set outa to pin mask:
OUTA |= pin; // as photomankc said OR the MASK
Clear outa to pin mask:
OUTA &= ~pin; // as photomankc said AND the inverse MASK ... ~ in C means invert
From the very small amount of information that is available, I get the impression that a cogc COG is a normal sized COG, meaning just because you are using XMMC mode, does not mean that the cogc grows beyond the ~396 byte size. Not sure how this uses the HUB memory though, does it just share the 32k?
I tried implementing the sht11.c into one of the cogc functions, the program did not like that at all. It seems that the sht11.c relies heavily on the simpletools library and the addition of a cogc function does not like simpletools.h. More experimentation is being done, I just do not know where this is heading.