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Problem in processing depth data to avoid obstacles using C# — Parallax Forums

Problem in processing depth data to avoid obstacles using C#

RozaRoza Posts: 11
edited 2013-12-17 21:55 in Robotics
I am trying to use depth data to avoid obstacles for eddie. However I am not getting expected result. Can anybody pls guide me where I made wrong? I want to change kinect setting to near mode and resolution setting to 80x60? Pls tell me also how to do this in my following C# code:

public void ProcessRawFrame(kinect.RawKinectFrames frames)
lowestObstacle = ObstaclePosition.Clear;

this.RawFrames = frames;
if (null != this.RawFrames.RawDepthFrameData)
short[] pixelData = new short[frames.RawDepthFrameData.Length];
int[] depth = new int[pixelData.Length];
frames.RawDepthFrameData.CopyTo(pixelData, 0);

for (int i = 0; i < pixelData.Length; i++)
depth = pixelData >> 3;
if (depth >= 3000 && depth <= 4000)
lowestObstacle = ObstaclePosition.front;


Thank you


  • RozaRoza Posts: 11
    edited 2013-12-17 21:55
    added the following code.

    public KinectSensor sensor;


    But now It shows the error:
    Assembly signing failed; output may not be signed -- Error signing assembly -- The process cannot access the file

    Now I am in great need to solve the problem. I got stuck. Please help me!!

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